
KopiMod, is an excel based decision-making tool and has been developed as part of the Agricultural Policy Research to Support Natural Resource Management in Indonesia’s Upland Landscapes project, funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR project ADP/2015/043).

The objective of KopiMod is to provide a flexible, user-friendly tool to allow farmers, extension officers and other working in Agriculture in West Java make decisions about land use and farm management decisions. The tool seeks to present revenue, costs and labour requirements across a number of different crop types to understand the trade-offs of different decisions. KopiMod is currently being used by large student cohorts at IPB University (Bogor, Indonesia) for training and extension with farmers. 

KopiMod was built using data collected from 499 households on the slopes surrounding Bandung, West Java (ACIAR Survey ADP043 BANDUNG 2019).  The latest version of KopiMod is available in in Bahasa Indonesia, but earlier versions in English can be made available.