
A Night Drive

by Scott Julian

Reminiscing of night drives through cities, I created this composition to reflect that nostalgia. To create this project, I took long exposure photos of cars driving to make streaks of car lights, which were taken on a bridge I used to drive over frequently. I then digitally warped the photos and other textures to make a convincing composition before adding realistic highlights and shadows. I used Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom with original photography for this project.

Blue Heron

by Arthur Wei

Daughters of Night, Spinners of Fate

by Nadav Havilio

As gods, mortals, and monsters clash, three sisters spin the fate of all upon this grand stage, singing of what has, what is, and what will be. Clotho, or “the spinner” spun the thread of life, Lachesis “the allotter” measured and determined the length of the life thread, and Atropos “the inflexible” chose the manner of death, and when it was time, she cut the thread of life. Ultimately they symbolize the endless march of time, and remind use that jest like life itself, there is magic in the mystery and the unknown.

Eye of Rememberance

by Isabella Bartell

The Final Countdown

by Thomas Gendreau

For You

by Erin Sitrin

Fragment of Heaven

by Ty Thammavong

Halloween Garden

by Arthur Wei

Ghost Mission

by Arthur Wei

Lady of Blue

by Erin Sitrin


by Erin Sitrin

The Life of a Fly

by Jackson Cramer

Living Bird

by Arthur Wei

Lying in the Grass

by Arthur Wei

Mountain Concepts

by Deya Ahmed

Snowy Concepts

by Deya Ahmed


by Annabelle Hanson

Through a Dreamer's Eyes

by Ty Thammavong


by Arthur Wei