Glossary of Terms

and Acronyms

Glossary of Terms:

Accommodation: an adjustment to instruction or the environment that allows the student to access the curriculum as delivered in the general education environment. The assumption is that the student can participate in the general education curriculum with these adjustments to allow him or her to access the instruction.

Attention Continuum- the various levels of attention

Autonomy- In education, the degree to which local governing bodies—such as school districts and school boards—can make independent decisions about how to structure and operate public schools

Behavior management system- is a series of steps taken to help guide individuals to become motivated to change their actions and interactions

Best Practices: Research or evidence-based programs that have been demonstrated through rigorous evaluation to result in the best outcomes for students.

Compliance- the act or process of doing what you have been asked or ordered to do

Executive Functioning- is a set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control

Frayer Model- is a graphic organizer that helps students determine or clarify the meaning of vocabulary words encountered while listening, reading, and viewing texts

Intervention: a way of providing instruction and support used for any student as part of the general education program. Intervention is available to all students as part of the process of presenting instruction that meets the varying needs of students within the classroom. It is the various instructional approaches used by all educators to support all students in the classroom.

  • Universal Interventions-preventative and proactive, available to all students

  • Secondary Interventions- high efficiency, rapid response, targeted only to at-risk students

  • Tertiary Interventions- assessment-based, high-intensity, durable procedures

Modification: a modification is a change in the instruction or environment that will allow a student who otherwise could not participate in the classroom to access the curriculum. The assumption is that the student’s educational needs are such that he or she cannot access the curriculum without individualized, substantial changes in the instruction, expectations, or environment.

Motor Activity- involves movement quality and quantity that both influence and are influenced by states of arousal

Provisioning- that which is different from, or additional to, that normally available to pupils or students of the same age, which is designed to help children and young people with SEN or disabilities to access the National Curriculum at school or to study at college

Sensory Input-the stimulation of a sense organ, causing a nerve impulse to travel to its appropriate destination in the brain or spinal cord.

Welcoming Rituals-establish and help maintain positive relationships. In the classroom, they may be part of a morning circle, a class meeting, or even as simple as smiling and greeting each student by name as they enter the classroom.


ESL- English as a Second Language

(UDL) Universal Design for Learning (UDL)- is an approach to teaching and learning that gives all students equal opportunity to succeed

IEP-An IEP lays out the special education instruction, supports, and services a student needs to thrive in school

504s-plans are formal plans that schools develop to give kids with disabilities the support they need.

RtI- Response to Intervention- is a three-tiered system of instruction for all students in which there is a greater level of intervention provided.

RIST-Response to Intervention Support Team- the team of support specialists working to implement RtI

SST- Student/Staff Support Team (SST)

SIT-Student Intervention Team (SIT)

SAT-School Assistance Team (SAT)

SSST-Student Study and Support Team

SPED- Special Education