2010 Bike Ride

The Northern Rail Cycle Forum put on a sponsored bike ride on April 21st, leaving from outside the George Hotel, Huddersfield at 4p.m.and pedalling to Dewsbury on NCN Route 66 -a very easy ride.

With the help of the local Sustrans Ranger group headed along this mostly traffic-free, flat route from Huddersfield to the Leggers Inn in the canal basin at Dewsbury. We stopped there for refreshment and then riders either retraced their tyre marks to Huddersfield, head up towards Bradford or to Wakefield for trains.It was a great day out and we can recommend this short ride to anyone.

This was a joint sponsored ride. Entrants had the choice of either raising funds for Sustrans, the Sustainable Transport Charity responsible for the National Cycle Network or the Railway Children, who look after children sleeping rough in Indian railway stations (a favoured Northern Rail charity) or both. Alternatively, if people wanted to just come for the ride, they were equally welcome.

The riders were a mixture of Northern Rail staff, Sustrans people and local people who want to help spread the message of bike+rail as an alternative to the car, as well as showing what Kirklees has achieved with its Greenway programme. It is also the day before Earth Day http://www.earthday.net/ so it was an additional way of celebrating that.If you'd like to donate to either of these organisations please follow the links below.

After the ride, Northern Rail Cycle Forum Secretariat member Simon geller gave a talk to the Kirklees Cycle Users forum about the NRCF and what it does, as well as Cyclenation, the national cycle promotion group of which he is secretary.

We put on rides along with every meeting of the Northern Rail Cycle Forum.



The Railway Children