About us & Contact Info

Wolfeboro, NH, Civil War Monument (photo by Don Streeter)

Board members

Presdient - Elizabeth Hallett (thru 2025)

Vice President - Mike Schroeder (thru 2025)

Treasurer - John Scully (thru 2025)

Secretary - John Scully (thru 2025)

Director - Fred Soucy (thru 2026

Director - Evelyn Barry (thru 2024)

Director - vacant

Website & email contact person - Bill Hallett

Our group is a club, where we share in the interest of the history of America's greatest conflict, the Civil War. We meet, have presentations, discuss and learn about topics within the realm of the time of the Blue & Gray.

We are a 501 (3) Non-profit group founded in  May1991. All are welcome, blue and gray. If you wish to contact us, email: cwrtnh@gmail.com or you can mail us:

Civil War Roundtable of New Hampshire

PO Box 887

Epping, NH 03042

Membership is open to all with an interest in the Civil War. If you visit our group, we ask after three visits, that you become a member. Dues,  raffle and fundraising helps operational costs and allows us to bring in speakers from other regions. Our year runs that of a school year: September through June. The rate is $25/individual or $40 family. Email us for a form.