I am assistant professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the Université de Montréal. My primary areas of research are contemporary political and social philosophy and applied ethics, with a focus on the philosophy of work and particular attention to social inequalities and technological change. 

Starting June 2024, I am "Ésope" Philosophy Chair holder for the project "Ghost Work/Le travail fantôme." I co-direct the research axis "Ethics and Economics" at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique (with Dominic Martin) and I coordinate, with Pablo Gilabert, the Philosophy of Work Network

I was previously assistant professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy, with expertise in Philosophy of Technology, at Radboud University in the Netherlands (iHub on Digitalization and Society), a Postdoctoral Fellow in Ethics and Politics/Economics at the Centre de Recherche en Éthique in Montreal (with Peter Dietsch and Pablo Gilabert), and a Berggruen Postdoctoral Fellow in Philosophy at New York University (supervised by Kwame Anthony Appiah and mentored by Elizabeth Anderson)

I hold a joint PhD (2019) from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales/University of Catania (PhD thesis on work justice and equality), and degrees in Philosophy from the Sapienza University of Rome (MA thesis on Erik Olin Wright's theory of social class). As a PhD student, I was based at the Centre Maurice Halbwachs in Paris.

Native of Italy, other than an academic, I am a writer (mostly poetry and non-fiction). I am passionate about literary things, cinema (e.g., philosophy & cinema series 1;2), and yoga as well.