Sharing on Email

We're excited to spread the word about Doodle 4 Google. Below, you'll find a sample email template and email header that you can share with your network.

You can download the entry forms by clicking this link for English and this link for French.

Sample Email Template

Dear Parent/Guardian,

At Google, we think about what's next. We are committed to investing in Canada's future, by building new technologies and investing in initiatives that give our youth a platform to voice their creativity.

We truly believe that the best way to invest in Canada's next 150 years is to invest in our youth. That’s why we’re launching Doodle 4 Google, a national contest inviting students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to redesign the logo for the homepage for a day.*

This year, with Doodle 4 Google, we're asking kids to imagine what Canada's future will look like and explore the exciting possibilities and cultural changes that technology, science, and innovation will bring through art. In other words, we’re asking that this year’s doodles explain “What I see for Canada’s future is…”

One talented student’s winning artwork will appear on the homepage. The winner will also receive a $10,000 university scholarship and a $10,000 technology award for their school.

There are also prizes for our finalists, including Google tech. The schools of the finalists will also win technology awards.

Go to for more information and the entry form. Now, let’s get doodling!

The Doodle 4 Google Canada Team

Doodle 4 Google Overview

Key Dates

Competition Opens: March 15, 2017

Submissions Close: May 2, 2017

How to Enter

1. Download the entry form at

2. On the entry form, have students create their doodles around the theme “What I see for Canada’s future is…” using any materials they want, write their 50-word statement, and have a parent or legal guardian sign the form.

3. Students can create the doodle on another sheet of paper, take a digital photo or scan the doodle and tape it to the official entry form. Just be sure that the tape is clear and the doodle fits above the information on the bottom of the entry form.

4. Entry forms can be submitted digitally as a .png or .jpg file at or by mail. Mailed submissions must be postmarked by May 2, 2017 and received seven days from the postmark deadline at the addresses below.

  • Doodle 4 Google Canada
  • PO Box 550, Toronto Adelaide Retail
  • 31 Adelaide St E
  • Toronto, ON
  • M5C 2J6