
Our science

The Western Australian Graphite Workshop - June 2023

An Atom's Eye View - ABC Ockham's Razor Podcast

ABC News article on How carbon materials can improve solar power, green hydrogen and battery technology.

Radio piece on how Carbon is a vital part of our new energy future.

TOP5 Science Media Residency with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) in 2022

CarbonWebinar - a virtual webinar during the COVID-19 pandemic

Letter to the editor of the Carbon Journal - Rosalind Franklin, carbon scientist

Science Daily article - Serendipity broadens the scope for making graphite

Carbon Science & Technology Workshop in 2019

ABC Radio National/The Science Show: Cosmic Diamonds

General science 

Science Journal perspective - The risks of radioactive wastewater release

AsiaGlobal Online article - As Japan Moves to Release Fukushima Wastewater into the Ocean, Questions Persist

CNBC article - China is furious with Japan’s plan to release treated Fukushima water into the ocean

ABC News article - Japan releases treated wastewater from Fukushima nuclear plant into Pacific Ocean

The conversation: No, the Fukushima water release is not going to kill the Pacific Ocean

Yahoo news article - AUKUS submarine deal sparks serious nuclear waste question for Australia

TEDx talk as part of the lead-up to the COP26 climate conference in 2022

Cosmos magazine article - Dumped: the nuclear waste facility at Kimba decision thrown out by judge

TV3 Nightline News The Beautiful World of Nanotechnology in 2013

The Conversation: Should Australia consider thorium nuclear power?

Channel 10, The Project: Embracing Nuclear Power

Creative work

Carbon Nanoverse VR experience and Movement 1: Nanomorphpplyg of graphene were displayed at the Science Gallery Bengaluru in 2024.

Think like a scientist programme was run in Western Australian prisons with a workshop on how batteries work run by the group including the VR experience.

Irene had atomic orbitals and graphene band structure skirt displayed in the museum of arts and design in New York

Augmented nanotechnology was a display developed for the Switch Conference 2018 in Singapore. Various 3D nanostructures were visualised using QR codes and augmented reality. 

Poetry off the Page was a science-art collaboration between the Department of English and the Photon Factory. We exhibited Ian Wedde's poem laser-inscribed on various common objects in the University of Auckland library and online. https://poetryoffthepage.org.nz/ (back story)
