
In order to avoid long remote sessions and to accommodate participants joining from different time zones, the workshop will take place in two stages. The first will be a pre-workshop, entirely asynchronous stage supported by Discord as a communication platform and a Miro board to facilitate participants in getting to know each other and sharing their thoughts on (de)coloniality. The second stage will consist of two 4-hour video conference sessions. During this stage, we will encourage participants to also use asynchronous spaces of interaction for continue discussions around workshop topics.

Pre-workshop Activities:

  • Introductions. Over Discord we will invite participants to introduce themselves and share their experiences with coloniality as well as their expectations for the workshop.
  • Position Papers In Videos. We will encourage participants to record 3 to 5 minute video capturing the main ideas of their position papers. The purpose of these videos will be having additional resources so participants will be able to get familiar with each other's content before the workshop. We will distribute the videos on our website and a Miro board and hopefully will spark conversations and encourage connections.
  • Reflections/Questions on (De)coloniality. We will share participants' position papers and videos on a virtual Miro whiteboard and encourage them to add post-it notes capturing thoughts on coloniality and on decolonizing CSCW. This can include reflections on barriers, opportunities, lessons learned, tools, and ethical considerations.

Workshop Sessions:

In the following list, we give an overview of the activities we plan to conduct during the two 4-hour workshop sessions. We also provide a detailed description of the sessions' schedule here.

  • Lightning Talks. After introducing the workshop, we will ask participants to give a very short presentation about themselves, their position papers, and their expectations for the workshop, using the Miro board from previous stage as a point of reference.
  • Panel. Senior members of both academia and industry will be invited to talk on a panel to share their perspectives and experiences on how to apply the concept of decolonization to CSCW learning spaces as well as their research agenda and their jobs. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussion with panelists. We expect to recruit at least four senior members with diverse geopolitical and intellectual backgrounds. If panelists agree, we will record the sessions, and we will store them in the Resources section.
  • Collective Reflections. We will organize participants in small groups and have them engage in three moments of collective reflections, each moment aligned with a workshop goal. Besides providing a video-conference space for groups to meet, we will motivate groups to use platforms such as Discord and Miro to support their collaborative work.