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PhD and postdoc positions in Modeling quantum materials out of equilibrium @ JSI, Ljubljana

There is an opening for a Ph.D. and/or Postdoc positions at Jožef Stefan Institute as a part of a funding program of Slovenian Research Fund (ARRS). The candidate will focus on the nonequilibrium quantum dynamics to study problems at the interface of theoretical condensed matter physics, strongly correlated systems, and statistical physics within the Department of Theoretical physics.

The candidate will primarily work with Denis Golež, as well as other members of the department (R. Žitko, J. Mravlje, P. Prelovšek). We will strongly encourage close collaboration with the experimental group of Prof. Dragan Mihailovic (Department of Complex Materials) to apply the theoretical description to the state-of-the-art experimental techniques, like ultra-fast optical response and scanning tunnelling microscopy.

The starting date is flexible and preferably at the beginning of 2022. There is no deadline for the application; however, the positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found. The appointment is initially for 3.5 years for the PhD position and 2 years for the postdoc position.

The research program will include:

  • Developing theoretical proposals to utilize driving to find new functionalities of correlated materials.

  • Manipulation of ordered states by light~(Mott or excitonic insulators, quantum magnetism, etc. ).

  • Realistic simulations of qubit setups.

  • Development of data compression techniques for nonequilibrium field theory as part of the open-source project

Moreover, candidates will be embedded in the global research environment with envisioned collaborations including the Flatiron Institute (Prof. Antoine George and Prof. Andrew Millis), University of Fribourg (Prof. Philipp Werner), and University of Erlangen (Prof. Martin Eckstein).

Candidates should have a degree in Physics and excellent skills in theoretical and computation physics~(knowledge of C++ is a plus). Your application should include CV, a short statement about your research interests and publications, and be sent by e-mail as a single pdf file attachment to Dr. Denis Golež (