The Crossbones Code

What are the Letters?

Half of the Crossbones Code found next to Skull Island on the Concept Map

The full Crossbones Code found next to Skull Island's listing on the left edge of the map

While questing in Pirate101 recently, I actually found the Crossbones Code in the exact same format as on the concept map (shown above), though interestingly they appear on wanted posters in the Kraken Skulls tavern in Skull Island (shown below). In the bottom right picture you'll see that I added in the word "REWARD" - this is because I believe that the shorter message translates to this word because it's fitting for a wanted poster and because the letters actually fit the characters. At first I tried the word "WANTED", but the code seems to have a letter that occurs twice, so that didn't work. Thus, "REWARD" is my best guess.

So, if we say that the first message in red says "REWARD" and we continue to assign the same letters to the same characters for the rest of the message, we get this translation:


Right now I'm really stuck on what the second half of the message says, or if it even says anything intelligible at all. If we continue with the idea that the shorter message says "REWARD," then there's a few rules we have to follow while deciphering the rest of the message:

1. Two of the unknown spaces, marked in orange above, are the same letter because one of the characters in the code is used twice.

2. The unknown letters cannot be R, E, W, A, or D because we already know which characters in the code correspond to those letters.

3. The longer message consists of two separate words.

I've tried plugging in the entire alphabet into the empty spaces but to no avail. No letters in any English dictionary fit the second half of the message. Of course, though, it may actually spell out a character's name rather than a word in English. More analysis is definitely required here.

Does it even translate?

What I find even more confusing about the Crossbones Code is that the first six characters are identical to the last six characters- they're just flipped 180 degrees (as shown above). Additionally, only the first six characters are present near Skull Island on the map, which makes me question if there are two separate words we're dealing with or just one. It's different than the Nidavellir Message where the first few words are repeated next to Grizzleheim's because there is clear spacing between words; here, all of the symbols are grouped together in strange ways.

What also bothers me about the Crossbones Code is that the only example of this code is the same message; the Crossbones Code is unlike Celestian and Nidavellir, which can be found in multiple instances in Celestia and Grizzleheim, respectively, and there are a variety of messages and words that are written in these languages. The Crossbones Code seems to only exists in the format of 6 or 12 characters and they are the same pattern of characters that are either flipped or copied and pasted into another format. Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that, like the script, the Crossbones Code may purely be decorative and does not translate to anything (which would honestly be disappointing).

Anyways, maybe there will be more instances of the Crossbones Code to discover that can help us with this message!