Teaching Reviews

Professional Reviews

  • “In the classroom, [Dr. Clay] was relaxed, friendly, informative, engaging and at times quite entertaining. . . He made sure students understood concepts before he moved on. Often, he punctuated his lectures with questions to the students on the assigned material, particularly cases. Students were enthusiastic participants. It was obvious from their responses that a number of them had a good grasp of the day’s readings and previously covered concepts as well. It was also obvious that they enjoyed his class. He handled incorrect student responses with grace. Even though some small portions of material overlap in [Dr. Clay’s] courses and mine, I learned a great deal from [Dr. Clay’s] lectures, and found myself taking copious notes . . ."

Faculty Evaluator, Elmira College, 2016

  • “Dr. Clay is an engaging lecturer. Dr. Clay also makes certain to employ the Socratic Method at various points throughout the lecture. This serves to both keep students engaged and to render them more than simply passive recipients of the course content. His courses are not lacking in rigor, but it is also evident that he cares deeply about his students and he wants them to succeed . . . . . In addition to his pedagogical acumen, Dr. Clay evinces superior ability as a scholar.”

- Faculty Evaluator, Elmira College, 2016

  • "[Dr. Clay] has been a fantastic addition to the instructional faculty of the Department . . . Despite being new to college teaching, [Dr. Clay] has developed a very strong rapport with this student. His student evaluations are consistently high . . . and above the average for full-time instructors in the Department. His students laud [Dr. Clay]’s knowledge of the material and skillful delivery of instruction. He is definitely developing a following of students in our program. . . Overall, I assess his performance in instruction to be exemplary”

- Formal Evaluation, University of Alabama, 2015