DC LSAT Collective

With budget season underway, we've created a detailed budget primer to help you prep. 

Hope you find it helpful!

What is an LSAT?

A Local School Advisory Team (LSAT) is a group of elected and appointed members that exists for every DCPS school. The team consists of parents, teachers, non-instructional school staff, a community member, and in some cases students, who advise the principal on matters that promote high expectations and high achievement for all students. Local School Advisory Teams are a key lever to increasing transparency at DCPS and ensuring decisions affecting school communities are made collaboratively with the help of a diverse group of school stakeholders. (Learn more on the DCPS website)

What is the DC LSAT Collective?

The DC LSAT Collective is a volunteer-run group open to LSAT members from all DC public schools. Our mission is to create a larger community of LSAT serving members to be a resource and support system to help all DC LSATs understand their role, fulfill their designated tasks, operate effectively, represent their full school communities, and achieve their goals. We also partner with existing ward-specific and district-wide education groups as part of a coalition of public school advocacy for DC.

We gather for monthly virtual meetings covering topics related to LSAT roles and responsibilities. This website aims to be a hub for useful LSAT-related resources. We also have a Google Group discussion board which is a great place to ask and answer questions, share information and best practices, and coordinate efforts.

To learn more about the DC LSAT Collective, check out this overview.

Questions? Suggestions?


Please complete this brief survey to help us understand your needs and tailor our meetings and website accordingly.