Papers and preprints

Bridging between überhomology and double homology (joint work with Luigi Caputi and Carlo Collari)

 arXiv preprint (2024)

We establish an isomorphism between the 0-degree überhomology and the double homology of finite simplicial complexes, using a Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence argument. We clarify the correspondence between these theories by providing examples and some consequences; in particular, we show that überhomology groups detect the standard simplex, and that the double homology's diagonal is related to the connected domination polynomial. 

From the Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence to überhomology (joint work with Luigi Caputi and Carlo Collari)

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 1-24  arXiv preprint (2023)

We prove that the second page of the Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequence, with respect to anti-star covers, can be identified with another homological invariant of simplicial complexes: the 0-degree überhomology. Consequently, we obtain a combinatorial interpretation of the second page of the Mayer-Vietoris sequence in this context. This interpretation is then used to extend the computations of bold homology, which categorifies the connected domination polynomial at −1. 

Knot intensity distribution: a local measure of entanglement  (joint work with Agnese Barbensi)

  arXiv preprint (2022), associated GitHub repository.

The problem of finding robust and effective methods for locating entanglement in embedded curves is relevant to both applications and theoretical investigations. Rather than focusing on an exact determination, we introduce the knot intensity distribution, a local quantifier for the contribution of a curve's region to global entanglement. The integral of the distribution yields a measure of tightness for knots. We compute the distribution for ideal knots, and study its behaviour on prime and composite random knots. Intensity distributions provide an effective method to locate entanglement. In particular, they identify regions in knots that accommodate passages leading to topological changes.

GridPyM: a Python module to handle grid diagrams  (joint work with Agnese Barbensi)

  Journal of Software for Algebra and Geometry, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024. arXiv preprint (2022), associated GitHub repository.

Grid diagrams are a combinatorial version of classical link diagrams, widely used in theoretical, computational and applied knot theory. Motivated by questions from (bio)-physical knot theory, we introduce GridPyM, a Sage compatible Python module that handles grid diagrams. GridPyM focuses on generating and simplifying grids, and on modelling local transformations between them. 

Monotone cohomologies and oriented matchings (joint work with Luigi Caputi and Carlo Collari)

 arXiv preprint (2022).

In this paper, we extend the definition of cohomology associated to monotone graph properties, to encompass twisted functor coefficients. We introduce oriented matchings on graphs, and focus on their (twisted) cohomology groups. We characterise oriented matchings in terms of induced free-flow pseudoforests, and explicitly determine the homotopy type of the associated simplicial complexes. Furthermore, we provide a connection between the cohomology of oriented matchings with certain functor coefficients, and the recently defined multipath cohomology. Finally, we define a further oriented homology for graphs and interpret it as a count of free-flow orientations. 

Categorifying connected domination via graph überhomology (joint work with Luigi Caputi and Carlo Collari)

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, arXiv preprint (2022).

Überhomology is a recently defined homology theory for simplicial complexes, which yields subtle information on graphs. We prove that bold homology, a certain specialisation of überhomology, is related to dominating sets in graphs. To this end, we interpret überhomology as a poset homology, and investigate its functoriality properties. We then show that the Euler characteristic of the bold homology of a graph coincides with an evaluation of its connected domination polynomial. Even more, the bold chain complex retracts onto a complex generated by connected dominating sets. We conclude with several computations of this homology on families of graphs; these include a vanishing result for trees, and a characterisation result for complete graphs. 

A statistical approach to knot confinement via persistent homology (joint work with Barbara I. Mahler)

Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Volume 478 (n2261) (2022)  arXiv preprint

In this paper we study how randomly generated knots occupy a volume of space using topological methods. To this end, we consider the evolution of the first homology of an immersed metric neighbourhood of a knot's embedding for growing radii. Specifically, we extract features from the persistent homology of the Vietoris-Rips complexes built from point clouds associated to knots. Statistical analysis of our data shows the existence of increasing correlations between geometric quantities associated to the embedding and persistent homology based features, as a function of the knots' lengths. We further study the variation of these correlations for different knot types. Finally, this framework also allows us to define a simple notion of deviation from ideal configurations of knots.

 Filtered simplicial homology, graph dissimilarity and überhomology 

Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, arXiv preprint (2022)                  link to video.

 We introduce a filtration on the simplicial homology of a finite simplicial complex X using bi-colourings of its vertices. This yields two dual homology theories closely related to discrete Morse matchings on X. We give an explicit expression for the associated graded object of these homologies when X is the matching complex of the Tait graph of a plane graph G, in terms of subgraphs determined by certain matchings on the dual of G. We then use one of these homologies, in the case where X is a graph, to define a conjecturally optimal dissimilarity pseudometric for graphs; we prove various results for this dissimilarity and provide several computations. We further show that, by organising the horizontal homologies of a simplicial complex in the poset of its colourings, we obtain a triply graded homology theory which we call überhomology. This latter homology is not a homotopy invariant, but nonetheless encodes both combinatorial and topological information on X. For example, we prove that if X is a subdivision, the überhomology vanishes in its lowest degree, while for an homology manifold it coincides with the fundamental class in its top degree. We compute the überhomology on several classes of examples and infinite families, and prove some of its properties; namely that, in its extremal degrees, it is well-behaved under coning and taking suspension. We then focus on the case where X is a simple graph, and prove a detection result. Finally, we define some singly-graded homologies for graphs obtained by specialising the überhomology in certain bi-degrees, provide some computations and use computer aided calculations to make some conjectures. 

Filtered matchings and simplicial complexes (joint work with Naya Yerolemou)

Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 82(3) (2022)  paper

To any finite simplicial complex X, we associate a natural filtration starting from Chari and Joswig's discrete Morse complex and abutting to the matching complex of X. This construction leads to the definition of several homology theories, which we compute in a number of examples. We also completely determine the graded object associated to this filtration in terms of the homology of simpler complexes. This last result provides some connections to the number of vertex-disjoint cycles of a graph. 

A discrete Morse perspective on knot projections and a generalised clock theorem (joint work with Naya Yerolemou)

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics Volume 28, Issue 3 (2021).  arXiv preprint                  link to video.

We obtain a simple and complete characterisation of which matchings on the Tait graph of a knot diagram induce a discrete Morse function (dMf) on the 2-sphere, extending a construction due to Cohen. We show these dMfs are in bijection with certain rooted spanning forests in the Tait graph. We use this to count the number of such dMfs with a closed formula involving the graph Laplacian. We then simultaneously generalise Kauffman's Clock Theorem and Kenyon-Propp-Wilson's correspondence in two different directions; we first prove that the image of the correspondence induces a bijection on perfect dMfs, then we show that all perfect matchings, subject to an admissibility condition, are related by a finite sequence of click and clock moves. Finally, we study and compare the matching and discrete Morse complexes associated to the Tait graph, in terms of partial Kauffman states, and provide some computations.

Grid diagrams as tools to investigate knots space and topoisomerases-mediated simplification of DNA topology

 (joint work with Agnese Barbensi, Dorothy Buck, Heather H.Harrington and Andrzej Stasiak)

  Science Advances 6.9 (2020): eaay1458. arXiv preprint

Type II topoisomerases catalyse passages of double-stranded DNA regions through each other in a complex reaction:  performing a transient double-strand break, passing a second DNA segment through this break and then resealing. This reaction can form, simplify and transform knots in DNA when it involves regions of the same circular or linear (and topologically constrained) DNA molecule. Here we propose a grid diagram-based modelling framework to investigate topological consequences of intersegmental passages occurring in  circular DNA molecules.  The combinatorial nature of grid diagrams allows us to create a purely topological model in which uniformity of sampling and global and detailed balance at equilibrium are built-in. This is in contrast with the equilateral chain and lattice models, where uniformity of sampling for long polymers is computationally expensive.  We extend and synthesise earlier investigations both of topoisomerases’ selection of sites and of knot adjacency in the knot space by looking at neighbouring subspaces in the network of the configurations, modelled using grid diagrams with increasing complexity. We suggest a grid-based calculation as a new and computationally convenient framework for investigating how DNA topoisomerases efficiently remove DNA knots from bacterial circular DNA and human chromosomes; as well as for investigating knotting probability in biopolymers.

Rational cobordisms and integral homology (joint work with Paolo Aceto and JungHwan Park)

  Compositio Mathematica, (2020) 156(9), 1825-1845. arXiv preprint

We prove that every rational homology cobordism class in the subgroup generated by lens spaces contains a unique connected sum of lens spaces whose first homology embeds in any other element in the same class. As a consequence we show that several natural maps to the rational homology cobordism group have infinite rank cokernels, and obtain a divisibility condition between the determinants of certain 2-bridge knots and other knots in the same concordance class. We then use knot Floer homology to obstruct Dehn surgeries on knots from being rationally cobordant to lens spaces.

Upsilon invariants from cyclic branched covers  (joint work with Antonio Alfieri and Andras Stipsicz)

Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 58.4 (2021): 457-488. arXiv preprint 

We extend the construction of upsilon-type invariants to null-homologous knots in rational homology three-spheres. By considering m-fold cyclic branched covers with m a prime power, this extension provides new knot concordance invariants $\Upsilon_m^C(K)$. We give computations of these invariants for some families of alternating knots and reprove some independence results. 

Heegaard Floer homology and concordance bounds on the Thurston norm  (joint work with Marco Golla - with an appendix with Adam S. Levine)

Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 373 (2020), pp. 295-318. arXiv preprint

We prove that twisted correction terms in Heegaard Floer homology provide lower bounds on the Thurston norm of certain cohomology classes  determined by the strong concordance class of a 2-component link L in S^3. We then specialise this procedure to knots in S^2 x S^1, and  obtain a lower bound on their geometric winding number. Furthermore we produce an obstruction for a knot in S^3 to have untwisting number 1. We then provide an infinite family of null-homologous knots with increasing geometric winding number, on which the bound is sharp.

The Reidemeister graph is a complete knot invariant (joint work with Agnese Barbensi)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology 20.2 (2020): 643-698. arXiv preprint

We describe two locally finite graphs naturally associated to each knot type K, called Reidemeister graphs. We determine several local and global properties  of these graphs and prove that in one case the graph-isomorphism type is a complete knot invariant up to mirroring. Lastly, we introduce another object, relating the Reidemeister and Gordian graphs, and determine some of its properties.

On concordances in 3-manifolds

Journal of Topology 11(1), (2017) 180-200.  arXiv preprint

We describe an action of the concordance group of knots in S^3 on concordances of knots in arbitrary 3-manifolds. As an application we define the notion of almost-concordance between knots. After some basic results, we prove the existence of non-trivial almost-concordance classes in all non-abelian 3-manifolds.  Afterwards, we focus the attention on the case of lens spaces, and use a modified version of the Ozsv&aacuteth-Szab&oacute-Rasmussen's tau-invariant to obstruct  almost-concordances and prove that each L(p,1) admits infinitely many nullhomologous non almost-concordant knots. Finally we prove an inequality involving the cobordism PL-genus of a knot and its tau-invariants, in the spirit of Sarkar's cobordims genus bounds.

A note on cobordisms of algebraic knots  (joint work with József Bodnár and Marco Golla)

Algebraic & Geometric Topology, (2016) 17(4), 2543-2564.  arXiv preprint

In this note we use Heegaard Floer homology to study smooth cobordisms of algebraic knots and complex deformations of cusp singularities of curves. The main tool will be the concordance invariant $\nu^+$: we study its behaviour with respect to connected sums, providing an explicit formula in the case of L-space knots and proving subadditivity in general.

Cuspidal curves and Heegaard Floer homology  (joint work with József Bodnár and Marco Golla)

Proc. London Math. Soc. (2016) 112 (3): 512-548.  arXiv preprint

We give bounds on the gap functions of the singularities of a cuspidal plane curve of arbitrary genus, generalising recent work of Borodzik and Livingston. We apply these inequalities to unicuspidal curves whose singularity has one Puiseux pair: we prove two identities tying the parameters of the singularity, the genus, and the degree of the curve; we improve on some degree-multiplicity asymptotic inequalities; finally, we prove some finiteness results, we construct infinite families of examples, and in some cases we give an almost complete classification.

Grid homology in lens spaces with integer coefficients 

Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 1-23, arXiv preprint (2015)

We present a combinatorial proof for the existence of the sign refined Grid Homology in lens spaces, and a self contained proof that the differential squares to 0. We also present a Sage program that computes the hat version of GH(L(p,q),K) with integer coefficients, and provide empirical evidence supporting the absence of torsion in these groups.

Some slides from talks

Some early slides on almost concordances for ECSTATIC 2016

Some concordance invariants from knot Floer homology at Oxford

A leaflet on grid homology

Introductory slides on the categorification of knot polynomials for the North meets South Colloquium

Slides on rational homology cobordisms and lens spaces from a talk at Boston College

Slides on filtered simplicial homology and überhomology