

I have participated in dissemination activities aimed at the general public like the innovation week in Donostia-San Sebastian. In this specific case I spoke about the story of protein folding, starting from basic definitions and reaching the fundamental achievement by Anfinsen. From there, we move on to more recent developments, driven by artificial intelligence. You can see all the information here

Women in Science Day in CIC nanoGUNE (8/II/2017)

There is mounting evidence that things are much tougher for women who want to pursue a career in Academia than for men. In nanoGUNE we have organized an event in order to provide role models for the younger generations (including schoolchildren and PhD students). You can see all the information here, plus some coverage from the local media.

10alamenos9 (2017)

I have had a small participation in the 10alamenos9 Festival, aimed at spreading the word about the nanosciences. You can find some fragments of my interview in the following video. As a bonus, you'll find some really smart people speaking when I don't show up.

software carpentry (2016)

I have the strong conviction that scientists in the 21st century from any discipline will need computing to survive. And that this is in fact a good thing. In order to provide some basic training to the research community, I have joined an outstanding team in the organization of a Software Carpentry in Donostia in 2016.