University Hospital

About the Location

There is a hidden wireless network called Physician (capital P) - there's no password.

The Citrix iPhone/iPad app works on your personal macbook/ipad! Steps include:

- Download Citrix Receiver.

Select this link to access mobile receiver setup

- That link will add your information to the citrix receiver. 

- When Citrix comes up, sign in by using:

Username: University\_

Password: ___

- If it doesn't work, click the upside-down carot at the top right-of-center of the screen > preferences > accounts.

- Either use the current, or make a new account, and click the [gear] > configure account; Ensure that you are on the right settings. Websites should be, "Access Gateway" should be Enterprise, and then you should be okay to get on. 

- Hit the plus sign on the left of the screen, go to all applications, and Epic PRD should be available!



When you are on Labor and Delivery at University, to view the L&D Grease Board on EPIC, set your context to "ZZ OB and Gynecology" (do this when you log in, or choose "Change Context" from the EPIC menu). There are locker rooms on the fourth floor, at the east end of the north hallway, where you can leave your stuff, and a scrub dispenser about halfway down the same hallway.