Would I rather be feared or loved? Easy. Both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

-Michael Scott, The Office

MSC Executive Board


Taylor Martinez, MS4

Vice President

Emmanuel Cruz, MS3


Vincent Hou, MS3


Alex Camai, MS2

Revised Bylaws 2024

MSC Bylaws Current 

Check out the most recent version of the MSC Bylaws

Class of 2025 Student Government and Other Positions

Medical Student Council

Committee Representatives

Phase & Pillar Representatives

Other Positions

Class of 2026 Student Government and Other Positions

Medical Student Council

Committee Representatives

Phase & Pillar Representatives

Other Positions

Class of 2027 Student Government and Other Positions

Medical Student Council

Committee Representatives

Phase & Pillar Representatives

Other Positions

Class of 2028 Student Government and Other Positions

Medical Student Council

Committee Representatives

Phase & Pillar Representatives

Other Positions