
Need help working through your budget? 

Check out this detailed budget primer!

Also see the additional resources below:

Helpful Links:

If you're new to working with DCPS budgets, you can get a helpful overview of the ins and outs by exploring the folder of DCPS Budget materials for LSATs and the DCPS Budget website. Some pages of particular interest:

Other Resources:

Understanding your School's Current and Recent Budgets:

As you prepare to provide input on next year's budget, it is helpful to understand how your school is currently budgeted.

Consider reviewing some of your school's past submitted budgets:

Questions to ask about your school's current budget:

Preparing for This Year's Budget Discussion:

Questions can you ask in December and January to help your LSAT contribute meaningfully to February’s budget decisions:

How can your LSAT engage the community on what they want to see in the budget and educate the community on how the budget process works?

How can you manage expectations when engaging the community, so people understand that not everything is possible and don't get upset when suggestions aren't necessarily implemented?

Key skills to lean into related to LSAT budget input:

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