[CfP] [DEI HRI '24] Third Workshop on Inclusive HRI at HRI 2024

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the DEI HRI 2024 workshop, to be held in the afternoon on March 11, 2024 (2:00-6:00 PM MDT) with the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

The goal of the DEI 2024 workshop is to provide a forum to share experiences and research insights on identifying, addressing, and integrating DEI aspects in HRI, including robot design, applications, research methods, and the community. 

Important Dates

All deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AOE) time.

Submission Guidelines

We invite authors to submit extended abstracts (up to 2 pages, excluding references) or short papers (up to 4 pages, excluding references) on a range of topics relevant to these questions and to DEI in HRI in general. Submissions may present work-in-progress research, position papers, critical essays, and summaries of already published research from all areas of HRI. Since we hope to learn from other fields of knowledge and form new connections with related research communities, we also welcome submissions from researchers outside the HRI community.

Authors should submit their papers on EasyChair (

Papers should be formatted according to the ACM two-column format ( 

Submissions will be evaluated according to their fit to the workshop theme, and their adherence to the scientific standards of the discipline of origin. The workshop proceedings will be made publicly available on our website. Paper acceptance requires that at least one author registers for and presents at the workshop, virtually or in person.

List of Topics

Topics of interest for the short papers/abstracts include, but are not limited to:

 The topics above can address one or more of the following domains:
