Would you like to join us?

You will find that the benefits of membership in the Catholic Women’s League will be everlasting. Your social circle will be expanded as you meet women within and beyond your parish community.

There will be many opportunities for you to:

deepen your Catholic faith and attend spiritual retreats,

advocate on pro-life and social justice issues,

promote Christian family values,

respond to government policies,

attend diocesan, provincial and national conventions,

liaise with other parish ministries,

participate in crafts, baking and health & wellness groups,

participate in leadership training,

attend social outings, have fun, laugh together

and much more….

Whatever your talents, there is a place for you......


What do Members say…

“ to belong means to walk in friendship and faith”

“ We are a family and the ‘heart’ of our faith community”

“ a dynamic, wholesome, healthy, and supportive sisterhood”

“ the CWL has taught me self-confidence and enhanced my leadership skills”

“ the beauty of the League… a place for women of all ages and heritages”

So come and journey with us…

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