
Master Courses

Lecture: Experimental Economics

Management Center Innsbruck: 4 terms; ST 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019; Evaluation 1.5 on average (overall grade, Austrian grading system 1 = very good to 5 = unsatisfactory)

University of Innsbruck: 3 terms; WT 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14; Evaluation 1.4 on average

University of Graz: 1 term; ST 2012 

Bachelor Courses

Seminar: Introductory Microeconomics II

University of Innsbruck: 21 terms; ST 2008 – WT 2012/13, ST 2014 – ST 2015, ST 2016, ST 2017 – ST 2019; WT 2023/24 – ST 2024; Evaluation 1.4 on average since ST 2017

Seminar: Introductory Microeconomics I

University of Innsbruck: 2 terms; ST 2010, WT 2010/11

Lecture: Introduction to Economics

Management Center Innsbruck: 1 term; WT 2012/13

Lecture: Introduction to Media Economics

Management Center Innsbruck: 1 term; WT 2013/14

Seminar: Competition Policy

University of Innsbruck: 1 term; ST 2013; Evaluation 1.8 

Lecture: Introductory Statistics

Management Center Innsbruck: 1 term; ST 2020

Supervision of PhD Candidates


Thomas Rittmannsberger: Essays in Experimental Health Economics: On ratings in healthcare credence goods markets and vaccination intentions in times of a pandemic 

Supervision of Master Theses


Felix Reermann: Impact of vaccine approval processes on the incentive to vaccinate COVID-19 vaccines 


Kirill Kröger: Feedback Mechanisms in Health Care Markets: A Laboratory Experiment


Marlon Pichler: The Impact of IQ, Priming and Time Preferences on Children’s Health Choice and Health Knowledge - an Empirical Analysis with Preschool Children 

Lukas Schöner: Economics of Credence Goods: The Effect of Monitoring and its Costs in the Health Care Market 

Anna-Elena Pinggera: The effect of theory of mind on the cooperation of kindergarten children

Alexandra Zwankhuizen: The origins of cooperation and reciprocal behavior: Evidence from preschool children


Jaqueline Bernecker: Credence goods in the healthcare market: An experimental analysis of the effect of monitoring on fraudulent behaviour

Nadine Hausser: Credence goods in health care markets: An experiment on the intrinsic motivation of physicians' behaviour


Grube Moritz: Counteracting sabotage: A laboratory experiment to identify potential saboteurs in the increasingly competitive workplace

Kempers Daan: Sabotage in contests: Intrinsically motivated, or extrinsically stimulated?


Forster Maximilian: Parochialism and charitable giving in dictator games: An experimental study with elementary school children

Herzl Cecile: Examining the influence of self-assessment and confidence on children's competitive decision making - an experimental study with elementary school children


Schiborr Mark: Children's cooperation in a prisoner's dilemma with third party punishment - an experimental study with elementary school children

Hribik Sylvia: Determinants of children's altruistic behavior in the dictator game - An experimental study


0berauer Manuela: The development of economic behavior at a young age: Experimental studies with children in kindergarten

Supervision of Diploma Theses


Bonfanti Martina and Corradini Sarah: Patience in 3-person-teams with and without conflict - An experimental investigation


Burger Lisa and Oberhofer Markus: Patience in single and team decisions with and without conflict - An experimental study


Praxmarer Verena: The young homo oeconomicus - a survey on economic experiments with children and adolescents

Kuen Anna: Unconditional cooperation: An experimental study with elementary school children in South Tyrol

Pflanzl Florian: Delay of gratification among kindergarten children. An experimental analysis with emphasis on treatment effects


Schneider Kerstin: How do children play matching-pennies games? - An experimental application of game theory

Peintner Paul: Development of cooperation in childhood: An experimental study with primary school children in South Tyrol

De Spirito Alessandro: Social preferences in childhood: An experimental study in Meran, South Tyrol


Waltl Christoph: Development of patience in childhood and preadolescence: An experimental study with elementary school children in South Tyrol

Tschager Marina: The role of gender in competitive behaviour during early childhood: A real task experiment

Fischer Jasmin: Sabotage in tournaments: A real effort experiment with children


Lergetporer Philipp: Does age influence cooperative decisions? An experimental study on the volunteer's dilemma


Schramm Sebastian: Social preferences in young age groups: An experimental study