Nov 14-16

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) Society Conference, New Orleans

"Temporal Agency at Work"

October 17-19

ASAP Conference, "Not a Luxury" - CUNY Graduate Center, New York

"Inclusive Luxury: An Oxymoron? A Philosophical-Poetic Exploration"

"The Point of Post-Work"

August 3

25th World Philosophy Congress - La Sapienza University, Rome

"Aspirational Meaningful Work"

July 11

"Emotional Labor: Disparities among Genders at Work and Beyond" Ecosystem Hub - New York University 

"Status Labor"

June 29

Social Justice Theory Workshop - Concordia University, Montreal


June 11

Midi de l'Éthique - Centre de Recherche en Éthique, Montreal

"Status Labor"

April 5

Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Time, Technology, and Capitalism - Concordia University, Montreal

"What Is the Point of Post-Work?"

March 28

Conférence des étudiant.e.s en philosophie - Université de Montréal

"De chacun selon son statut : le travail invisible du statut dans les hiérarchies sociales"

March 20-23

APA Pacific Meeting - Portland, Oregon

"Status Labor"

March 15

Launch of the Philosophy of Work Network 

Co-org. with Pablo Gilabert

February 15-16

Hybrid workshop "Paradigms of Justice" - Goethe University, Frankfurt 

Co-organized with Luigi Caranti and Rainer Forst

"Status Labor"

January 26

Democratic Innovation and Democratic Governance Workshop - HEC & CRE, Montreal


June 8-9

Social Justice Theory Workshop - Concordia University, Montreal

May 26

Tandon School of Engineering, New York University



December 1

Atelier de philosophie moderne et contemporaine, Université de Laval

June 22-24

"The Future of Work: Philosophical and Economic Perspectives", Erasmus University Rotterdam

June 20

RANT Workshop, Dutch Research School of Philosophy, Nijmegen

April 21

50th Annual Philosophy Symposium, California State University - Fullerton, Los Angeles

April 13

Info Session: Dottorato in Filosofia - Society for Women in Philosophy, Italy (online)

March 31

Political Philosophy Workshop - Radboud University, Nijmegen

"Labor Automation for Fair Cooperation: Should Machines Provide Meaningful Work for All?"

March 24

"Working in the Digital Age" - Università degli Studi di Torino

February 14

Radboud Center for Philosophy and Society Workshop - Radboud University, Nijmegen


October 15

Seminario di Teoria Critica "Razza, Lavoro, Biografie", Pisa (online)

July 22

Workshop "Labor Justice and the Transformation of Work", Barcelona (online)

"Normative Concerns of Algorithmic Management in the Light of Gig Workers' 'Tricking the Algorithm' Practices"

May 7

Annual meeting Parr Center (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) /CRE/Chaire Hoover (online)

"When Your Boss Is an Algorithm: The Problem with the Re-Taylorization of Labor and Algorithmic Management"

May 5

Recherches en Philosophie de l'économie

Les invisibles et les inaudibles de la philosophie: Congres annuel de la Société de Philosophie du Québec (online)

"Enjeux normatifs de la gestion algorithmique du travail dans l'économie à la tâche"

February 27

Invited Symposium 'The Nature and Desirability of a Post-Work Future'

American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, New Orleans (online)

"Post-Work Ethic and Labor Justice"

February 25

Session "Ethics and Employment", PPE Society

American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, New Orleans (online)

January 28-29


Centre for Research on Ethics, University of Montreal (online)

Workshop organized with Hannah Carnegy-Arbuthnott, Pablo Gilabert, Juliette Roussin


November 2020 - May 2021


Centre for Research on Ethics, University of Montreal (online)

October 13

Laureate of the TaxCOOP 35 Leaders of the Future 2020 excellence list 

World Tax Summit 2020 

April 24

Les midis de l'éthique

Centre for Research on Ethics, University of Montreal (online)

"Relational Equality in the Division of Labor"

April 11 (cancelled)

Invited Symposium 'The Nature and Desirability of a Post-Work Future'

APA Pacific Division Meeting (San Francisco) 

"Post-Work Ethic and Labor Justice"

January 7

Seminar 'Kant in South America'

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Investigações Kantianas, Florianopolis, Brazil

"Assessing the Kantian Interpretation of Meaningful Work"


December 12

Atelier de philosophie moderne et contemporaine

Université de Laval 

"Automatisation et justice sociale"

December 3

Seminar 'Ethique de l'intelligence artificielle'

Université du Québec à Montréal

Discussion on my article "Automation, Labour Justice, and Equality"

August 22

Roundtable on Lea Ypi's paper 'The Moral Ought in 'As If' History'

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil


March 25

Seminar 'Le concept de classes sociales'

Université de Paris X Nanterre 

"Actualiser le concept de classe au -delà de la 'bataille des paradigmes': bilan critique du parcours de Erik Olin Wright"

March 26

Workshop 'Les inégalités au croisement de la philosophie et des sciences sociales'

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

"Les inégalités de statut dans la division du travail : la perspective de l'égalitarisme relationnel"

February 25


"Cooperating As Peers: Labor Justice between Distributive and Relational Equality"

January 25

Meeting "The Hard Problem"

New York University

"The Normative Problem of Work: An Overview"

(Co-org. with K. Anthony Appiah, Paul Boghossian, David Frayne, Riccardo Zago)


October 11-13

Multilateral Kant Colloquium, University of Catania 

Co-organization with Nunzio Ali, Luigi Caranti

July 6

Conference 'Women in Philosophy'

University Vrije of Amsterdam

"Three Models of Labor Justice"

March 16

'Atelier de philosophie politique et sociale'

Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

"Justice distributive et éthiques du travail : quelles réponses aux inégalités du travail?"


July 15

Summer school in Political Philosophy and Public Policy, 'Philosophy of Work

University of Minho, Braga, Portugal

"Automation of Labor as a Problem of Justice"

May 5

'Redistribution and Recognition: Calling Paradigms of Justice into Question'

Conference, University of Catania - Organization

Funding: French Embassy in Italy -Institut Français en Italie

May 17, 2016

'Lorella Cedroni' Prize for the MA Thesis in Political Theory  'La classe conta. Erik Olin Wright e il marxismo'

Sapienza University of Rome