Public Event

Public Engagement Event

As part of this event, we seek to connect with other educators, researchers, policymakers, and community members to enrich our discussion and learning about decolonizing professional learning. To this end, we will be hosting two live-streamed panel discussion on Wednesday, August 17 beginning at 1:00 p.m. (NDT) / 11:30 a.m. (EDT) / 8:30 a.m. (PDT). Recordings of these events will also be posted to the VoicEd Radio Decolonizing Professional Learning podcast series website. You are invited to submit questions to engage in the Question & Answer portion of each live panel. See below for more details.

Panel #1:

Decolonizing Professional Learning: Conceptions, Possibilities, and Limitations

Panel Speakers: Ardavan Eizadirad (Wilfrid Laurier University), Dwayne Donald (University of Alberta), Kristin Kopra (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board), Lisa Howell (University of Ottawa)

Moderators: Stephen Hurley (VoicEd Radio), Nicholas Ng-a-Fook (University of Ottawa)

In our first panel discussion, we will explore questions that centre the very 'idea' of what it means to 'decolonize' professional learning. We will consider the type(s) of work that need(s) to be taken up in this space and what are the challenges we have faced as we engage in this work. We will also discuss the roles that institutions, school leadership, and faculties of education play in decolonizing policies and practices.

Panel #2:

Exploring Challenges and Possibilities within Existing Professional Networks

Panel Speakers: Avril Aitken (Bishop's University), Jerome Cranston (University of Regina), Leyton Schnellert (University of British Columbia), Sherwyn Solomon (Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)

Moderators: Stephen Hurley (VoicEd Radio), Carol Campbell (OISE/University of Toronto)

In our second panel discussion, we will explore topics such as what it means to create an education change network, what are the necessary conditions for relationships to be formed and fostered, and how might we prepare teachers for this kind of relational stance. We'll also explore how we can extend and amplify the work of decolonization within our existing networks.

To join our conversation on YouTube, click on the LINK or the LIVE VIDEO below

August 17 at 1:00 p.m. (NDT) / 11:30 a.m. (EDT) / 8:30 a.m. (PDT)

Have a question? We want to hear from you!

If you have a question you would like asked during the Q & A portion of each panel discussion, please email it Joelle Rodway at Joelle will ask your question for you during this time on your behalf.