Doodle 4 Google Canada

Asset Toolkit

On this site you'll find a number of resources and assets to help you share Doodle 4 Google with your networks, and encourage students, parents and teachers to submit.

If you have any questions, please contact

Visit for more information!

Key Dates to Remember

March 15, 2017 - Submissions Open

May 2, 2017 - Submissions Close

May 22, 2017 - 12 Finalists Revealed; Public Voting Begins

June 2, 2017 - Public Voting Closes

June 13, 2017 - Winner Revealed

Doodle 4 Google Overview

The theme of this year's contest is: What I see for Canada's future is...

Doodle 4 Google Canada is a national contest inviting students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 to redesign the logo for the homepage for a day.*

As Canada blows out a whole lot of candles for its 150th birthday this year, what better way to celebrate than by asking students to imagine what the next 150 years will look like? Google believes our youth hold the key to a bright future for Canada, and can't wait to see what their optimism, creativity and imagination give rise to.

The winning doodle will be featured on the Google Canada homepage for 24 hours.

The winning student will also receive a $10,000 university scholarship, a Google Chromebook, and a $10,000 technology award for their current school along with a trip to the final event on June 13, 2017.

*Entrants need a parent or legal guardian’s permission (and signature on the entry form) in order to participate. Residents of Quebec must be at least thirteen years of age. Please see full terms and eligibility requirements here:


Grade Groups

Doodles will be grouped by the following Grade Groups:

-Kindergarten - Grade 3

-Grades 4 - 6

-Grades 7 - 9

-Grades 10 - 12

Judging Process

A total of 12 Grade Group Finalists will be selected by the Jury from among all the entries to advance in the contest, made up of 3 Finalists per Grade Group.

The 12 Finalists' Google Doodles will be posted on the website on May 22nd, 2017. A public vote will help determine the four Grade Group Winners, made up of one Finalist per Grade Group.

From the 4 Grade Group Winners, the National Winner will be selected by applying the criteria below. The winning Google Doodle will be displayed on the Google Canada homepage for 24 hours.


National Winner

The National Winner will have his or her Google Doodle featured on the Google Canada homepage for one day. He or she will also receive:

-A $10,000 university scholarship

-A $10,000 technology award for their school

-A trip to the final event in Toronto on June 13th, 2017, with a parent or guardian

-A Chromebook

Grade Group Winners

The three (3) Grade Group Winners who do not become the National Winner will have their Google Doodles featured in the Doodle 4 Google gallery. He or she will also receive:

-A $5,000 technology award for their school

-A trip to the final event in Toronto on June 13th, 2017, with a parent or guardian

-A Chromebook

Grade Group Finalists

The eight (8) Grade Group Finalists who do not become Grade Group Winners will have their Google Doodles featured in the Doodle 4 Google gallery. He or she will also receive:

-A Chromebook


Doodles will be judged on the following criteria:

Artistic Merit: based on grade group, drawing skills and use of colour.

Creativity and originality: based on the representation of the "What I see for Canada's future is..." theme, use of the Google logo, and the unique approach to the doodle.

Theme Communication: based on how well the theme is expressed in the artwork and the supporting statement.


Doodles that contain copyrighted images or logos will be automatically disqualified. Only one submission per artist. If more than one is received only the first will be considered.