About the Contest

What is Doodle 4 Google?

Doodle 4 Google is a contest open to Canadian students in Kindergarten through Grade 12*. Students are invited to create their own doodle for the chance to be featured on the Google.ca homepage.

Why did you choose the theme “What I see for Canada's future is...”?

This year’s theme celebrates Canada's birthday by asking students to imagine what the next 150 years of Canada will look like. At Google, we think about what's next. We are committed to investing in Canada's future, by building new technologies and investing in initiatives that give our youth a platform to voice their creativity.

We truly believe that the best way to invest in Canada's next 150 years is to invest in our youth. This year, with Doodle 4 Google, we're asking kids to imagine what Canada's future will look like and explore the exciting possibilities and cultural changes that technology, science, and innovation will bring through art.

Doodles are the soul of Google: they combine art and tech and are a wonderful way to capture the creativity, passion, and imagination at the heart of Canada's future. For Canada's birthday, we wanted to challenge young Canadians to think creatively about the exciting possibilities for our country's future and help ignite their interest in science, technology and innovation.

How can I submit a doodle?

Doodles can be submitted online or by mail. Check out the Submit page to get started.

Entry Information

Who is allowed to submit artwork on behalf of children?

Parents, teachers, and non-profit and after school program leaders are welcome to enter artwork on behalf of students K-12. We simply ask that the entry is accompanied by a completed official entry form signed by the student’s parent or guardian. Parents are encouraged to submit their children’s work directly for the contest. If you are a parent, we ask that you check with your child’s school first to see if they are participating, to avoid duplicate entries.

Students must be enrolled in a Canada-based school serving grades K-12 to participate in the contest. Regardless of the entry channel, the $10,000 technology award will go to the winning student's school listed on the entry form. Entrants from Quebec must be 13 years or older to participate.

Is there a limit to how many doodles a school, after school program or parent can submit?

There is no limit to how many doodles each school, after school program or parent can submit. However, please remember that there is a limit to one original doodle per student.

What happens if two doodles are submitted from the same student?

We can only accept one doodle per student. Our judging platform will verify that each doodle submitted is in fact a unique entry. If we receive two entries from the same student, we will accept the doodle that was received first. Any other entries from the same student will be disqualified.

Do you have to be a Canadian citizen to participate?

To be eligible to enter the Contest, the student must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent Canadian legal resident. Additionally they must be enrolled in junior kindergarten, senior kindergarten, prématernelle, maternelle, or kindergarten, as applicable ("Early Education") or in a private or public elementary or secondary school (grade 1 to grade 12) or a home school (grade 1 to grade 12) in Canada and have obtained a parent's or legal guardian's prior permission. Lastly, students in Quebec must be 13 years of age or older.

How do parents, teachers or after school program representatives get their children or students involved?

We’re glad you asked! Just download the entry form directly from this site, print it out, and let the fun begin. There’s no right or wrong way to doodle, the more creative and unique the better.

How long do I have to submit my child or student’s doodle?

The Contest begins on March 15th, 2017 and the doodle submission along with a completed entry form signed by a parent or guardian must be received by 11:59pm EST on May 2nd, 2017

Can I just draw on a blank 8.5x11 sheet of paper?

Unfortunately, you cannot. The doodle must be completed using the official entry form.

I’d like to use Photoshop for my entry. Is that possible?

Yes, you can use Photoshop. Create your doodle in a new document 1894 pixels high by 2960 pixels wide at 300 dpi. When you are finished, simply attach your digital doodle to the official entry form. If necessary, move and resize your doodle to fit inside the doodle box. Don’t change the size of the document from the original PDF, and you should be able to print it, and then fill in the few fields on that page by hand. Handwritten entries will be accepted.

FOR TEACHERS: If you’d like to have your class participate using Photoshop, you can create a document with the background pasted in for your students to use as their canvas.

What materials are acceptable to be used on the doodle?

Students may create a doodle using any medium or materials. However, please note that doodles will be reviewed and scanned in a two-dimensional (2D) format. If students create a three-dimensional (3D) doodle, please make sure to take a photograph and enter the photograph rather than the original. Original 2D scannable doodles made with materials such as paint, pencils, crayons, markers, chalk, pastels, charcoal, cray-pas, or a 2D collage will be accepted. Computer-generated images will also be accepted.

Do I have to use plain white paper to print out the entry form and draw my doodle?

While white paper is best, you can utilize other light-colored papers. Papers with light patterns are ok too – just be sure your doodle is clear and the pattern doesn’t interfere. You can also use a thicker paper stock if you like, but it must be paper, not cardboard or foam board.

How come students must be 13 years old or older in Quebec?

Due to legal restrictions, in Quebec, the contest is only open to students 13+.

Judging and Selection Process

How is the contest judged?

Please see the Judging and Prizes page for details about how the contest is judged.

What criteria will be used to select the winning doodle?

Each doodle will be evaluated and scored based on the following criteria:

-Artistic Merit: based on grade group, drawing skills and use of colour.

-Creativity and originality: based on the representation of the "What I see for Canada's future is..." theme, use of the Google logo, and the unique approach to the doodle.

-Theme Communication: based on how well the theme is expressed in the artwork and the supporting statement

-Adherence to the Doodle Requirements and these Rules.

Is the public involved in the voting process?

Yes! The public will be invited to vote online from May 22nd, 2017 to June 2nd, 2017. They will be asked to select their favourite doodles, one from each Grade Group, to help decide the four (4) Grade Group Winners.

**Entrants need a parent or legal guardian’s permission (and signature on the entry form) in order to participate. Residents of Quebec must be at least thirteen years of age. Please see full terms and eligibility requirements here.