Dave Pascoe
I've literally invested thousands of hours over the past decade+ researching health, fitness, performance, biology, longevity, anti-aging, and rejuvenation with the sole purpose of finding practical and simple (yet admittedly rather involved) steps that I can reasonably perform, along with methods for integrating them into my life in ways in which they would become totally automatic and require no additional thought, freeing me to focus on the bigger picture, which is to LIVE & ENJOY all the years of my life with abundant health and energy.
These are all the things that I share freely on this site to show you what's possible, in hopes that you'll find a little inspiration and borrow whatever you like to make it your own.
Vital Stats:
Chronological Age: 62
Current Epigenetic Age: 37.95
Current Pace of Aging: 0.66 years per each calendar year
RejuvenationOlympics.com Leaderboard ranking: Currently #14 (changes daily!), no longer ahead of Bryan Johnson (for now 😉)
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 167 pounds (75.75 kg)
BMI: 22.1
Marital Status: Single
I'm targeting health, fitness, performance, longevity, anti-aging, and rejuvenation. To some, these may sound like the same things, but they are vastly different!
Exercise: Walking, Running, Hiking, P90X, Yoga, Pilates, CAROL AI bike, stretching, and balancing.
Occupation: Newly retired, former Network Security Architect/Engineer, massage therapist, and life-long programmer/hacker, now full-time biohacker and AI enthusiast.
Philosophy: I consider my body to be like a prized racehorse, or a cherished high-end performance vehicle. I will only ever get this one, so just like any rare, limited-edition, valued possession, I will treat it with reverence and will invest heavily in its appearance, performance, fuel, care & maintenance. I only wish that I knew & applied everything I know now, decades ago!
Currently taking about 130 individual supplements/day. That's over 170+ capsules/day (currently 83 morning, 96 evening) of about 107 pill-type supplements + another 20 in powder form, mixed in drinks.
I am a constant self-experimenter, willing to try anything new to see how it might affect me, my blood & metabolite markers, and my epigenetics. Some of this experimentation (especially testing after negative life-events) has negatively impacted my average epigenetic scores, causing me to drop somewhat on the Rejuvenation Olympics Leaderboard. But I vow that this will only create a temporary setback, and that I will rise-up again in the ranks once I finish screwing around.😂😉
This site will be an ever-changing document based off of my experimentation, learnings, and philosophy as it continuously evolves, so check back in from time to time to see how it has changed. I am usually updating something somewhere nearly every day and am attempting to find better ways to present and structure it all. I have "firm convictions loosely held" and am always willing to change my thoughts and habits as new information emerges.
Unlike most of the folks on the original Rejuvenation Olympics leaderboard, I am not currently sponsored by ANY Biotech firm or clinic! I've been flying completely solo for more than a decade "on a budget", utilizing everything I can learn from freely available published research, books, expert podcasts, and expert YouTube channels (see my Audible Books, Podcast Subscriptions, and YouTube Subscriptions lists for an idea of where I have received some of my inspiration. Other sources in my life have included motivational speakers, most notably Tony Robbins).
See full bio (link pending)
Self-observed differences from Bryan Johnson:
I'm chronologically 16 years older.
I am not a Vegan.
I am not Caloric Restricted.
In fact, I don't pay attention to calories at all. By limiting simple carbohydrates most of the time, I eat as much as I like without gaining weight and apparently without increasing my rate of aging.
I don't eat the same thing day after day, unless what I prepared was too much for a single meal. I strive for nutritional density but also diversity. I would like to include even more meal variations. I simply need to make time to experiment with their preparation and then to incorporate them (like black beans and lentils). Doing so is on my roadmap. I am also determined to begin cooking my greens before blending them into a smoothie, like Julie Gibson Clark (also ranked on the Rejuvenation Olympics) does!
I am NOT on testosterone replacement hormone. In 2023, my T remained in the range of 808-1262 in monthly testing. I also intentionally avoid personal care products that contain endocrine-disrupting ingredients. However, I do understand that caloric restriction is known to drive T low, necessitating supplementation. To me, that's just another reason to not be caloric restricted. It apparently isn't completely necessary in order to have a slower rate of aging, but it does have me wondering whether it would move the needle even further for me, if I did.
I AM on thyroid replacement hormone, T3 & T4, since my thyroid stopped working in my early 30s.
I don't outsource my health to someone else. I'll do the research & work myself and will gladly pay only for testing and occasional advice as a sanity check.
I don't care to measure and know the age of my individual organs.
I'm willing to live with some imperfections on my face and skin.
I leave no inexpensive well-studied intervention off the table, like sauna, or cold therapy.
I have no interest in self-promoting, or in marketing my own personal brand of products, or believe that anyone is going to remember who I am next week, let alone in the next century. The people who will be remembered centuries from now are and will be the scientists & researchers who are working to uncover the next major leaps in biotechnology, not the many of us who are simply applying those discoveries to our daily lives.
I don't believe that any pre-packaged, processed or highly processed food is particularly healthy for you, so I'm not going to try to sell you my own personal brand of one. Instead, I'll try to encourage you to eat only real, live, whole foods in meals that you make from scratch. Grow it yourself if you have to, in order to control what's in it, and what's been sprayed on it.
I do not believe that my n-of-1 experimentation in any way contributes to science, nor do I believe that it should be extrapolated and applied to the general population. Every body is different and, due to our genetics and current epigenetic status, what works for one person may not work for another. I believe that you should not blindly follow any influencer, including me. You need to test to determine your own status - don't guess.
I do offer special thanks to Bryan Johnson for drawing so much attention to the Longevity & Rejuvenation space and for sharing all that he is doing, and for co-creating the Rejuvenation Olympics with TruDiagnostic! If it were not for Bryan, no one would know or care who I am, and I would have been perfectly fine with that. I would be blissfully continuing to do all of these exact same things that I am doing now, but in complete obscurity - and you'd be missing out on all of this info!
If you'd like to see a video summary of this entire website, my philosophy, my routines, and the reasoning behind it all, you can watch that here! I think this guy explains it all far better than even I do!
Original RejuvenationOlympics.com Leaderboard standing from Sept 2023 - June 2024
Latest RejuvenationOlympics.com Leaderboard standing, as of June 2024.
Bryan has recently moved up in the ranks since his Follistatin gene therapy, which seems to have finally prompted an update to the Leaderboard (after being notably stagnant for 8 months). It looks as though our oldest test scores (greater than 24 months) have now been dropped, which has accounted for Bryan's Average Pace score notably improving.
Going by the old rules, I'd assumed they were going to continue ranking us by our best annual pace score, so I dared to retest again after being sick through half of Dec '23, all of Jan '24 and half of Feb, and then retesting again after my 30 days in Italy (Mar-Apr '24) just to see how badly being sick and my 30 days of lack of sleep plus high carb, high sugar, and high caffeine diet affected my pace of aging and epigenetics. I even intentionally retested again after 30 days of very high physical stress in August! I learned firsthand how each of those things actually DO increase our pace of aging and our epigenetic age!
However, the Rejuvenation Olympics (RO) is now going by the averages of our 3 best scores over the previous 24 months and these low scores have dragged my average down. This means that my curiosity has shot me in the foot. If I want to rank higher in the competition, then I'll need to stop experimenting with my worst-of-times events.
Here at the start of 2025, I'm quite pleased to note that even though I only tested at my absolute worst in 2024, the average of my worst scores still have me ranked in the Top 25 on the Leaderboard! 😃 Moving forward, I'll be playing like everyone else -- by only testing at my best -- which will mean a long slow climb to improve my average.
I'm also disappointed to see that the RO is no longer posting chronological age, but I'm glad that they are no longer considering "age adjusted" scores. They are now treating a 20-year-old, a 30-year-old, a 46-year-old, and a 62-year-old as though they are exactly the same. Frankly, I like this, because I'm honored and proud that I'm NOT being given ANY special consideration for my age in this competition, and that I'm still holding my own. 😉 But if I'm being beaten again by a 15-year-old, I'd really like to know about it! Right now, there's no way for us to know.
I'm actually pleased to see myself moving down the RO Leaderboard rankings due to new entrants that have some truly impressive paces of aging! Maybe the next new Longevity Leader will be you??
Get your TruDiagnostic epigenetic age test and Pace of Aging testing here!
Still upcoming in 2024:
Representing Team World Vision Detroit at the Detroit Free Press Marathon Expo, Oct 18 -19
Running the Detroit Free Press International Half Marathon with Team World Vision Detroit - Oct 20
Exploring Nicaragua, Oct 29 - Nov 2
Volunteering with 'Amigos For Christ' Mission Trip in Nicaragua, Nov 3-10
Attending Tony Robbins 'Unleash The Power Within' (UPW) event, Prudential Center, Newark, NJ - Nov 14-17
Volunteering at Samaritans' Purse 'Operation Christmas Child' truck packing facility, Aurora, IL - Nov 29-30
Attending Tony Robbins 'Date With Destiny' event, West Palm Beach, FL - Dec 6-11
Attending the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine's (A4M) 32nd Annual Longevity Fest 2024, Las Vegas - Dec 13 - 15
Upcoming in 2025:
Attending the US Health Optimisation Summit. Austin, TX - Apr 12 - 13
Attending the 11th Annual Biohacking Conference, Austin, TX – May 28 - 30
Attending the 10th Annual RAADfest 2025 Conference, Las Vegas - July 10-13
Attending A4M Longevity Fest 2025 conference, Las Vegas - Dec 12-14
Upcoming in 2026:
Hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, Peru with Team World Vision – TBD.
Child sponsorships will be needed! - Details in 2026
Upcoming in 2027:
Trying again: Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania with Team World Vision – Summer TBD.
Child sponsorships will be needed! - Details in 2027
My Continued Path Forward:
My aim is to continue targeting all of the known Hallmarks of Aging with all of the presently known and available interventions, as well as to STOP the unnecessary and unwitting acceleration of aging due to societally-accepted practices, such as, but not limited to:
poor food choices,
damaging food preparation & cooking methods,
the consumption of damaging ingredients, including but not limited to:
added sugars and sugar alcohols,
industrial seed oils,
artificial dyes/coloring,
artificial flavoring,
exogenous hormones,
endocrine disrupters,
heavy metals,
factory farming methods
toxic and chemical exposures in everyday personal care, cleaning products, textiles, air, and water
and to continue working to stay strong, flexible, and with good spatial balance in order to stay youthful, sharp, vibrant, fit, and healthy for as long as is truly humanly possible, until the age of my natural death.
In other words, to age well -- as well as is humanly possible -- which can be far better than we've learned to accept.
My parents were each able to live to the age of 89, despite not exercising, being relatively sedentary, not eating properly, smoking and drinking. They also battled various cancers and diseases for their last 25 years of life.
I don't desire my healthspan to expire before my lifespan. My aim is to make them as equal as possible. My expectation is to live at the very least to the age of 95 in terrific shape (because I am continuing to put in the necessary work now), if not well-past the age of 110, God willing.
Advances in health & anti-aging sciences are coming very quickly now, and even more will be coming over the ensuing 40-50 years that hold the promise of extending lifespan & healthspan even further.
As long as I'm able to continue learning, growing, and contributing, while experiencing love, connection, and adventure to the fullest, then I'll remain up for the challenge of sticking around!
Additional Information:
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
Stem Cell Therapy and Exosomes
My Testing & Results - I have a lot of information that I could include here. I'm still trying to decide how best to present it!
SpectraCell Micronutrients Test
My Recent Press Coverage - updated often!
My Influences: