International Conferenсe
Differential Equations,
Mathematical Physics
and Applications
October 17-19, 2017, Cherkasy, Ukraine
23.10.2017, 16:00
DEMPhA Book of Abstracts is here
20.10.2017, 18:30
Organizers thank all participants who have found possibility to visit our Meeting. We hope, it was fruitful event for every of us. We are also sorry for mistakes, inaccuracies and other unpleasant things, which you have perhaps faced.
18.10.2017, 22:00
Agenda for Thursday (October, 19): Plenary Lectures and Sessions
17.10.2017, 23:40
Agenda for Wednesday (October, 18): Plenary Lectures and Sessions
16.10.2017, 23:07
Opening Ceremony will be held at the University Conference Hall (Main University building,2nd floor) from 10.00 till 10.30.
15.10.2017, 12:30
Last version of the Conference Program is here
12.10.2017, 22:04
Dear participants of the Internetional Conference DEMPhA!
Organizing and Programming Committees are waiting for you and want to pay your attention on the following important program changes and specifications
1. On Monday, October 16, Registration will be held at the room 268 (3rd University building, Shevchenka Blv., 79) from 16.00 till 19.00
Tuesday, October 17
2. From 9.00 till 14.00 Registration will be held near the University Conference Hall (Main Building, Shevchenka Blv, 81, 2nd floor)
3. Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session will be held at the University Conference Hall (Main Building, Shevchenka Blv, 81, 2nd floor ) --10.00-14.00
4. From 15.00 till 18.00 Registration will be held at the room 268 (3rd University building, Shevchenka Blv., 79).
5. Session A will be held at the room 283 (3rd University building, Shevchenka Blv., 79).
6. Session B will be held at the room 279 (3rd University building, Shevchenka Blv., 79).
7. Session C will be held at the room 254 (3rd University building, Shevchenka Blv., 79).
8. Welcome party --Meridian, University restaurant complex, 18.00.
Department of Physics,
Department of Algebra and Mathematical Analysis,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
79 Shevchenko Boulevard, Cherkasy, Ukraine 18031.
Dear colleagues!
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Conference on Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics and Applications (DEMPhA-2017).
The Conference will be held at the Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine, from 17-th to 19-th of October, 2017.
This Conference continues the academic traditions which are supported by the school of physics in Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy.
One of these traditions is the series of regular international conferences/workshops on Diffusion and Phase Transformations (DIFTRANS), as well as Diffusion and Solid State Reactions (DSSR) in 1998, 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2012. These conferences were always marked by special interest to mathematical models and computer simulation of diffusion and phase transformations phenomena.
This year the Conference will be organized in collaboration with mathematicians from Kyiv, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics under the NAS of Ukraine and others. Our conference is planned as an integrating one: our main purpose is to integrate the modern investigations іn the field of Differential Equations, Mathematical Physics into Physics for better description of physical phenomena and exact modeling of physical processes.
We expect to bring together the experienced (“state-of-art”) researchers, young scientists, PhD students and all, who want to find synergetic connection between fundamental and applied research.
During the conference we also hope to organize a round-table discussion to exchange experience on the prospects of physical and mathematical education in different countries.
We will be glad to meet you in Cherkasy!
With best regards, Organizers
Abstract and Registration
To register for the conference, please, send to the conference e-mail: the abstract of your talk and fill out the registration form before deadline.
Deadline is July 15, 2017.
The Book of Abstracts will be published by the beginning of the conference.
The participants are kindly asked to submit the abstracts (not exceeding 1-2 pages) to the conference e-mail: .
The abstracts are expected to be prepared in English.
The Organizing Committee accepts abstracts in any format (LateX, PDF, MS Word, jpeg..) which is convenient for you, but preferable format for abstract submission is LaTeX.
The LaTeX template for abstracts can be downloaded here. To submit the abstract in other formats (PDF, MS Word) you can use this template.
Organizing Committee has a possibility to publish the Conference materials in some peer-reviewed journals. Details for paper submission and information about publication will appear in the next announcements.
Conference languages
English, Ukrainian and Russian are official languages of the conference.
At the same time, please, note that the abstract of your talk is expected to be in English.
Conference fee
The Conference fee is 75 Euro. The Conference fee for participants from Ukraine is 250 UAH, for PhD students is 150 UAH.
Payment details will be announced as soon as submitted abstracts have been reviewed.
The Conference fee covers: Book of Abstracts (hard copy), registration fee, coffee-breaks and welcome party.