
The symptomatology of Tabacum is exceedingly well marked. The nausea, giddiness, death-like pallor, vomiting, icy coldness, and sweat, with the intermittent pulse, are all most characteristic. Has marked antiseptic qualities, antidotal to cholera germs. Complete prostration of the entire muscular system. Collapse. Gastralgia, enteralgia, seasickness, cholera infantum; cold, but wants abdomen uncovered. Vigorous peristaltic activity diarrhœa. Produces high tension and arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Should prove the most homeopathic drug for angina pectoris, with coronaritis and high tension (Cartier). Constriction of throat, chest, bladder, rectum. Pallor, breathlessness, hard-cordlike pulse.

Mind.--Sensation of excessive wretchedness. Very despondent. Forgetful. Discontented.

Head.--Vertigo on opening eyes; sick headache, with deathly nausea; periodical. Tight feeling as from a band. Sudden pain, as if struck by a hammer. Nervous deafness. Secretion from eyes, nose and mouth increased.

Eyes.--Dim sight; sees as through a veil; strabismus. Amaurosis; muscæ volitantes. Central scotoma. Rapid blindness without lesion, followed by venous hyperæmia and atrophy of optic nerve.

Face.--Pale, blue, pinched, sunken, collapsed, covered with cold sweat (Ars; Verat). Freckles.

Throat.--Nasopharyngitis and tracheitis, hemming, morning cough, sometimes with vomiting. Hoarseness of public speakers.

Stomach.--Incessant nausea; worse, smell of tobacco smoke (Phos); vomiting on least motion, sometimes of fecal matter, during pregnancy with much spitting. Seasickness; terrible faint, sinking feeling at pit of stomach. Sense of relaxation of stomach, with nausea (Ipec). Gastralgia; pain from cardiac end extending to left arm.

Abdomen.--Cold. Wants abdomen uncovered. It lessens the nausea and vomiting. Painful distension. Incarcerated hernia.

Rectum.--Constipation; rectum paralyzed, prolapsed. Diarrhœa, sudden, watery, with nausea and vomiting, prostration, and cold sweat; discharges look like sour milk, thick, curdled, watery. Rectal tenesmus.

Urinary.--Renal colic; violent pain along ureter, left side.

Heart.--Palpitation when lying on left side. Pulse intermits, feeble, imperceptible. Angina pectoris, pain in præcordial region. Pain radiates from center of sternum. Tachycardia. Bradycardia. Acute dilatation caused by shock or violent physical exertion (Royal).

Respiratory.--Difficult, violent constriction of chest. Præcordial oppression, with palpitation and pain between shoulders. Cough followed by hiccough. Cough dry, teasing, must take a swallow of cold water (Caust; Phos). Dyspnœa, with tingling down left arm when lying on left side.

Extremities.--Legs and hands icy cold; limbs tremble. Paralysis following apoplexy (Plumb). Gait shuffling, unsteady. Feebleness of arms.

Sleep.--Insomnia with dilated heart, with cold, clammy skin and anxiety.

Fever.--Chills, with cold sweat.

Modalities.--Worse, opening eyes; evening; extremes of heat and cold. Better, uncovering, open fresh air.

Relationship.--Compare: Hydrobromic acid; Camph; Verat; Ars. Compare: Nicotinum (Alternate tonic and clonic spasms, followed by general relaxation and trembling; nausea, cold sweat, and speedy collapse; head drawn back, contraction of eyelids and masseter muscles; muscles of neck and back rigid; hissing respiration from spasm of laryngeal and bronchial muscles).

Antidotes.--Vinegar; sour apples. Camphor in the physiological antagonist. Ars (chewing tobacco); Ign; (smoking); Sep (neuralgia and dyspepsia); Lycop (impotency); Nux (bad taste due to tobacco); Calad and Plantag (cause aversion to tobacco); Phosph (tobacco heart, sexual weakness).

Dose.--Third to thirtieth and higher potencies.




Abnormal lassitude. Nervous and tired feeling. "Half dead, half alive feeling" all over. Of use in chorea and reflex spasms (worms). Said to be a specific against effects of poison ivy.

Head.--Heavy, dull, confused. Headache with least exertion.

Mental.--Irritable, sensitive to noise. Mental fatigue, nausea and vertigo, worse in a closed room.

Ears.--Roaring and ringing; voice sounds strange; ears seem to close up suddenly.

Abdomen.--Pain in bowels; relieved by stool. Desire for stool immediately after eating. Dysentery.

Female.--Dysmenorrhśa, with bearing-down pains, tenderness, drawing in groins. Menses suppressed; later, profuse.

Respiratory.--Hurried, labored, stertorous respiration. Frothy mucus obstructs the air-passages.

Relationship.--Compare: Cimicif; Cina; Absinth. Nux follows well.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.



Tannin - Digallic Acid


Mostly used locally against excessive secretion of mucous membranes, to contract tissue and check hćmorrhage. In Osmidrosis, corrects fetor of the perspiration. Obstinate nervous coughs. Hćmaturia. Obstinate constipation. Pain in abdomen, sensitive to pressure. Intestines can be felt like cylindrical enlargements. One-half per cent solution.

Relationship.--Gallic acid q. v.




For gastric headaches, bilious attacks, with characteristically mapped tongue and jaundiced skin. Cancer of bladder. Flatulence. Hysterical tympanites.

Head.--Sensation of great heat on top of head. Sterno-mastoid muscle very painful to touch.

Mouth.--Mapped tongue. Tongue covered with a white film; feels raw; comes off in patches, leaving red, sensitive spots. Loss of appetite. Bitter taste and eructations. Salivation.

Abdomen.--Liver enlarged and indurated. Sharp stitches in left side. Sensation of bubbles bursting in bowels. Tympanites. Evacuation difficult.

Extremities.--Very restless limbs. Neuralgia of knee; better, pressure. Limbs painful to touch.

Fever.--Chilliness after eating, worse drinking; finger tips cold. Bitter taste. Heat without thirst, in face, in toes. Sweat on falling asleep.

Skin.--Profuse night-sweats.

Modalities.--Worse, resting, lying down, sitting. Better, touch.

Relationship.--Compare: Choline, a constituent of Taraxacum root, has given encouraging results in the treatment of cancer. Choline is closely related to Neurin, it is the "Cancronie" of Prof. Adamkiewicz (E. Schlegel). Bry; Hydrast; Nux. Tela aranea (nervous asthma and sleeplessness).

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency. In cancer 1-2 drams fluid extract.



Spanish Spider

Remarkable nervous phenomena; hysteria with chlorosis; chorea, dysmenorrhœa, spinal irritability. Bladder tenesmus. Constriction sensations. Formication; Extreme restlessness; must keep in constant motion even though walking aggravates. Hysterical epilepsy. Intense sexual excitement.

Mind.--Sudden alteration of mood. Foxy. Destructive impulses; moral relaxation. Must constantly busy herself or walk. Sensitive to music. Averse to company, but wants some one present. Ungrateful, discontented. Guided by whims.

Head.--Intense pain, as if thousands of needles were pricking into brain. Vertigo. Wants hair brushed or head rubbed.

Male.--Sexual excitement; lasciviousness reaching almost to insanity; seminal emissions.

Heart.--Palpitation; præcordial anguish, sensation as if heart twisted and turned around.

Female.--Vulva dry and hot, with much itching. Profuse menstruation, with frequent erotic spasms. Pruritus vulvæ; nymphomania. Dysmenorrhœa, with very sensitive ovaries.

Extremities.--Weakness of legs; choreic movements. Numbness of legs. Multiple sclerosis, with trembling. Twitching and jerking. Yawning with uneasiness of legs, must move them constantly. Extraordinary contractions and movements.

Modalities.--Worse, motion, contract, noise. Better, in open air, music, bright colors, rubbing affected parts. Worse, seeming others in trouble.

Relationship.--Compare: Agar; Ars; Cupr; Mag phos.

Antidotes: Lach.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.



Cuban Spider

A toxæmic medicine, septic conditions. Diphtheria. Adapted to the most severe types of inflammation and pain, early and persistent prostration. Various forms of malignant suppuration. Purplish hue and burning, stinging pains. Bubo. It is the remedy for pain of death; soothes the last struggles. Pruritus, especially about genitals. Restless feet. Intermittent septic chills. Bubonic plague. As a curative and preventive remedy especially during the period of invasion.

Head.--Dizziness after heat and hot perspiration. Dull ache on top of head. Shooting pain through left eye across frontal region.

Gastric.--Stomach feels hard, sore. Loss of appetite, except for breakfast.

Back.--Itches across kidney region.

Extremities.--Hands tremble, turgid with blood.

Urinary.--Retention. Cannot hold urine on coughing.

Skin.--Red spots and pimples. Feels puffed all over. Carbuncles, burning, stinging pains. Purplish hue. Gangrene. Abscesses, where pain and inflammation predominate. Scirrhus of breasts. "Senile" ulcers.

Sleep.--Drowsiness. Sleep restless. Sleep prevented by harsh cough.

Relationship.--Compare: Ars; Pyrog; Crotal; Echin; Anthrac; Bellad; Apis.

Modalities.--Better, smoking. Worse, night.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.



Tartaric Acid

Found in grapes, pineapple, sorrel and other fruits. It is an antiscorbutic antiseptic, stimulating the mucous and salivary secretions.

Dullness and lassitude. Great weakness, with diarrhśa, with dry and brown tongue. Pain in heels (Phytol).

Stomach.--Excessive thirst, continued vomiting burning in throat and stomach. Dyspepsia with copious secretions of mucus.

Abdomen.--Pain around umbilicus and region of loins. Stool color of coffee-grounds (worse at night), with brown and dry tongue, and dark-green vomiting.

Dose.--Third trituration. The pure acid 10-30 grains dissolved in water.




In pustular diseases of skin and night-sweats. Also in gout and chronic rheumatism.

Head.--Supra-orbital and temporal pain on right side, with lachrymation. Pupils dilated. Face puffy and pale.

Stomach.--Saliva hot, acrid. Nausea. Pain in pit of stomach and region of navel. After eating, cough. Feeling of pins and needles at pit of stomach; of emptiness, must eat frequently (compare the coniferć).

Skin.--Large, flat, itching pustules. Badly smelling night-sweats. Podagra. Erysipelas.

Dose.--Tincture, to third potency.



The Metal Tellurium


Marked skin (herpes circinatus), spinal, eye and ear symptoms. Very sensitive back. Pains all over body. Offensive discharges. Slow development of symptoms (Radium) Sacral and sciatic pains.

Head.--Neglectful and forgetful. Pain in left side of head and in forehead above left eye. Distortion and twitching of left facial muscles; when speaking left angle of mouth drawn upwards and to left. Fear of being touched in sensitive places. Congestion to head and nape of neck, followed by weakness and faintness in stomach. Itching of scalp; red spots.

Eyes.--Lids thickened, inflamed, itching. Pterygium; pustular conjunctivitis. Cataract, following ocular lesions; aids the absorption of infiltrations in iris and choroid.

Ears.--Eczema behind ear. Catarrh of middle ear, discharge acrid, smells like fish-pickle. Itching, swelling, throbbing in meatus. Deafness.

Nose.--Coryza, lachrymation and hoarseness; better in open air (Cepa). Obstructed; hawks salty phlegm from posterior nares.

Stomach.--Craving for apples. Empty and weak feeling. Heartburn.

Rectum.--Pruritus ani et perinei after every stool.

Back.--Pain in sacrum.--Pain from last cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra, very sensitive; worse touch (Chin s; Phosph) Sciatica; worse right side, coughing, straining, and at night, with sensitive vertebral column. Contraction of tendons in bends of knees.

Skin.--Itching of hands and feet. Herpetic spots; ringworm (Tuberc). Ring-shape lesions, offensive odors from affected parts. Barber's itch. Stinging in skin. Fetid exhalations (Sulph). Offensive foot-sweat. Eczema, back of ears and occiput. Circular patches of eczema.

Modalities.--Worse, while at rest at night, cold weather, from friction, coughing, laughing, lying on painful side, touch.

Relationship.--Compare: Radium; Selenium; Tetradymite-crystals from Georgia and North Carolina containing Bismuth, Tellurium and Sulphur--(coccygodynia, ulceration of nails; pains in hands, in small spots, ankles, heels, and tendo-Achilles); Sep; Ars; Rhus.

Dose.--Sixth potency and higher. Takes long time to develop its action, which is very prolonged.





Has a selective affinity for bleeding mucous surfaces. Tympanites and urinary symptoms very marked. Inflammation of kidneys, with hćmorrhages-dark, passive, fetid. Bright's disease preceded by dropsy (Goullon). Drowsiness and strangury. Coma. Unbroken chilblains.

Head.--Dull pain like from a band around the head (Carb ac). Vertigo, with vanishing of vision. Disturbed sense of equilibrium. Tired and difficult concentration of thoughts. Cold in head with sore nostrils with disposition to bleed.

Eyes.--Ciliary neuralgia over right eye. Intense pain in eye and side of head. Amblyopia from alcohol.

Ears.--Own voice sounds unnatural; humming as of a seashell, talking loudly is painful. Otalgia.

Mouth.--Tongue dry, red sore, shining; burning in tip, with prominent papillć (Arg n; Bell; Kali b; Nux m). Breath cold, foul. Choking sensation in throat. Stomatitis. Dentition.

Stomach.--Nausea and vomiting; heat in epigastric region.

Abdomen.--Enormous distention. Diarrhśa; stools watery, greenish, fetid, bloody. Pain before flatus with and relief after stool. Hćmorrhage from bowels. Worms; lumbrici. Abdominal dropsy; pelvic peritonitis. Fainting after every stool Entero-colitis, with hćmorrhage and ulceration of bowels.

Urinary.--Strangury, with bloody urine. Scanty, suppressed, odor of violets. Urethritis, with painful erections (Canthar). Inflamed kidneys following any acute disease. Constant tenesmus.

Female.--Intense burning in uterine region. Metritis; puerperal peritonitis. Metrorrhagia with burning in uterus.

Respiratory.--Difficult breathing; lungs feel distended; hćmoptysis. Bloody expectoration.

Heart.--Pulse rapid, small, thready, intermittent.

Back.--Burning pain in region of kidneys. Drawing in right kidney extending to hip.

Skin.--Acne. Erythema; itching pustular, vesicular eruption; urticaria. Purpura, ecchymosis, dropsies. Scarlatina. Chilblains; with excessive itching and pulsative pains. Aching soreness of the muscles.

Fever.--Heat, with violent thirst, dry tongue, profuse cold, clammy sweat. Typhoid with tympanites, hćmorrhages, stupor, delirium. Prostration.

Relationship.--Compare: Alumen; Secale; Canth; Nit ac. Terebene 1x; (chronic bronchitis and winter coughs; subacute stages of inflammation of respiratory tract. Loosens secretion, relieves tightened feeling, makes expectoration easy). Neurotic coughs. Huskiness of public speakers, and singers. Cystitis when urine is alkaline and offensive.

Ononis spinosa-Rest Harrow--(Diuretic, Lithontriptic. Chronic nephritis; diuretic effects like Juniper; calculus nosebleed, worse washing face).

Antidote: Phos.

Dose.--First to sixth potency.





Nasal and rectal symptoms marked. Polypi. Affections of children. Suitable after too much medicine has been taken. Oversensitiveness. Desire to stretch. A remedy of first importance in chronic nasal catarrh with atrophy; large, offensive crusts and clinkers. Ozćna. Loss of sense of smell.

Head.--Excited, tremulous feeling. Frontal pain; worse, stooping. Strengthens brain after delirium tremens.

Eyes.--Smarting in canthi; lids red and puffy; tarsal tumor (Staph).

Ears.--Hissing and ringing otalgia.

Nose.--Catarrhal condition of both anterior and posterior nostrils. Mucous polypus. Chronic catarrh; discharge of large, irregular clinkers. Foul breath. Crawling in nostrils, with lachrymation and sneezing. Coryza, with stoppage of nostrils.

Stomach.--Vomiting of large quantities of dark-green masses. Constant hiccough, attended with pain in back. Unnatural appetite. Hiccough on eating, after nursing.

Respiratory.--Dry cough, tickling in trachea; moldy taste in throat when hawking up mucus, expectoration profuse.

Extremities.--Affection of finger-tips and joints of toes. Tearing pains in arms and legs. Pain in toe-nails, as if they had grown into flesh.

Rectum.--Itching of anus, and constant irritation in the evening in bed. Ascarides, with nightly restlessness. Crawling in rectum after stool.

Sleep.--Restless, with twitching, choking, and starting up frightened.

Skin.--Itching causes tossing about all night. Very dry skin. Suppurating grooves in the nails.

Relationship.--Compare: Teucrium scorodonia-Wood-sage (in tuberculosis with muco-purulent expectoration; dropsy; orchitis and tuberculous epidymitis; especially in young, thin individuals with tuberculosis of lungs, glands; bones and urogenitals, 3x). Cina; Ignat; Sang; Sil.

Dose.--First to sixth potency. Locally for polypi, dry powder.



The Metal Thallium


Thallium seems to influence the endocrines, especially the thyroid and adrenaline. Most horrible neuralgic, spasmodic, shooting pains. Muscular atrophy. Tremors. Relieves the violent pains in locomotor ataxia. Paralysis of lower limbs. Pain in stomach and bowels, like electric shocks. Paraplegia. Alopecia following acute, exhausting diseases. Night sweats. Polyneuritis. Dermal trophic lesions.

Extremities.--Trembling. Paralytic feeling. Lancinating pains, like electric shocks. Very tired. Chronic myelitis. Numbness in fingers and toes, with extension up lower extremities, involving lower abdomen and perineum. Paralysis of lower limbs. Cyanosis of extremities. Formication, beginning in fingers and extending through pelvis, perineum and inner thighs to feet.

Relationship.--Compare: Lathyr; Caust; Arg nit; Plumbum.

Dose.--Lower trituration to thirtieth potency.





Nervous sleeplessness, heart troubles, palpitation, and dyspepsia of old tea-drinkers. Produces most of the sick headaches Tabacum antidotal (Allen).

Head.--Temporary mental exaltation. Ill-humored. Sick headache radiating from one point. Sleepless and restless. Hallucinations of hearing. Cold damp feeling at back of head.

Stomach.--Sinking sensation at epigastrium. Faint, gone feeling (Sep; Hyd; Oleand). Craves acids. Sudden production of wind in large quantities.

Abdomen.--Borborygmi liability to hernia.

Female.--Soreness and tenderness in ovaries.

Heart.--Anxious oppression. Prćcordial distress. Palpitation; unable to lie on left side. Fluttering. Pulse rapid, irregular, intermittent.

Sleep.--Sleepy in daytime; sleepiness at night, with vascular excitement and restlessness, and dry skin. Horrible dreams cause no horror.

Modalities.--Worse, night, on walking in open air, after meals. Better warmth; warm bath.

Relationship.--Antidote: Kali hypophos; Thuja; Ferr; Kali hyd (Material doses for tea-taster's cough).

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency.

Theine 1/4-1/2 grain hypodermically for sciatica and supra-orbital neuralgia.





Nervous hyperæsthesia. Has affinity for the tubercular diathesis. Vertigo, sick headache, peculiar pain around heart region, phthisis florida, scrofula have all been treated successfully with this remedy. Sensitive to noise; it penetrates the body, especially teeth. Noises seem to strike on painful spots over the body. Rachitis, caries, necrosis. Phthisis, stitch high up in left apex (Anthrax). Where the indicated remedy does not hold long.

Mind.--Restless; finds pleasure in nothing. Time passes too quickly.

Head.--Pain worse anyone walking over floor. Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting on least motion, particularly when closing eyes.

Eyes.--Luminous vibrations before eyes; sensitive to light. Pressure behind eyeballs. Throbbing over left eye.

Nose.--Discharge yellowish, thick, offensive; ozæna (Puls; Thuja).

Stomach.--Seasickness. Nausea and vomiting when closing eyes and on motion (Tabac). Stinging pain on left side over anterior aspect of spleen. Burning in liver region.

Respiratory.--Pain in upper left chest (Myrt; Pix; Anis). Pain in left floating ribs. Cardiac anxiety and pain. Pinching in left pectoral muscle.

Back.--Sensitiveness between vertebræ; avoids pressure on spine. Stinging pains.

Skin.--Stinging thrusts everywhere. Sensitive skin in thighs. Itching sensations.

Modalities.--Worse, touch; pressure; on shipboard; riding in carriage; closing eyes; jar; noise, coitus; left side.

Dose.--Thirtieth potency.



A Chemical Derived from Oil of Mustard-seed


Are solvent, externally and internally, for dissolving scar tissue, tumors, enlarged glands; lupus, strictures, adhesions. Ectropion, opacities of cornea, cataract, ankylosis, fibroids, scleroderma. Noises in ear. Suggested by Dr. A. S. Hard for retarding old age. A remedy for Tabes dorsalis, improving the lightning pains. Gastric, vesicle and rectal crises. Stricture of rectum, 2 grains twice daily.

Ear.--Arterio-sclerotic vertigo. Tinnitus. Catarrhal deafness with cicatricial thickening. Subacute suppurative otitis media, formation of fibrous bands impeding free movement of the ossicles. Thickened drum. Deafness due to some fibrous change in the nerve.

Dose.--Inject under skin, or, into the lesion a 10 per cent solution in glycerine and water, 15-30 drops twice a week. Internally in capsules 1/2 grain daily. Obstinate arterio-sclerotic ailments in doses of 1/2 grain, never more, 3 times a day. Vertigo and arthritis (Bartlett). 2x attenuation.



Shepherd's Purse


Is an anti-hæmorrhagic and anti-uric-acid remedy. Albuminuria during gestation. Chronic neuralgia. Renal and vesical irritation. Hæmorrhage from uterine fibroid with aching in back or general bruised soreness. Aching between scapulæ. Uterine hæmorrhage, with cramps and expulsion of clots. Craves buttermilk. Effects of suppressed uterine disease (Burnett).

Head.--Eyes and face puffy. Frequent epistaxis. Vertigo; worse, rising. Frontal pain; worse toward evening. Scaly eruption behind ears. Tongue white, coated. Mouth and lips cracked. Sharp pain over right eye drawing eye upwards.

Nose.--Bleeding in nasal operations. Especially passive hæmorrhage.

Male.--Spermatic cord sensitive to concussion of walking or riding.

Female.--Metrorrhagia; too frequent and copious menses. Hæmorrhage, with violent uterine colic. Every alternate period very profuse. Leucorrhœa before and after menses; bloody, dark, offensive; stains indelibly. Sore pain in womb on rising. Scarcely recovers from one period before another begins.

Urinary.--Frequent desire; urine heavy, phosphatic. Chronic cystitis. Dysuria and spasmodic retention. Hæmaturia. Accumulation of gravel. Renal colic. Brick-dust sediment. Urethritis; urine runs away in little jets. Often replaces the use of the catheter.

Relationship.--Compare: Urtica; Croc; Trill; Millefol.

Dose.--Tincture, to sixth potency.



Arbor vitæ

Acts on skin, blood, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, and brain. Its relation to the production of pathological vegetations condylomate, warty excrescences, spongy tumors is very important. Moist mucous tubercles. Bleeding fungus growths. Nævus. Excess of venosity.

The main action of Thuja is on the skin and genito-urinary organs, producing conditions that correspond with Hahnemann's sycotic dyscrasia, whose chief manifestation is the formation of wart-like excrescences upon mucous and cutaneous surfaces-fig-warts and condylomata. Has a specific antibacterial action, as in gonorrhœa and vaccination. Suppressed gonorrhœa, salpingitis. Ill-effects of vaccination. Sycotic pains, i.e, tearing in muscles and joints, worse at rest, better in dry weather, worse damp humid atmosphere; lameness. Hydrogenoid constitutions, whose blood is morbidly hydroscopic, so that damp air and water are inimical. Complaints from moonlight. Rapid exhaustion and emaciation. Left-sided and chilly medicine. Variola, aborts the pustule and prevents the suppurating fever. Vaccinosis, viz, inveterable skin troubles, neuralgia, etc.

Mind.--Fixed ideas, as if a strange person were at his side; as if soul and body were separated; as if something alive in abdomen (Croc). Emotional sensitiveness; music causes weeping and trembling.

Head.--Pain as if pierced by a nail (Coff; Ign). Neuralgia from tea (Selen). Left-sided headache. White, scaly dandruff; hair dry and falling out. Greasy skin of face.

Eyes.--Ciliary neuralgia; iritis. Eyelids agglutinated at night; dry, scaly. Styes and tarsal tumors (Staph). Acute and subacute inflammation of sclera. Sclera raised in patches, and looks bluish-red. Large, flat phlyctenules; indolent. Recurring episcleritis. Chronic scleritis.

Ears.--Chronic otitis; discharge purulent. Creaking when swallowing. Polypi.

Nose.--Chronic catarrh; thick, green mucus; blood and pus. On blowing nose, pain in teeth. Ulceration within the nostrils. Dryness of nasal cavities. Painful pressure at root.

Mouth.--Tip of tongue very painful. White blisters on side close to root, painfully sore. Teeth decay next to gums; very sensitive; gums retract. Drinks fall audibly into stomach. Ranula; varicose veins on tongue and mouth. Pyorrhea alveolaris.

Stomach.--Complete loss of appetite. Dislike for fresh meat and potatoes. Rancid eructations after fat food. Cutting pain in epigastrium. Cannot eat onions. Flatulence; pain after food; sinking sensation in epigastrium before food; thirst. Tea-drinking dyspepsia.

Abdomen.--Distended; indurations in abdomen. Chronic diarrhœa, worse after breakfast. Discharges forcibly expelled; gurgling sound. Brown spots. Flatulence and distension; protruding here and there. Rumbling and colic. Constipation, with violent rectal pain, causing stool to recede (Sil; Sanic). Piles swollen; pain worse sitting, with stitching, burning pains at the anus. Anus fissured; painful to touch with warts. Movements as of something living (Crocus), without pain.

Urinary.--Urethra swollen inflamed. Urinary stream split and small. Sensation of trickling after urinating. Severe cutting after (Sars). Frequent micturition accompanying pains. Desire sudden and urgent, but cannot be controlled. Paralysis sphincter vesicæ.

Male.--Inflammation of prepuce and glans; pain in penis. Balanitis. Gonorrhœal rheumatism. Gonorrhœa. Chronic induration of testicles. Pain and burning felt near neck of bladder, with frequent and urgent desire to urinate. Prostatic enlargement (Ferr pic; Thiosinaminum; Iod; Sabal).

Female.--Vagina very sensitive (Berb; Kreos; Lyssin). Warty excrescences on vulva and perineum. Profuse leucorrhœa; thick, greenish. Severe pain in left ovary and left inguinal region. Menses scanty, retarded. Polypi; fleshy excrescences. Ovaritis; worse left side, at every menstrual period (Lach). Profuse perspiration before menses.

Respiratory.--Dry, hacking cough in afternoon, with pain in pit of stomach. Stitches in chest; worse, cold drinks. Asthma in children (Nat sulph). Papilloma of larynx. Chronic laryngitis.

Extremities.--When walking, limbs feel as if made of wood or glass, and would break easily. Tips of fingers swollen, red, feel read. Muscular twitchings, weakness and trembling. Cracking in joints. Pain in heels and tendo-Achilles. Nails brittle. Ingrowing toe nail.

Skin.--Polypi, tubercles, warts epithelioma, nævi, carbuncles; ulcers, especially in ano-genital region. Freckles and blotches. Perspiration sweetish, and strong. Dry skin, with brown spots. Zona; herpetic eruptions. Tearing pains in glands. Glandular enlargement. Nails crippled; brittle and soft. Eruptions only on covered parts; worse after scratching. Very sensitive to touch. Coldness of one side. Sarcoma; polypi. Brown spots on hands and arms.

Sleep.--Persistent insomnia.

Fever.--Chill, beginning in thighs. Sweat only on uncovered parts, or all over except head, when sleeping; profuse, sour, smelling like honey. Orgasm of blood in the evening, with throbbing in the blood-vessels.

Modalities.--Worse, at night, from heat of bed; at 3 am and 3 pm; from cold, damp air; after breakfast; fat, coffee; vaccination. Better, left side; while drawing up a limb.

Relationship.--Compare: (Hydrogenoid constitution: Calcar; Silica; Nat sulph; Aranea; Apis; Pulsat). Cupressus australis (sharp, prickling pain; general feeling of warmth; rheumatism and gonorrhœa). Cupressus Lawsoniana (acts like Thuja; terrible pains in the stomach). Sphingurus (falling out of hair from beard; pain in jaw-joint and zygoma); Sil; Maland (vaccination); Medorrh (suppressed gonorrhœa); Merc; Cinnab; Terebinth; Juniperus; Sabin; Sil; Canth; Cannab; Nit ac; Puls; Ant tart; Arborin is a non-alcoholic preparation of Thuja.

Antidotes: Merc; Camph; Sabin (warts).

Complementary: Sabina; Ars; Nat sulph; Silica.

Dose.--Locally, for warts and excrescences, tincture, or cerate. Internally, tincture to thirtieth potency.



Thyme Camphor


A remedy having a wide field in genito-urinary diseases. It is indicated in pathological emissions, priapism and prostatorrhśa. The provings show an action limited to the sexual organs, producing a typical sexual neurasthenia. Specific for hookworm disease (Chenopodium).

Mental.--Irritable, arbitrary, must have his own way. Craves company. Energy gone.

Back.--Tired, aching throughout lumbar region. Worse, mental and physical labor.

Male.--Profuse, nightly, seminal emissions with lascivious dreams of a perverted character. Priapism. Urinary burning and subsequent dribbling of urine. Polyuria. Urates increased. Phosphates decreased.

Sleep.--Awakes tired and unrefreshed. Lascivious and fantastic dreams.

Relationship.--Compare: Carbon Tetrachloride as a remedy for Hookworms, according to Dr. Lambert, Suva, Fiji who employed it in 50,000 cases.

"1. Carbon tetrachloride is a vermifuge and vermicide of great potency, and has shown itself to be the best vermifuge for the treatment of hookworm in a country where the disease predominates.

"2. It gives little discomfort to the patient, is palatable, required no preparation of the patient, and when pure is apparently not toxic-all of which features are of advantage in a popular campaign.

"W. G. Smillie, and S. B. Pessoa, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, also have found carbon tetrachloride to be extremely efficient in removing hookworms. A single dose of 3 Cc given to adults has been proved to remove 95 per cent of all the hookworms harbored".

Modalities.--Thymol. Worse, mental and physical labor.

Dose.--Sixth attenuation.



Wild Thyme

Respiratory infections of children; dry nervous asthma, whooping-cough, severe spasms but little sputum.

Ringing in ears with feeling of pressure in head. Burning in pharynx, sore, throat worse empty swallowing; blood vessels distended, dark.




Dried Thyroid Gland of the Sheep

Thyroid produces anćmia, emaciation, muscular weakness, sweating, headache, nervous tremor of face and limbs, tingling sensations, paralysis. Heart rate increased, exophthalmus and dilation of pupils. In myxśdema and cretinism its effects are striking. Rheumatoid arthritis. Infantile wasting. Rickets. Delayed union of fractures. In half grain doses twice a day over a considerable period said to be effective in undescended testicle in boys. Thyroid exercises a general regulating influence over the mechanism of the organs of nutrition, growth and development. Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large amount of sweets.

Of use in psoriasis; and tachycardia. Arrested development in children. Improves the memory. Goitre. Excessive obesity. Acts better with pale patients, rather than those of high color. Amblyopia. Mammary tumor. Uterine fibroid. Great weakness and hunger, yet loses flesh. Nocturnal enuresis. Agalactea. Begin treatment early in pregnancy. Dose 1 1/2 gr. 2 to 3 times daily. Vomiting of pregnancy (give early in morning before patient gets up). Fibroid tumors of the breast, 2x trit. Dilates arterioles (Adrenaline contacts them). Sensation of faintness and nausea. Marked sensitiveness to cold Hypothyroidism after acute diseases, i.e, weakness. Easy fatigue, weak pulse, tendency to fainting, palpitation, cold hands and feet, low blood pressure, chilliness and sensitive to cold (Thyroid 1x3 times daily). Has a powerful diuretic action in myxodema and various types of śdema.

Mind.--Stupor, alternating with restless melancholy. Irritable, worse least opposition; goes into a rage over trifles.

Head.--Feeling of lightness in brain. Persistent frontal headache. Eyeballs prominent. Face flushed; lips burn. Tongue thickly coated. Fullness and heat. Face flushed. Bad taste in mouth.

Heart.--Weak, frequent pulse, with inability to lie down. Tachycardia (Naja). Anxiety about chest, as if constricted. Palpitation from least exertion. Severe heart pain; Ready excitability of heart. Heart's action weak, with numbness of fingers.

Eyes.--Progressive diminution of sight with central scotoma (Carbon sulf).

Throat.--Dry, congested, raw, burning; worse left side.

Stomach.--Desire for sweets and thirst for cold water. Nausea worse riding in car. Flatulence, much flatus in abdomen.

Urinary.--Increased flow; polyuria; some albumen and sugar. Enuresis in weakly children who are nervous and irritable (1/2 gr night and morning). Urine smells of violets, burning along urethra, increase of uric acid.

Extremities.--Rheumative arthritis with tendency to obesity, coldness and cramps of extremities. Peeling of skin of lower limbs. Cold extremities. Aching pains. Śdema of legs. Trembling of limbs and entire body.

Respiratory.--Dry, painful cough with scanty, difficult expectoration and burning in pharynx.

Skin.--Psoriasis associated with adiposity (not in developing stage). Skin dry, impoverished. Cold hands and feet. Eczema. Uterine fibroids. Browny swelling. Swelling of glands of stony hardness. Sluggish cases. Jaundice with pruritus. Ichtyosis, lupus. Itching without eruption, worse night.

Relationship.--Compare: Spongia; Calc; Fucus; Lycopus; Iodothyrine, (the active principle isolated from thyroid gland, a substance rich in Iodine and nitrogen, affects metabolism, reducing weight, may produce glycosuria. Use cautiously in obesity, for a fatty heart may not be able to maintain the accelerated rhythm. Milk contains the internal secretion of the thyroid). Thymus gland extract (arthritis deformans; metabolic osteoarthritis, 5-grain tablets 3 times daily). High potencies very efficient in exophthalmic goitre.

Dose.--Crude Thyroid at times; better sixth to thirtieth potency. If the crude Thyroid is taken (two to three grains or more daily); the pulse should be watched. Must not be given in physiological doses where with feeble heart there is high blood pressure and not in tubercular patients.





Of value in muscular weakness of the eye; hæmorrhage o thin, pale blood. Puerperal metritis. Diseases of the antrum (Kali hyd; Chelid).

Head.--Neuralgia (first right, then left side), with veil before eyes. Confusion, with dimness of vision. Much sneezing, with fluent coryza. Bleeding from nose.

Eyes.--Sensation as of gauze before eyes (Calc; Caust; Nat m). Binocular vision imperfect.

Female.--Intense sore feeling about uterus; bearing-down, with hot sweat, but without relief. Much slimy leucorrhœa when walking (Bov; Carb an; Graph). Soreness and redness of external genitals (Thuj; Sulph). Pelvic inflammation, tympanites, abdominal tenderness and hot sweat which does not relieve.

Skin.--Urticaria. Violent itching, and burning like fire after scratching. Eruption of small, red itching pimples. Sweat warm and profuse soon after falling asleep. Sweat increases as rheumatic pains increase.

Modalities.--Worse, in afternoon and evening; in warm room, heat of bed. Better, cool room, motion.

Relationship.--Compare: Lilium; Bellad.

Dose.--Tincture, to sixth potency.



The Metal


Is found in the bones and muscles. Has been used in lupus and tuberculosis processes externally, also in skin disease, nasal catarrh, etc. Apples contain 0. 11 per cent of Titan. Imperfect vision, the peculiarity being that half an object only could be seen at once. Giddiness with vertical hemiopia. Also, sexual weakness, with too early ejaculation of semen in coitus. Bright's disease. Eczema, lupus, rhinitis.

Dose.--Lower and middle potencies.



Seeds of Coumarouna-a tree in Guiana


Useful in neuralgia; pertussis.

Head.--Tearing pain in supra-orbital nerve, with heat and throbbing pain in head and epiphora. Confused, especially the occiput, with somnolence and a sort of intoxication. Trembling in right upper lid. Coryza; nose stopped, must breathe through mouth.

Extremities.--Tearing pains in hip-joints, femur, and knee, especially left side.

Relationship.--Melilotus. Anthoxanthum, Asperula, and Tonga contain Coumarin, the active principle. Compare them in hay-fever; also, Trifol; Napth; Sabad.

Dose.--Tincture and lower potencies.



Saccharomyces - Yeast Plant

Introduced by Drs. Lehman and Yingling. Not proved, hence clinical symptoms only but many have been verified. Sycotic remedy Anaphylactic states produced by proteins and enzymes (Yingling).

Head.--Aching back of head and neck. Headache and sharp pains all over. Worse from constipation. Sneezing and wheezing. Catarrhal discharge from posterior nares. Irritable and nervous.

Stomach.--Bad taste. Nausea. Poor digestion. Belching of gas in stomach and abdomen. Soreness all over abdomen. Sense of fullness. Rumbling, pains shift, flatulence. Constipation. Sour, yeasty, moldy odor from discharges.

Extremities.--Backache, tired and weak from elbows and knees down. Hands cold like ice and go to sleep easily.

Sleep.--Disturbed with much restlessness.

Skin.--Boils, recurrent. Itching eczema around ankles. Tinea versicolor.

Dose.--Pure yeast cake or potencies from 3rd to high. Yeast poultices are much used in skin diseases, boils and swelling.




An East Indian drug useful in urinary affections, especially dysuria, and in debilitated states of the sexual organs, as expressed in seminal weakness, ready emissions and impoverished semen. Prostatitis, calculous affections and sexual neurasthenia. It meets the auto-traumatism of masturbation correcting the emissions and spermatorrhśa. Partial impotence caused by overindulgence of advancing age, or when accompanied by urinary symptoms, incontinence, painful micturition, etc.

Dose.--Ten to twenty drops of the tincture three times daily.



Red Clover

Produces most marked ptyalism. Feeling of fullness with congestion of salivary glands, followed by increased copious flow of saliva. Feeling as if mumps were coming on. Crusta lactea; dry, scaly crusts. Stiff neck. Cancerous diathesis.

Head.--Confusion and headache on awaking. Dullness in anterior brain. Mental failure, loss of memory.

Mouth.--Increased flow of saliva (Merc; Syphil). Sore throat, with hoarseness.

Respiratory.--Coryza like that which precedes hay-fever; thin mucus, with much irritation. Hoarse and choking; chills with cough at night. Cough on coming into the open air. Hay-fever. Spasmodic cough; whooping cough, paroxysms; worse at night.

Back.--Neck stiff; cramp in sterno-cleido muscles; relieved by heat and irritation.

Extremities.--Tingling in palms. Hands and feet cold. Tibial ulcers.

Relationship.--Compare: Trifolium repens.--White clover- (Prophylactic against mumps, feeling of congestion in salivary glands, pain and hardening, especially submaxillary; worse, lying down. Mouth filled with watery saliva, worse lying down. Taste of blood in mouth and throat. Sensation as if heart would stop, with great fear, better sitting up or moving about; worse, when alone, with cold sweat on face).




White Beth-root

A general hæmorrhagic medicine, with great faintness and dizziness. Chronic diarrhœa of bloody mucus. Uterine hæmorrhage. Threatened abortion. Relaxation of pelvic region. Cramp-like pains. Phthisis with purulent and copious expectoration and spitting of blood.

Head.--Pain in forehead; worse, noise. Confused; eyeballs feel too large. Vision blurred; everything looks bluish. Nose-bleed (Millef; Melilot).

Mouth.--Hæmorrhage from gums. Bleeding after tooth extraction.

Stomach.--Heat and burning stomach rising up in œsophagus. Hæmatemesis.

Rectum.--Chronic diarrhœa; discharge bloody. Dysentery,; passage almost pure blood.

Female.--Uterine hæmorrhages, with sensation as though hips and back were falling to pieces; better tight bandages. Gushing of bright blood on least movement. Hæmorrhage from fibroids (Calc; Nitr ac; Phos; Sulph ac). Prolapse, with great bearing-down. Leucorrhœa copious, yellow, stringy (Hydras; Kali b; Sabin). Metrorrhagia at climacteric. Lochia suddenly becomes sanguinous. Dribbling of urine after labor.

Respiratory.--Cough, with spitting of blood. Copious, purulent expectoration. Hæmoptysis. Aching at end of sternum. Suffocative attack of irregular breathing with sneezing. Shooting pains through chest.

Relationship.--Compare: Trillium cernum (eye symptoms; everything looks bluish; greasy feeling in mouth); Ficus (hæmorrhages; menorrhagia, hæmaturia, epistaxis, Hæmatemesis, bleeding piles); Sanguisuga-Leech--(hæmorrhages; bleeding from anus). Ipec; Sab; Lach; Hamam.

Dose.--Tincture and lower potencies.



T. N. T.


Symptoms found in munition workers handling T. N. T who inhale and ingest it and also absorb some through the skin. They were compiled by Dr. Conrad Wesselhoeft and published in the December, 1926 number of the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy.

The destructive action of T. N. T on the red blood corpuscles is responsible for the anæmia and the jaundice with their secondary symptoms. The hemoglobin is changed so it cannot act satisfactorily as an oxygen carrier and as a result we have breathlessness, dizziness, headache, faintness, palpitation, undue fatigue, muscle cramps and cyanosis; also drowsiness, depression and insomnia. Later stages of the poisoning produce toxic jaundice and aplastic anæmia. The jaundice is the result of cellular destruction in contrast to obstructive jaundice.

Head.--Depression and headache (frontal). Aversion to company, apathetic and weeps easily. Faintness, dizziness, mental sluggishness; delirium, convulsions, coma. Face very dark.

Respiratory.--Nose dry with stuffed sensation. Sneezing, coryza, burning of trachea, choking weight on chest; dry, convulsive cough, raising mucous plugs.

Gastro-Intestinal.--Bitter taste, much thirst, sour regurgitation; dull burning behind the ensiform; nausea, vomiting, constipation followed by diarrhœa with cramps.

Cardio-Vascular.--Palpitation, tachycardia, bradycardia, intermittent pulse.

Urinary.--High colored urine, burning on urination, sudden desire, incontinence and retention.

Skin.--Hands stained yellow. Dermatitis, nodular erythema, vesicles, itching and burning; puffiness. Tendency to hæmorrhage under the skin and from the nose. Tired pain in back of knees.

Modalities.--Worse, alcohol (falls after one or two drinks of whisky). Tea (marked aversion).

Relationship.--Compare: Zinc; Phosph; Cina; Ars; Plumbum.

Dose.--Thirtieth potency has been used with success.




Triosteum is a very valuable remedy in diarrhœa attended with colicky pains and nausea, numbness of lower limbs after stool, and increased flow of urine; also in influenza. Quiets nervous symptoms (Coffea, Hyos). Biliousness. Bilious colic.

Head.--Occipital pain, with nausea on rising, followed by vomiting. Influenza, with aching pains all over, and heat in the limbs. Ozæna; frontal pain.

Stomach.--Loathing of food; nausea on rising, followed by vomiting and cramps. Stools watery, frothy.

Extremities.--Stiffness of all joints; calves numb; aching in bones. Rheumatic pain in back. Pains in limbs.

Skin.--Itching welts. Urticaria from gastric derangement.

Dose.--Sixth potency.





An excellent remedy in excessive irritability of the bladder, dysuria, cystitis, gonorrhœa.

Nose.--Always blowing nose.

Urinary.--Frequent, difficult, and painful urination (Pop). Gravelly deposits. Catarrhal and purulent discharges (Pareira). Strangury, pyelitis; enlarged prostate. Chronic cystic irritability. Incontinence; constant desire. Urine is dense and causes irritation of the mucous surfaces.

Relationship.--Compare: Tradescantia; (Hæmorrhage from ear and upper air passages; painful urination, urethral discharge; scrotum inflamed). Chimaph; Senecio; Populus trem; Buchu; Uva.

Polytrichum Juniperinum-Ground Moss--(Painful urination of old people; dropsy, urinary obstruction and suppression).

Dose.--Tincture or infusion by boiling two ounces in a quart of water until it is reduced to a pint. To be taken in four doses in 24 hours.



Red acarus of the fly


Has a specific place in the treatment of dysentery. Symptoms are worse by food and drink.

Abdomen.--Much pain before and after stool; stool only after eating. Griping in hypochondrium in morning. Congestion of the liver, with urgent, loose, stools on rising. Brown, thin, bloody stools, with tenesmus. During stool, sharp pain in left side, shooting downward. Burning in anus.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.



A Nucleo-protein, a Nosode from Tubercular Abscess

Tuberculinum is indicated in renal affections, but caution is necessary, for where skin and intestines do not perform normally even high potencies are dangerous. In chronic cystitis, brilliant and permanent results (Dr. Nebel Montreux).

Of undoubted value in the treatment of incipient tuberculosis. Especially adapted to the light-complexioned, narrow-chested subjects. Lax fiber, low recuperative powers, and very susceptible to changes in the weather. Patient always tired; motion causes intense fatigue; aversion to work; wants constant changes. When symptoms are constantly changing and well-selected remedies fail to improve, and cold is taken from the slightest exposure. Rapid emaciation. Of great value in epilepsy, neurasthenia and in nervous children. Diarrhœa in children running for weeks, extreme wasting, bluish pallor, exhaustion. Mentally deficient children. Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections, acute articular rheumatism. Very sensitive, mentally and physically. General exhaustion. Nervous weakness. Trembling. Epilepsy. Arthritis.

Mind.--Contradictory characteristics of Tuberculinum are mania and melancholia, insomnia and sopor. Irritable, especially when awakening. Depressed, melancholy. Fear of dogs. Animals especially. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear.

Head.--Subject to deep brain headaches and intense neuralgias. Everything seems strange. Intense pain, as of an iron band around head. Meningitis. When critical discharges appear, sweat, polyuria, diarrhœa, exanthema, repeating the dose only when crises come on. Nocturnal hallucinations, awakes frightened. Plica polonica (Vinca). Crops of small boils, intensely painful, successively appear in the nose; green, fetid pus.

Ears.--Persistent, offensive otorrhœa. Perforation in membrana tympani, with ragged edges.

Stomach.--Averse to meat. All-gone, hungry sensation (Sulph). Desire for cold milk.

Abdomen.--Early-morning, sudden diarrhœa (Sulph). Stools dark-brown, offensive, discharged with much force. Tabes mesenterica.

Female.--Benign mammary tumors. Menses too early, too profuse, long-lasting. Dysmenorrhœa. Pains increase with the establishment of the flow.

Respiratory.--Enlarged tonsils. Hard, dry cough during sleep. Expectoration thick, easy; profuse bronchorrhœa. Shortness of breath. Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air. Longs for cold air. Broncho-pneumonia in children. Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight, rales all over chest. Deposits begin in apex of lung (Repeated doses).

Back.--Tension in nape of neck and down spine. Chilliness between shoulders or up the back.

Skin.--Chronic eczema; itching intense; worse at night. Acne in tuberculous children. Measles; psoriasis (Thyroid).

Sleep.--Poor; wakes early. Overpowering sleepiness in daytime. Dreams vivid and distressing.

Fever.--Post-critical temperature of a remittent type. Here repeat dose every two hours (MacFarlan). Profuse sweat. General chilliness.

Modalities.--Worse, motion, music; before a storm; standing; dampness; from draught; early morning, and after sleep. Better, open air.

Relationship.--Compare: Koch's lymph (acute and chronic parenchymatous nephritis; produces pneumonia, broncho-pneumonia, and congestion of the lungs in tuberculous patients, and is a remarkably efficacious remedy in lobular pneumonia-broncho-pneumonia); Aviare-Tuberculin from birds--(acts on the apices of the lungs; has proved an excellent remedy in influenzal bronchitis; symptoms similar to tuberculosis; relieves the debility, diminishes the cough, improves the appetite, and braces up the whole organism; acute broncho-pulmonary diseases of children; itching of palms and ears; cough, acute, inflammatory, irritating, incessant, and tickling; loss of strength and appetite); Hydrast (to fatten patients after Tuberc); Formic acid (tuberculosis, chronic nephritis, malignant tumors; pulmonary tuberculosis, not in third stage, however; lupus; carcinoma of breast and stomach; Dr. Krull uses injections of solutions corresponding to the third centesimal potency; these must not be repeated before six months). Compare: Bacil; Psorin; Lach. Kalagua (tuberculosis; garlicky odor of all secretions and breath). Teucrium scoradonia. Compare: Thuja (Vaccinosis may block the way of action of Tuberculin-until Thuja has been given and then acts brilliantly (Burnett).

Complementary: Calcarea; China; Bryon.

Dose.--Tuberculin needs more frequent repetition in children's complaints than nearly every other chronic remedy (H. Fergie Woods). Thirtieth and much higher, in infrequent doses. When Tuberculinum fails Syphilinum often follows advantageously, producing a reaction.

"The use of Tuberculinum in phthisis pulmonalis demands attention to the following points: In apyretic purely tubercular phthisis results are marked, provided the eliminative organs are in good order, but nothing below the 1000th should be used, unless absolutely necessary. With patients where streptostaphylo-pneumococci are in the bronchi; where also after washing the sputum, a pure "t b. " bacilli-mass remains, the same treatment is indicated. With mixed infection-found in the majority of cases-where the sputum swarms with virulent micro-organisms in addition to the "t b. ", other procedure is necessary. If the heart is in good shape, a single dose of Tuberculinum 1000-2000 is given, provided there are no marked indications for other remedies. With due attention to temperature and possible excretions, the dose is allowed to work until effects are no longer observed, eight days to eight weeks. Usually a syndrome then presents, permitting the accurate choice of an antipsoric Silica, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, etc. After a while the picture again darkens and now a high potency of the isopathic remedy corresponding to the most virulent and prominent micro-organism found in the sputum is given: Staphylo-Strepto-, or Pneumococcin. The accurate bacteriological analysis of the sputum is absolutely essential; the choice of the ison again clears the picture, and so, proceeding on the one side etiologically (where these isopathica have not yet been proved); on the other side symptomatically with antipsoric remedies, the disease is dominated.

My own experience warns, in the case of mixed infection, against the use of Strepto-, Staphylo-, or Pneumococcin below the 500th. I use them only from 2000 to 1000, having seen terrible aggravations from the 30, 100, 200, with a lowering temperature from 104 to 96. Hence the admonition, which need not concern scoffers, but those alone who wish to avail themselves of a potent weapon. The toxins used as remedies are, like Tuberculinum, prepared from pure and virulent cultures.

And cases, seemingly condemned to speedy death, are brought in a year or two back to normal temperature, though, of course, sacrificing a large portion of lung tissue. This result is sure when the patient can and will take care of himself, where the heart has withstood the toxin and the stomach and liver are in good function. Further, climatic variations must be avoided. With the great mineral metabolism of the phthisic, diet regulation is imperative, and should be preponderately vegetable, together with the addition of physiological salts in low potency, Calcarea carb, 3x, 5x, Calcarea phos, 2x, 6x, and intercurrently according to indications organ-remedies as Cactus Tr. 30, Chelidonium Tr. 30, Taraxacum Tr, Nasturtium Tr, Urtica urens Tr, Tussilago farfara Tr, Lysimachia numularia Tr, for short periods.

The first dose of Tuberculinum in any difficult case is, however, the most weighty prescription. The remedy should not be given without a most careful cardiac examination. As the surgeon before the anæsthetic, so must the physician know the heart before administering this drug, especially to children, and seniles-and to young seniles. He who observes this rule will have fewer clinical reproaches on his conscience. When Tuberculinum is contraindicated, recourse must be had to the nearest antipsoric.

The above caution applies also to asthma, pleuritis, peritonitis in scrofulous (tuberculous) subjects. " (Dr. Nebel Montreux)




Has some action on the urinary organs, and found useful in gonorrhœa. Affections of pylorus.

Urinary.--Crawling in urethra.

Male.--Gonorrhœa; yellowish, thick discharge. Erections, with urethral crawling. Pain in spermatic cord.

Relationship.--Compare: Tussilago fragrans (pylorus pain, plethora and corpulency); Tussilago farfara (coughs); as an intercurrent medicine in phthisis pulmonalis (See Tuberculinum).
