Current Projects

Mandarin Chinese language teaching

I teach hour-long, small group classes for preteens through adults over Zoom, with fall 2023 lessons beginning on October 1. Email me for information about how to join a class.

I also create short read-along videos for scaffolding, supported independent reading through my YouTube channel.

Language teacher training

I present at local, national, and international conferences for language instructors on a wide range of topics, informed by research and from my own & others' teaching practices. 

See my calendar for what's coming up.

In summer 2023, Cheng & Tsui published my book, Comprehension-Based Chinese: Comprehension-Based Language Teaching Strategies to Develop Students' Chinese Proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.  


I'm involved in several research projects related to language teaching and learning. My research tends to relate to how teachers can facilitate students' language and intercultural learning in classroom settings, and how teachers choose and learn those teaching skills.

My most recent publication is with Pam Wesely, about language teachers' use of summer conferences as professional development. In January 2024, a book chapter publishing my study with Reed Riggs of language play in a beginning Mandarin Chinese classroom will be available.


I am a consultant for school districts, state departments of education, and language education companies and associations on a variety of topics related to language teaching, learning, and research.

My calendar shows upcoming events.