Frequently Asked Questions

1. What should I bring to my session? 

The Writing Center requires that all assignments to be workshopped in the session should be printed. We cannot tutor over a laptop. Please also bring in any relevant materials for your assignment or grade (e.g. rubric, prompt, past assignments, previous drafts with feedback, etc.).

2. May I leave my paper with the Writing Center and pick it up later?

No. We are not an editing firm. We are here to help you become a better writer. We cannot do that if you are not present.

3. My friend also needs help. May I bring him/her along?

Of course. If you are more comfortable in a group, you may ask to schedule a group session.

4. What can you help me with?

We do our best to help you with as much as we can. We cannot write your paper for you or help with every single problem. Instead, we ask that you tell us the issues you are having the most difficulty with, and we will see what we can do to help you learn how to address them in the future.

5. What kind of grade do you think my paper will receive?

We are not your professor/instructor. We will not give out grades for your assignments. Pay attention to the assignment prompt, rubric, and previous feedback from your instructor. You should be able to calculate your grade on your own. If not, you may always ask your professor/instructor.

6. Can I be scheduled with the same Tutor? / Do I always have to see the same Tutor?

We recommend working with more than one tutor to find the tutoring style that is best for you. Additonally, working with different Tutors gives you the benefit of seeing and working with new perspectives (which may enhance the scope and quality of your work). 

If there is a Tutor you are most comfortable with - whose tutoring style complements your learning style - feel free to continue scheduling appointments with him/her. Building rapport with a Tutor may make him/her familiar with your writing skills, which means your Tutor will be able to help you more effectively.

7. Can I use the Writing Center for a video project/record in the Writing Center?

Although we promote the space for independent study and group work, video recording has the potential to become disruptive and make the space uncomfortable for others. If you have further questions about using the space for other activities, to include writing a paper about the space/conducting interviews with the Tutors, please send us an email at and we can further discuss these inquiries.