Civil War Roundtable of New Hampshire
Founded May 1991
ABOVE: George Henry Thomas (Library of Congress photo)
"There's no time like the present, to join us in the past."
The Civil War Roundtable of New Hampshire will kick-off our new season on Friday, September 20, 2024.
We welcome John Manning with his topic: "General George Henry Thomas."
Details on the NEWS page
The Civil War Roundtable of New Hampshire was founded May of 1991, and is dedicated to all aspects of the Civil War: Education, Preservation and Restoration. The CWRTNH is a group of men and women who share a common interest in the Civil War and that period in American History that defined our nation, as we know it today.
We are a 501(c) non-profit organization.
Our meetings are typically the third Friday of the month except no meetings in July, August and December. November and special guest speakers may be the second Friday. Please review the schedule for exact dates and speakers.
We are meeting at the Harvey-Mitchell Library.