Budget Advocacy

Budget season is an important time for advocacy, especially if your school has not been allocated the resources needed to pursue your school's goals and serve your students well. Here are some ways you can engage in budget-related advocacy this year:

1. Petition to restore funding to DCPS Schools

A quick action you can do is to sign this petition and share it with your school community: https://www.change.org/p/fully-fund-our-public-schools-fc17d362-3481-4811-8d20-8232207697d1

2. Contacting your DC Council representative (and others)

We highly recommend that every LSAT send a message to your DC Council representative informing them about your submitted budget, especially any cuts you were forced to make for the coming school year. [Council has the final say on the budget and has indicated that they are planning to make sure schools get some additional funding, so this will help give them (a) reasons to do this and (b) the information they need to do it well.]*

Here are things to consider covering in your message:

Here are people to consider including as recipients:

Also, submit your letter as testimony for the Council's Budget Oversight Hearing by pasting or uploading it at https://lims.dccouncil.gov/Hearings/testimony/350, and consider sharing it live by registering to testify (more on this below)

3. Provide testimony for the Budget Oversight Hearing

The DC Council will be holding a budget oversight hearing for DCPS on April 4. You can register to testify live at the hearing (in person or virtually), or you can submit written or voicemail testimony for the public record, at this link: https://lims.dccouncil.gov/Hearings/hearings/350

Some tips on providing testimony:

4. Attend the WTU Rally on April 4

The WTU is planning to hold a budget rally / solidarity event on April 4 in conjunction with the Budget Oversight Hearing. Stay tuned for more details in terms of timing, location, etc as they become available!

5. Touch base with Amelia French from Advocates for Justice and Education

For any parents who would like some assistance developing an advocacy agenda and/or crafting testimony to secure more funding for their child's school, feel free to reach out to Amelia French from Advocates for Justice and Education. Email: amelia.french@aje-dc.org / Phone: 202-678-8060, ext 109.

We hope the above is helpful as you prepare to advocate on behalf of your school, and DCPS schools more generally, during this difficult budget season. Remember that many schools are hurting right now, and that this should not be a zero-sum game. We can and should advocate for an approach to public school funding that ensures that *all* schools have the resources they need to adequately educate their students.

Feel free to post to the Google Group with any questions, suggestions, etc as you prepare. You can also reach out directly to the DC LSAT Collective coordinators at lsatcollectivedc@gmail.com -- we are all here to support each other!

Thanks for all you do on behalf of your school and students!

* Currently, the Schools First in Budgeting Act requires that, unless there have been decreases in a school's enrollment numbers (overall, or in special categories of students who receive additional funding weights) that justify a funding decrease, every school should receive no less than its budget allocation from the previous year, increased by "the percentage that is the higher of (A) the projected increase for the forthcoming year in the foundation level of the Uniform Per Student Funding Formula; or (B) the collectively bargained salary increase, for the forthcoming year, for members of the teachers' labor union." As a result, last year DC Council provided additional funds to schools who had not been allocated sufficient funds from DCPS in their initial budgets, and they have implied that they are planning to do that again this year.