

All Times are Local Singapore time (UTC+8)              Please notice the time difference, e.g. PDT (UTC -7), EDT (UTC -4), BST (UTC +1), CEST (UTC +2)

Start End Title

08:00 08:15 Introduction & Welcome

08:15 09:00 Keynote 1 - Dr. Jiashi Feng, Research Lead at TikTok
Talk Title: Source-data free domain adaptation

09:00 09:45 Keynote 2 - Dr. Holger Roth, Senior Applied Research Scientist, NVIDIA
Talk Title: Modern Tools for Collaborative Medical Image Analysis

09:45 11:30 Oral Session 1

11:30 13:00 Lunch Break and Poster Session

13:00 13:45 Keynote 3 - Dr. Pavitra Krishnaswamy, PI and Deputy Division Head, Institute of Infocomm Research - A*STAR
Talk title: Learning with Limited, Imperfect and Multimodal Data for Clinical Imaging Applications

13:45 14:50 Oral Session 2

14:50 14:55 A word from our sponsor - NVIDIA

14:55 15:00 Best Paper Award and Conclusion

          Poster Session