Railfuture meeting in Sheffield, 19th Sept 2014

Post date: Sep 20, 2014 5:33:27 PM

Simon went to this meeting. Here are some notes:-

Pete Myers, Northern Rail's Stakeholder Manager, gave a talk.

Northern started on "no growth" basis but severely overcrowded. Trains were not even designed for standing passengers.

Progress has been made e.g. Northern Hub.

Miles per casualty (train failures) has doubled despite ageing fleet.

18 month direct award extension currently running up to 2016.

Franchise extended twice - this is currently a new franchise running on a reduced subsidy.

DfT are looking for further ways to reduce costs-

Evening peak restrictions brought in. This is affecting people with out-patient appointments.

Customer information screens to be installed at 100 screens.

Previously DfT got 40% of revenue - meant revenue protection wasn't cost effective.

Now a profit sharing arrangements - encourages investment.

Different arrangements in North West - revenue collection on stations not trains.

Experimenting with mobile phone technology. New phones have an Oyster - type chip in them.

Consultation period on new franchise has ended. ITT will go out in December.

Electrification taking place. Northern wants more. Electrification in the South will mean more diesels becoming available.

? But are the new trains suitable for the geography?

? What about bikes on the train especially on the rural lines.

In the meantime pacers are still needed.

It's a very large franchise. Hull will probably remain in TPE franchise.

There are 3 flavours of Northern.

  • Leeds and North-West are commuter railways driving the economies of those regions.

  • In other areas there are long-distance services.

  • Also Rural lines - Barton, S&C , Whitby.

-- and of course some of these services double or treble up and perform different services at different times of day

dft are looking for efficiency and flexibility. Role of guards will change.

Choice of GoVia, Abellio & Arriva (French, Dutch, German)

Main questions to do with why tickets aren't checked, fares not collected. Some stations still have no ticket machines.

Diesels are heavily regulated in terms of emissions. Putting the equipment on that reduces emissions makes them very heavy.

Rail North will be the organisation managing the new franchise.

There is a myth going round that Northern has the highest subsidy - actually it's 4th. Many fares are PTE subsidised.

What can Rail User Groups do to help?

- The bidders need to know what you want. They should be setting up offices in the region so get your

Fare anomalies - should be dealt with by Rail North.

Item 4. - Whitby.

4 trains a day. Tourism potential not understood. Geared to schoolchildren requirements even on a Saturday. Ridership has gone up by 43%. CRP seeking support - Railfuture Yorks to look at this.

Also line from Malton. Dedicated bus link?

Possibility of an excursion train to Whitby from West Yorks?

Action - let Graham Collett know who your prospective party candidates are.

Lobbying your MEPs about heavier lorries.

Improvements in rail freight facilities at Selby

An international freight terminal at Tinsley?

Newsletter. - next deadline 8th November looking for articles about successes

Low Moor opening December 2015

Campaign for Bradford - Sheffield line via Spen Valley ( but what about cycle route?)

HS3 - looking at Woodhead route (also for upper Don regeneneration) Upgrading the existing corridor would be detrimental to local services. However, again, what about the cycle route?

One North report is out.

Next meet 31st Jan.

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