Co-organizing the

NGSCES2020 @ Malta:

The conference has been postponed on the summer 2021 due to the COVID-19 situation.

Talks and slides

This is not a complete list so please contact me if you would like slides from some other event

  1. Photodoped charge transfer insulators @ Taming Non-Equilibrium Systems: from Quantum Fluctuation to Decoherence, July 2019 [pdf]

  2. Computational challenges in modeling excitonic insulator @ CCQ, May 2020 [pdf]

  3. Dynamics of screening in the extended Hubbard model @ FISMAT, October 2017 [pdf]

  4. Relaxation dynamics in Mott insulators: the role of collective modes @ Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, University of Duissburg and University of Göttingen [pdf]