District Curriculum Accommodation Plan

Multi-Systems of Student Support (MSSS) aims to identify struggling students early on and give them the support they need to thrive in school while also offering Best Practices and Evidence-Based Instruction for all students. Teachers can provide targeted teaching — called interventions — to help struggling students catch up. A big part of the MSSS process involves closely monitoring student progress. 

Examples of Supports

DCAP integrates different student supports across the entire school and incorporates SEL supports regardless of the issue the student is showing. Schoolwide SEL offers an opportunity to enhance existing systems of student support. Learning is an intrinsically social and interactive process, and schoolwide SEL supports students whether they are learning behavioral expectations, solving a complex math problem, joining a game of kickball during recess, or writing an essay from the perspective of a literary character. Schoolwide SEL, then, is neither solely a behavior support nor solely an academic support, but aligns with and complements all supports aimed at student achievement and well-being. 

Quabbin uses a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) to address both students' academic and behavioral needs.

Tier 1 – Universal supports for all students: SEL teams may arise from or overlap with MTSS teams that focus on Tier 1 supports that meet the needs of all students. By establishing an SEL team that regularly focuses on improving the school climate and building a sense community, schools foster a safe, supportive learning environment for all students. Evidence-based SEL instruction and integrating SEL into academic learning also provides a foundation for high-quality core instruction in academics and SEL that supports all students.

Tier 1 supports are selected based on the needs of the entire student population, and the SEL and/or Tier 1 team monitors school-wide data to adjust supports as needed. Integrating SEL here is critical because this first tier of supports must be fully operational before schools can most effectively support more intensive student needs. Without this foundational tier, schools may find that that supports at Tiers 2 and 3 become over-accessed by students who may have otherwise been adequately served by Tier 1 supports.

Tier 2 – Targeted supports for some students: At Tier 2, evidence-based academic and behavioral supports are provided to students for whom Tier 1 supports are insufficient. These supports include classroom-based interventions or small-group interventions facilitated by qualified teachers, support staff, community partners, or other professionals. It’s critical that students have supportive relationships with these staff, and schoolwide SEL can be leveraged to ensure that students’ social and emotional needs are met as they receive behavioral and academic supports.

Schoolwide SEL also helps ensure a coordinated approach so that Tier 2 supports supplement and are aligned to Tier 1 supports.

Classroom Accommodations

Curriculum Accommodations

QRSD's Best Practices

Reading Difficulties

Math Difficulties

Accommodations vs. Modifications

Types of Supports

DCAP Document

Glossary of Terms

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