IndoMod Value Chains Agent Based Model

IndoMod – Value Chains is an agent based model developed as part of the Agricultural Policy Research to Support Natural Resource Management in Indonesia’s Upland Landscapes project, funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR project ADP/2015/043). 

The model simulates smallholder and buyer interactions for commodity and value chains interventions, and allows the analyst to understand aggregate land use decisions for the peri-urban uplands of Bandung, Indonesia. The aim of the model is to help the user understand erosion, carbon biomass, and smallholder income changes under different value chain designs.

In the model it is possible to test value chain interventions for common value chain interventions in the Bandung uplands:

This user manual describes the model and provides instructions on how to model different value chain and non-value chain scenarios. IndoMod is built in MATLAB and the app is compiled using MATLAB appDesigner. The app is available for download and installation with or without a MATLAB licence. The installer will also include an installation of RUNTIME 2023b which is required for the model to be executed without a licence. Currently the app is only available for Windows.