Prayer Corner

Catholic and Living it.

Loving Father, open our hearts to your infinite love for all people, and to your presence with us wherever we go in your name. Lord Jesus, deepen the spiritual life of the Catholic Women’s League. Strengthen the faith and good works of our members, building-up life in the world by being Catholic and Living It! May we imitate you with works of mercy, welcoming the forgotten, suffering or vulnerable wherever we encounter them. Holy Spirit, strengthen us to live our faith, witnessing to life, peace and social justice daily wherever we are in Canada. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Good Counsel, may we be joyful and responsive to our Christian calling, by truly being Catholic and Living It! We make this prayer through Jesus, our Teacher and Messiah, who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Summer Prayer Time

All are encouraged to enjoy God’s creations and walk with Him in prayer in nature. Try doing your own mini retreat. Some suggestions and ideas of how to do this and what to include:

Create a quiet prayer space, Crucifix with a Bible, Prayer book, Mother Mary statue or picture and, light a candle (battery operated is safer!),

Set time aside, no distractions, no phone, iPad, tv etc. unless it is used for the retreat. Let your family know, invite them to join.

Create a schedule:

    • Morning Prayer

    • Mass

    • Scripture

    • Watch a video/movie on, or a talk or read a spiritual book

    • Have a quiet personal reflection time to sit with the Lord in silence, go to adoration if possible or put on an adoration/exposition video ...”

    • Keep a journal near by

    • Schedule a lunch break which should also be in silence and dinner break if a weekend retreat.

    • Perhaps schedule the same retreat with others and have a sharing time

    • Include a walk

    • Play some soft music or Christian song based on your theme for a small portion and reflect on it after

    • Include traditional prayers, Rosary, Stations, Litany

    • Include time to just talk with Jesus

    • Imaginative prayer where you sit with scripture and imagine yourself in the scene

    • Lectio Divina, sit with the scripture, what speaks to you, a word or phrase

The Sunday Rosary will resume in September


Join us for the Holy Rosary on Sundays 3.30pm

For more details, email us at