Coryanthe Yohimbe

Excites sexual organs and acts on central nervous system and respiratory center. An aphrodisiac, used in physiological doses, but contraindicated in all acute and chronic inflammations of abdominal organs. Homeopathically, should be of service in congestive conditions of the sexual organs. Causes hyperćmia of the milk glands and stimulates the function of lactation. Menorrhagia.

Head.--Agitation, with flying sensations of heat in face. Disagreeable, metallic taste. Copious salivation. Nausea and eructation.

Sexual.--Strong and lasting erections. Neurasthenic impotence. Bleeding piles. Intestinal hćmorrhage. Urethritis.

Fever.--Rigor; intense heat, waves of heat and chilliness, tendency to sweat.

Sleep.--Sleepless. Thoughts of events of whole past life keep him awake.

Dose.--As a sexual stimulant, ten drops of a one per cent solution, or hypodermic tablets of 0. 005 gm. Homeopathic dose, third potency.




So-called bilious symptoms, with headache. Despondent and irritable.

Head.--Aches as if top of head would fly off. Arteries of forehead throb. Nose red.

Face.--Yellow; tongue yellow, coated, taking imprint of teeth (Merc; Pod; Rhus).

Mouth.--Taste as of rotten eggs (Arnica).

Throat.--Sensation as if something hung down from posterior nares; cannot get it up or down.

Abdomen.--Deep pain in right side over liver, going through back. Stool yellowish brown, with bile.

Male.--Burning and swelling of the prepuce, with redness of meatus. Gonorrhśa (Cann; Tussil).

Skin.--Erythematous redness.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.