David Wilson Movement

(move with @oldscoolmoves)

Make your move[ment] 

so you can be more you

My mission 

... to help you to become a curious, compassionate, playful and informed co-creator of your own fitness . . . whether you are starting out, starting again or seeking to refresh what you’ve been doing for some time.

My approach

Mindset is important when it comes to fitness. 

So is how we learn.

I use a deep understanding of teaching, learning and skill acquisition to show you how to use curiosity, compassion for yourself, playfulness and critical thinking to take ownership of your own fitness at any age and at any stage.

Together, we can build sustainable, enjoyable and well-rounded movement practices that can evolve as your life changes and as you do.


Online classes and movement coaching

Move Well, Age Strong

An ongoing program that runs in 5 week cycles. 

Each 5-week cycle has a different focus and each session within the cycle builds on the previous one. 

You can attend sessions live via ZOOM or simply watch the recording at your convenience for the duration of the cycle. You also get a weekly recap with a few suggestions for independent practice between sessions.

[Re]Start, [Re]Fresh

This 6 week online series is for you whether you are coming to movement training as beginner or looking to refresh your existing practice. 

Learn and refine an approach to learning and movement that will both get you moving and keep you moving. 

Create a sustainable habit of practice that can grow and evolve as you do and that is built on curiosity, playfulness and care and compassion for yourself.  

Consultation & personal training

Let’s co-create a program that is tailored to your specific needs and that can change and grow as you do.


Contact me to get more information.