For you to be found guilty of a robbery charge, the prosecutionmust prove, beyond reasonable doubt that you took property from thealleged victim, had the intention of stealing and used violence orthreatened violence to obtain the property.

The target of the armed robbery, who did not want to speak on camera or have his identity shared, told CBSLA he was sitting at a table when three masked men ran up. One wrapped their arm around his neck and put a gun behind his ear, the second held his arm out and the third snatched a Richard Mille watch, worth an estimated $500,000, off his arm.

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From one attraction to another, daylight is theatrically staged and consumed, a commodity that often comes at the price of a very expensive entrance ticket. Paris today is the reflection of a rather sad society of spectacle, interested only in media glitz. Now is the time to remember that the transcendent symbolism of natural light ought to be for everyone, as it always has been in the Eternal City, at the Pantheon, the temple of all the gods. 17dc91bb1f

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