Night-blooming Cereus


Acts on circular muscular fibers, hence constrictions. It is the heart and arteries especially that at once respond to the influence of Cactus, producing very characteristic constrictions as of an iron band. This sensation is found in various places, śsophagus, bladder, etc. The mental symptoms produced correspond to those found when there are heart affections, sadness, and melancholy. Hćmorrhage, constrictions, periodicity, and spasmodic pains. Whole body feels as if caged, each wire being twisted tighter. Atheromatous arteries and weak heart. Congestions; irregular distribution of blood. Favors formation of clots speedily. Great periodicity. Toxic goitre with cardiac symptoms. Cactus is pulseless, panting and prostrated.

Mind.--Melancholy, taciturn, sad, ill-humored. Fear of death. Screams with pain. Anxiety.

Head.--Headache if obliged to pass dinner hour (Ars; Lach; Lyc). Sensation as of a weight on vertex. Right-sided pulsating pain. Congestive headaches, periodical, threatening apoplexy. Blood-vessels to the head distended. Feels as if head were compressed in a vise. Pulsation in ears. Dim sight. Right sided prosopalgia, constricting pains, returns at same hour daily (Cedron).

Nose.--Profuse bleeding from nose. Fluent coryza.

Throat.--Constriction of śsophagus. Dryness of tongue, as if burnt; needs much liquid to get food down. Suffocative constriction at throat, with full, throbbing carotids in angina pectoris.

Stomach.--Constriction, pulsation, or heaviness in stomach. Vomiting of blood.

Stool.--Hard, black stools. Diarrhśa in morning. Hćmorrhoids swollen and painful. Sensation of great weight in anus. Hćmorrhage from bowels in malarial fevers and with heart symptoms.

Urine.--Constriction of neck of bladder, causing retention of urine. Hćmorrhage from bladder. Clots of blood in urethra. Constant urination.

Female.--Constriction in uterine region and ovaries. Dysmenorrhśa; pulsating pain in uterus and ovaries. Vaginismus. Menses early, dark, pitch-like (Cocc; Mag c); cease on lying down, with heart symptoms.

Chest.--Oppressed breathing as from a weight on chest. Constriction in chest, as if bound, hindering respiration. Inflammation of diaphragm. Heart-constriction, as from an iron band. Angina pectoris. Palpitation; pain shooting down left arm. Hćmoptysis, with convulsive, spasmodic cough. Diaphragmitis, with great difficulty of breathing.

Heart.--Endocarditis with mitral insufficiency together with violent and rapid action. Acts best in the incipiency of cardiac incompetence. Heart weakness of arterio-sclerosis. Tobacco heart. Violent palpitation; worse lying on left side, at approach of menses. Angina pectoris, with suffocation, cold sweat, and ever-present iron band feeling. Pain in apex, shooting down left arm. Palpitation, with vertigo; dyspnśa, flatulence. Constriction; very acute pains and stitches in heart; pulse feeble, irregular, quick, without strength. Endocardial murmurs, excessive impulse, increased prćcordial dullness, enlarged ventricle. Low blood pressure.

Extremities.--Śdema of hands and feet. Hands soft; feet enlarged. Numbness of left arm. Icy-cold hands. Restless legs.

Sleep.--Sleepless on account of pulsation in different parts of body. Frightful dreams.

Fever.--Fever every day at same hour. Coldness in back and icy-cold hands. Intermittent; paroxysms about midday (11 am) incomplete in their stages, accompanied by hćmorrhages. Coldness predominates; cold sweat, with great anguish. Persistent subnormal temperature.

Modalities.--Worse, about noon, lying on left side; walking, going upstairs, 11 am and 11 pm. Better, open air.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Acon; Camph; China.

Compare: Digital; Spigel; Convallar; Kalmia; Naja; Magnol.

Dose.--Tincture (best made from flowers), to third attenuation. Higher in nervous palpitation.



Cadmic Sulphate

Its pathogenesis gives symptoms corresponding to very low forms of disease, as in cholera, yellow fever, where, with exhaustion, vomiting, and extreme prostration, the disease runs deathward. Important gastric symptoms. Carcinoma ventriculi; persistent vomiting.

The attack is upon the stomach more especially. Patients must keep quiet. Chilliness and coldness even when near the fire.

Mind and Head.--Unconscious. Vertigo; room and bed seem to spin around. Hammering in head. Heat in head.

Nose.--Ozćna. Tightness at root. Nose obstructed; polypus. Caries of nasal bones. Boils on nose. Nostrils ulcerated.

Eyes.--Opacity of cornea. Blue circle around eyes. One pupil dilated. Night blindness.

Face.--Distortion of mouth. Trembling of jaw. Facial paralysis; more left side.

Mouth.--Difficult swallowing. Śsophagus constricted (Bapt). Salty belching. Intense nausea, with pain and cold. Stringy, offensive exudation on mucous membrane. Salty taste.

Throat.--Sore throat, constant tickling; gagging and nausea, worse deep breathing; chilliness and aching.

Stomach.--Soreness in pit of stomach on pressure. Violent nausea; retching. Black vomit. Vomiting of mucus, green slime, blood, with great prostration, and great tenderness over the stomach. Burning and cutting pains in stomach. Carcinoma, helps the persistent vomiting. Coffee ground vomiting.

Abdomen.--Sore, tender, tympanitic. Region of liver sore. Coldness. Black, offensive clots of blood from bowels. Pain in abdomen, with vomiting. Tenderness and tympanites.

Stool.--Bloody, black, and offensive. Gelatinous, yellowish green; semi-fluid, with urinary suppression.

Urine.--Rawness and soreness in urethra, urine mixed with pus and blood.

Heart.--Palpitation, with constriction of chest.

Fever.--Icy coldness (Camph; Verat; Heloderm). Yellow fever (Crotalus; Carbo).

Skin.--Blue, yellow, sallow, scaly, cracking. Itching; better scratching. Chloasma, yellowish stains on nose and cheeks; worse exposure to sun and wind. Chilblains.

Sleep.--Stops breathing on going to sleep. Wakes up suffocating. Fears to go to sleep again. Protracted sleeplessness.

Modalities.--Worse, walking or carrying burdens; after sleep; from open air, stimulants. Better, eating and rest.

Relationship.--Compare: Cadmium oxide; Cad brom (pain and burning in stomach, and vomiting); Cadmium jodat (Itching of anus and rectum felt during the day only; constipation frequent desire, tenesmus, abdomen bloated); Zinc; Ars; Carbo; Verat.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency.



Brazilian Plant-Chiococca


This remedy has been found of use in dropsical affections. Its urinary symptoms are well marked. Albuminuria, with dyspnśa on lying down at night. Ascites and anasarca, with dry skin.

Urinary.--Constant desire to urinate. Polyuria while travelling. Urine fiery. Burning pain in urethra, especially glandular portion.

Male.--Drawing in of testicles and spermatic cord. Pain worse during passage of pungent smelling urine.

Back.--Pain in region of kidneys; better lying bent backward. General fatigue.

Relationship.--Compare: Apocyn; Ars; Coffea (similar botanically and in relieving effects of fatigue)

Dose.--Third potency or lower.



Cajuput Oil


Acts like Oil of Cloves. A remedy for flatulence and affections of the tongue. Sense of enlargement. Causes copious diaphoresis. Retrocedent gout. Neuralgic affections not inflammatory. Nervous dyspnœa.

Head.--Feels much enlarged. As if he could not get himself together (Baptisia).

Mouth.--Persistent sensation of choking. Spasmodic stricture of œsophagus. Constricted sensation on swallowing solid food. Tongue feels swollen, fills whole mouth.

Stomach.--Hiccough, on slightest provocation.

Abdomen.--Flatulence colic; tympanites (Tereb). Nervous distention of bowels. Urine smells like cat's urine. Spasmodic cholera.

Modalities.--Worse, about 5 am; night.

Relationship.--Compare: Bovist; Nux mosch; Asaf; Ign; Bapt.

Dose.--First to third potency (5 drops of oil).



American Arum

This remedy has a marked action on the genital organs, and pruritus of this region. Coldness of single parts and inclination to lie down, with aggravation on lying on left side. Slightest noise startles from sleep. Dread from motion. Modifies craving for tobacco. Tobacco heart. Asthmatic complaints.

Head.--Headaches and mental states of smokers. Very forgetful, does not know about the occurrences of things. Confused headache with pain in shoulder, pressure in eyes and forehead; extremely sensitive to noise, throbbing in ear.

Stomach.--Gnawing in orifice of stomach, which prevents deep breathing and eructations. Eructations. Stomach feels full of dry food; sensation of fluttering. Acrid vomiting, thirstless and tolerates only warm drinks. Sighing respiration.

Male.--Pruritus. Glans very red. Organs seem larger, puffed, relaxed, cold, sweating; skin of scrotum thick. Erections when half-asleep; cease when fully awake. Impotency; relaxation of penis during excitement. No emission and no orgasm during embrace.

Female.--Pruritus of vulva (Ambr; Kreos) and vagina during pregnancy (Hydrogen peroxyd 1: 12 locally). Voluptuousness. Cramp pains in uterus at night.

Skin.--Sweet sweat-attracts flies. Insect bites burn and itch intensely. Itching rash alternates with asthma. Burning sensation and erysipelatous inflammation.

Respiratory.--Larynx seems constricted. Breathing impeded. Catarrhal asthma; mucus not readily raised. Patient afraid to go to sleep.

Modalities.--Better, after sweat, after sleeping in daytime. Worse, motion.

Relationship.--Incompatible: Arum triph.

Complementary: Nitr ac.

Compare: Capsic; Phosph; Caust; Selen; Lyc. Ikshugandha (sexual weakness, emissions, prostatic enlargement).

Dose.--Third to sixth attenuation.



Carbonate of Lime


This great Hahnemannian anti-psoric is a constitutional remedy par excellence. Its chief action is centered in the vegetative sphere, impaired nutrition being the keynote of its action, the glands, skin, and bones, being instrumental in the changes wrought. Increased local and general perspiration, swelling of glands, scrofulous and rachitic conditions generally offer numerous opportunities for the exhibition of Calcarea. Incipient phthisis (Ars jod; Tuberculin). It covers the tickling cough, fleeting chest pains, nausea, acidity and dislike of fat. Gets out of breath easily. A jaded state, mental or physical, due to overwork. Abscesses in deep muscles; polypi and exostoses. Pituitary and thyroid disfunction.

Raised blood coagulability (Strontium). Is a definite stimulant to the periosteum. Is a hćmostatic and gives this power probably to the gelatine injections.

Easy relapses, interrupted convalescence. Persons of scrofulous type, who take cold easily, with increased mucous secretions, children who grow fat, are large-bellied, with large head, pale skin, chalky look, the so-called leuco-phlegmatic temperament; affections caused by working in water. Great sensitiveness to cold; partial sweats. Children crave eggs and eat dirt and other indigestible things; are prone to diarrhśa. Calcarea patient is fat, fair, flabby and perspiring and cold, damp and sour.

Mind.--Apprehensive; worse towards evening; fears loss of reason, misfortune, contagious diseases. Forgetful, confused, low-spirited. Anxiety with palpitation. Obstinacy; slight mental effort produces hot head. Averse to work or exertion.

Head.--Sense of weight on top of head. Headache, with cold hands and feet. Vertigo on ascending, and when turning head. Headache from overlifting, from mental exertion, with nausea. Head feels hot and heavy, with pale face. Icy coldness in, and on the head, especially right side. Open fontanelles; head enlarged; much perspiration, wets the pillow. Itching of the scalp. Scratches head on waking.

Eyes.--Sensitive to light. Lachrymation in open air and early in morning. Spots and ulcers on cornea. Lachrymal ducts closed from exposure to cold. Easy fatigue of eyes. Far sighted. Itching of lids, swollen, scurfy. Chronic dilatation of pupils. Cataract. Dimness of vision, as if looking through a mist. Lachrymal fistula; scrofulous ophthalmia.

Ears.--Throbbing; cracking in ears; stitches; pulsating pain as if something would press out. Deafness from working in water. Polypi which bleed easily. Scrofulous inflammation with muco-purulent otorrhśa, and enlarged glands. Perversions of hearing; hardness of hearing. Eruption on and behind ear (Petrol). Cracking noises in ear. Sensitive to cold about ears and neck.

Nose.--Dry, nostrils sore, ulcerated. Stoppage of nose, also with fetid, yellow discharge. Offensive odor in nose. Polypi; swelling at root of nose. Epistaxis. Coryza. Takes cold at every change of weather. Catarrhal symptoms with hunger; coryza alternates with colic.

Face.--Swelling of upper lip. Pale, with deep-seated eyes, surrounded by dark rings. Crusta lactea; itching, burning after washing. Submaxillary glands swollen. Goitre. Itching of pimples in whiskers. Pain from right mental foramen along lower jaw to ear.

Mouth.--Persistent sour taste. Mouth fills with sour water. Dryness of tongue at night. Bleeding of gums. Difficult and delayed dentition. Teeth ache; excited by current of air, anything cold or hot. Offensive smell from mouth. Burning pain at tip of tongue; worse, anything warm taken into stomach.

Throat.--Swelling of tonsils and submaxillary glands; stitches on swallowing. Hawking-up of mucus. Difficult swallowing. Goitre. Parotid fistula.

Stomach.--Aversion to meat, boiled things; craving for indigestible things-chalk, coal, pencils; also for eggs, salt and sweets. Milk disagrees. Frequent sour eructations; sour vomiting. Dislike of fat. Loss of appetite when overworked. Heartburn and loud belching. Cramps in stomach; worse, pressure, cold water. Ravenous hunger. Swelling over pit of stomach, like a saucer turned bottom up. Repugnance to hot food. Pain in epigastric region to touch. Thirst; longing for cold drinks. Aggravation while eating. Hyperchlorhydria (Phos).

Abdomen.--Sensitive to slightest pressure. Liver region painful when stooping. Cutting in abdomen; swollen abdomen. Incarcerated flatulence. Inguinal and mesenteric glands swollen and painful. Cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Distention with hardness. Gall-stone colic. Increase of fat in abdomen. Umbilical hernia. Trembling; weakness, as if sprained. Children are late in learning to walk.

Stool.--Crawling and constriction in rectum. Stool large and hard (Bry); whitish, watery, sour. Prolapse ani, and burning, stinging hćmorrhoids. Diarrhśa of undigested, food, fetid, with ravenous appetite. Children's diarrhśa. Constipation; stool at first hard, then pasty, then liquid.

Urine.--Dark, brown, sour, fetid, abundant, with white sediment, bloody. Irritable bladder. Enuresis (Use 30th, also Tuberculin. 1 m.).

Male.--Frequent emissions. Increased desire. Semen emitted too soon. Coition followed by weakness and irritability.

Female.--Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness and leucorrhśa. Cutting pains in uterus during menstruation. Menses too early, too profuse, too long, with vertigo, toothache and cold, damp feet; the least excitement causes their return. Uterus easily displaced. Leucorrhśa, milky (Sepia). Burning and itching of parts before and after menstruation; in little girls. Increased sexual desire; easy conception. Hot swelling breasts. Breasts tender and swollen before menses. Milk too abundant; disagreeable to child. Deficient lactation, with distended breasts in lymphatic women. Much sweat about external genitals. Sterility with copious menses. Uterine polypi.

Respiratory.--Tickling cough troublesome at night, dry and free expectoration in morning; cough when playing piano, or by eating. Persistent, irritating cough from arsenical wall paper (Clarke). Extreme dyspnśa. Painless hoarseness; worse in the morning. Expectoration only during the day; thick, yellow, sour mucus. Bloody expectoration; with sour sensation in chest. Suffocating spells; tightness, burning and soreness in chest; worse going upstairs or slightest ascent, must sit down. Sharp pains in chest from before backwards. Chest very sensitive to touch, percussion, or pressure. Longing for fresh air. Scanty, salty expectoration (Lyc).

Heart.--Palpitation at night and after eating. Palpitation with feeling of coldness, with restless oppression of chest; after suppressed eruption.

Back.--Pain as if sprained; can scarcely rise; from overlifting. Pain between shoulder-blades, impeding breathing. Rheumatism in lumbar region; weakness in small of back. Curvature of dorsal vertebrć. Nape of neck stiff and rigid. Renal colic.

Extremities.--Rheumatoid pains, as after exposure to wet. Sharp sticking, as if parts were wrenched or sprained. Cold, damp feet; feel as if damp stockings were worn. Cold knees cramps in calves. Sour foot-sweat. Weakness of extremities. Swelling of joints, especially knee. Burning of soles of feet. Sweat of hands. Arthritic nodosities. Soles of feet raw. Feet feel cold and dead at night. Old sprains. Tearing in muscles.

Sleep.--Ideas crowding in her mind prevent sleep. Horrid visions when opening eyes. Starts at every noise; fears that she will go crazy. Drowsy in early part of evening. Frequent waking at night. Same disagreeable idea always arouses from light slumber. Night terrors (Kali phos). Dreams of the dead.

Fever.--Chill at 2 pm begins internally in stomach region. Fever with sweat. Pulse full and frequent. Chilliness and heat. Partial sweats. Night sweats, especially on head, neck and chest. Hectic fever. Heat at night during menstruation, with restless sleep. Sweat over head in children, so that pillow becomes wet.

Skin.--Unhealthy; readily ulcerating; flaccid. Small wounds do not heal readily. Glands swollen. Nettle rash; better in cold air. Warts on face and hands. Petechial eruptions. Chilblains. Boils.

Modalities.--Worse, from exertion, mental or physical; ascending; cold in every form; water, washing, moist air, wet weather; during full moon; standing. Better, dry climate and weather; lying on painful side. Sneezing (pain in head and nape).

Relationship.--Antidotes: Camph; Ipec; Nit ac; Nux.

Complementary: Bell; Rhus; Lycop; Silica.

Calcar is useful after Sulphur where the pupils remain dilated. When Pulsatilla failed in school girls.

Incompatible: Bry; Sulphur should not be given after Calc.

Compare: Aqua calcar.--Lime-water--(1/2 teaspoonful in milk); (as injection for oxyuris vermicularis), and Calc caust--slaked lime--(pain in back and heels, jaws and malar bones; also symptoms of influenza). Calc brom (removes inflammatory products from uterus; children of lax fiber, nervous and irritable, with gastric and cerebral irritation. Tendency to brain disease. Insomnia and cerebral congestion. Give 1x trituration). Sulph (differs in being worse by heat, hot feet, etc).

Calcar calcinata-Calcined oyster-shell-a remedy for warts. Use 3d trituration. Calcarea ovorum. Ova tosta-Toasted egg-shells--(backache and leucorrhśa. Feeling as if back were broken in two; tired feeling. Also effective in controlling suffering from cancer).

Calcar lactic (anćmias, hćmophilia, urticaria, where the coagulability of the blood is diminished; nervous headache with śdema of eyelids, lips or hands; 15 grains three times a day, but low potencies often equally effective).

Calcar lacto-phosph (5 grains 3 times a day in cyclic vomiting and migraine).

Calc mur.--Calcium chloratum-Rademacher's Liquor--(1 part to 2 of distilled water, of which take 15 drops in half a cup of water, five times daily. Boils. Porrigo capitis. Vomiting of all food and drink, with gastric pain. Impetigo, glandular swellings, angioneurotic śdema. Pleurisy with effusion. Eczema in infants).

Calcar picrata, (peri-follicular inflammation; a remedy of prime importance in recurring or chronic boils, particularly when located on parts thinly covered with muscle tissue, as on shinbones, coccyx, auditory canal, dry, scurfy accumulation and exfoliation of epithelial scales, etc, styes, phlyctenules. Use 3x trit).

Compare also with Calcarea: Lycop; Silica; Pulsat; Chamom.

Dose.--Sixth trit. Thirtieth and higher potencies. Should not be repeated too frequently in elderly people.



Acetate of Lime

Has had brilliant clinical results in inflammation of mucous membranes characterized by a membranous exudation; otherwise its action and application is like the carbonate. Cancer pains.

Head.--Vertigo in open air. Senses obscure while reading. Megrim, with great coldness in head and sour taste.

Female.--Membranous dysmenorrhśa (Borax).

Respiratory.--Rattling expiration. Cough loose, with expectoration of large pieces like casts of bronchial tubes. Breathing difficult; better bending shoulders backward. Constrictive anxious sensation in chest.

Relationship.--Compare: Brom; Borax; also Calc oxal, in excruciating pains of open cancer.

Dose.--Third trituration.



Arsenite of Lime


Epilepsy with rush of blood to the head before attack; aura felt in region of heart; flying sensation. Complaints in fat women around climacteric. Chronic malaria. Infantile enlarged liver and spleen. Nephritis, with great sensitiveness in kidney region. Complaints of drunkards after abstaining (Carbon sulph). Fleshy women at climacteric, slightest emotion causing palpitation. Dyspnœa, with feeble heart. Chilliness. Albuminuria. Dropsy. Affections of spleen and mesenteric glands. Hemoglobin and red corpuscles are low.

Mind.--Anger, anxiety. Desire for company. Confusion, delusions, illusions. Great depression.

Head.--Violent rush of blood to head with vertigo. Pain in head better by lying on painful side. Weekly headache. Benumbling headache mostly around ears.

Stomach.--Region of stomach distended. Enlarged liver and spleen in children. Pancreatic disease; relieves burning pain in cancer of pancreas. Belching with saliva and beating of heart.

Urinary.--Kidney region sensitive to pressure. Albuminuria, passes urine every hour.

Heart.--Constriction and pain in region of heart, suffocating feeling, palpitation, oppression and throbbing and pain in back extending to arms.

Female.--Offensive, bloody leucorrhœa. Cancer of uterus; burning pain in uterus and vagina.

Back.--Pain and stiffness near nape of neck. Violent backache, throbbing, drives out of bed.

Extremities.--Removes inflammatory products in veins of lower extremities. Weariness and lameness of lower limbs.

Modalities.--Worse from slight exertion.

Dose.--Third trituration.



Fluoride of Lime


A powerful tissue remedy for hard, stony glands, varicose and enlarged veins, and malnutrition of bones. Hard knots in female breast. Goitre. Congenital hereditary syphilis. Induration threatening suppuration. Many cases of cataract have undoubtedly been influenced favorably by it. Congenital syphilis manifesting itself in ulcerating of mouth and throat, caries and necrosis with boring pains and heat in parts. Arterio-sclerosis; threatened apoplexy. Tuberculosis. Used after operations, the tendency to adhesions is reduced.

Mind.--Great depression; groundless fears of financial ruin.

Head.--Creaking noise in head. Blood-tumors of new-born infants. Hard excrescences on the scalp. Ulcers on the scalp with callous, hard edges.

Eyes.--Flickering and sparks before the eyes, spots on the cornea; conjunctivitis; cataract. Strumous phlyctemular keratitis. Subcutaneous palpebral cysts.

Ears.--Calcareous deposits on tympanum; sclerosis of ossicula and petrous portion of temporal bone, with deafness, ringing and roaring. Chronic suppuration of middle ear.

Nose.--Cold in the head; stuffy cold; dry coryza; ozćna. Copious, offensive, thick, greenish, lumpy, yellow nasal catarrh. Atrophic rhinitis, especially if crusts are prominent.

Face.--Hard swelling on the cheek, with pain or toothache, hard swelling on jaw-bone.

Mouth.--Gum-boil, with hard swelling on the jaw. Cracked appearance of the tongue, with or without pain. Induration of the tongue, hardening after inflammation. Unnatural looseness of the teeth, with or without pain; teeth become loose in their sockets. Toothache, with pain if any food touches the tooth.

Throat.--Follicular sore throat; plugs of mucus are continually forming in the crypts of the tonsils. Pain and burning in throat; better by warm drinks; worse, cold drinks. Hypertrophy of Luschka's tonsil. Relaxed uvula, tickling referred to larynx.

Stomach.--Vomiting of infants. Vomiting of undigested food. Hiccough (Cajup; Sulph ac). Flatulency. Weakness and daintiness of appetite, nausea and distress after eating in young children who are overtaxed by studies. Acute indigestion from fatigue and brain-fag; much flatulence.

Stool and Anus.--Diarrhśa in gouty subjects. Itching of anus. Fissure of the anus, and intensely sore crack near the lower end of the bowel. Bleeding hćmorrhoids. Itching of anus as from pin-worms. Internal or blind piles frequently, with pain in back, generally far down on the sacrum, and constipation. Much wind in lower bowels. Worse, pregnancy.

Male.--Hydrocele; indurations of the testicles.

Respiratory Organs.--Hoarseness. Croup. Cough with expectoration of tiny lumps of yellow mucus, with tickling sensation and irritation on lying down. Spasmodic cough. Calc. Fluor removes fibroid deposits about the endocardium and restores normal endocardial structure (Eli G. Jones, M. D).

Circulatory Organs.--Chief remedy for vascular tumors with dilated blood-vessels, and for varicose or enlarged veins. Aneurism. Valvular disease. When the tuberculous toxins attack the heart and blood-vessels.

Neck and Back.--Chronic lumbago; aggravated on beginning to move, and ameliorated on continued motion. Osseous tumors. Rachitic enlargement of femur in infants. Pain lower part of back, with burning.

Extremities.--Ganglia or encysted tumors at the back of the wrist. Gouty enlargements of the joints of the fingers. Exostoses on fingers. Chronic synovitis of knee-joint.

Sleep.--Vivid dreams, with sense of impending danger. Unrefreshing sleep.

Skin.--Marked whiteness of skin. Scar tissue; adhesions after operations. Chaps and cracks. Fissures or cracks in the palms of the hands, or hard skin. Fissure of the anus. Suppurations with callous, hard edges. Whitlow. Indolent, fistulous ulcers, secreting thick, yellow pus. Hard, elevated edges of ulcer, surrounding skin purple and swollen. Knots, kernels, hardened glands in the female breast. Swellings or indurated enlargements having their seat in the fascić and capsular ligaments of joints, or in the tendons. Indurations of stony hardness.

Modalities.--Worse, during rest, changes of weather. Better, heat, warm applications.

Relationship.--Compare: Con; Lapis; Baryt mur; Hecla; Rhus; Cacodylate of Soda (Tumors).

Calcar sulph-stibiata (acts as an hćmostatic and absorptive in uterine myoma).

Mangifera indica (varicose veins).

Dose.--Third to twelfth trituration. A "chronic" remedy. Needs some time before manifesting its effects. Should not be repeated too frequently.



Iodide of Lime

It is in the treatment of scrofulous affections, especially enlarged glands, tonsils, etc, that this remedy has gained marked beneficial results. Thyroid enlargements about time of puberty. Flabby children subject to colds. Secretions inclined to be profuse and yellow. Adenoids. Uterine fibroids. Croup.

Head.--Headache while riding against cold wind. Lightheaded. Catarrh; worse at root of nose; sneezing; very little sensation. Polypi of nose and ear.

Throat.--Enlarged tonsils are filled with little crypts.

Respiratory.--Chronic cough; Pain in chest, difficulty breathing after syphilis and mercurialization (Grauvogl). Hectic fever; green purulent expectoration. Croup. Pneumonia.

Skin.--Indolent ulcers, accompanying varicose veins. Easy perspiration. Copper-colored and papulous eruptions, tinea, favus, crusta lactea, swelling of the glands, skin cracked, falling out of hair.

Relationship.--Compare: Agraphis-Bluebell (adenoids with enlarged tonsils). Here Sulph iod follows both Agraphis and Calc iod. Acon lycotonum (swelling of glands, Hodgkin's disease).

Compare also: Calc fluor; Sil; Merc iod.

Dose.--Second and third trituration.



Phosphate of Lime

One of the most important tissue remedies, and while it has many symptoms in common with Calcarea carb, there are some differences and characteristic features of its own. It is especially indicated in tardy dentition and troubles incident to that period, bone disease non-union of fractured bones, and the anćmias after acute diseases and chronic wasting diseases. Anćmic children who are peevish, flabby, have cold extremities and feeble digestion. It has a special affinity where bones form sutures or symphyses, and all its symptoms are worse from any change of weather. Numbness and crawling are characteristic sensations, and tendency to perspiration and glandular enlargement are symptoms it shares with the carbonate. Scrofulosis, chlorosis and phthisis.

Mind.--Peevish, forgetful; after grief and vexation (Ignat; Phos ac). Always wants to go somewhere.

Head.--Headache, worse near the region of sutures, from change of weather, of school children about puberty. Fontanelles remain open too long. Cranial bones soft and thin. Defective hearing. Headache, with abdominal flatulence. Head hot, with smarting of roots of hair.

Eyes.--Diffused opacity in cornea following abscess.

Mouth.--Swollen tonsils; cannot open mouth without pain. Complaints during teething; teeth develop slowly; rapid decay of teeth. Adenoid growths.

Stomach.--Infant wants to nurse all the time and vomits easily. Craving for bacon, ham, salted or smoked meats. Much flatulence. Great hunger with thirst flatulence temporarily relieved by sour eructations. Heartburn. Easy vomiting in children.

Abdomen.--At every attempt to eat, colicky pain in abdomen. Sunken and flabby. Colic, soreness and burning around navel.

Stool.--Bleeding after hard stool. Diarrhśa from juicy fruits or cider; during dentition. Green, slimy, hot, sputtering, undigested, with fetid flatus. Fistula in ano, alternating with chest symptoms.

Urine.--Increased, with sensation of weakness. Pain in region of kidneys when lifting or blowing the nose.

Female.--Menses too early, excessive, and bright in girls. If late, blood is dark; sometimes, first bright, then dark, with violent backache. During lactation with sexual excitement. Nymphomania, with aching, pressing, or weakness in uterine region (Plat). After prolonged nursing. Leucorrhśa, like white of egg. Worse morning. Child refuses breast; milk tastes salty. Prolapsus in debilitated persons.

Respiratory.--Involuntary sighing. Chest sore. Suffocative cough; better lying down. Hoarseness. Pain through lower left lung.

Neck and Back.--Rheumatic pain from draught of air, with stiffness and dullness of head. Soreness in sacro-iliac symphysis, as if broken (Aesc hip).

Extremities.--Stiffness and pain, with cold, numb feeling, worse any change of weather. Crawling and coldness. Buttocks, back and limbs asleep. Pains in joints and bones. Weary when going upstairs.

Relationship.--Complementary: Ruta; Hepar.

Compare: Calcar hypophosphorosa (is to be preferred when it seems necessary to furnish the organism with liberal doses of phosphorus in consequence of continued abscesses having reduced the vitality. Give first and second decimal trits. Loss of appetite, rapid debility, night sweats; Acne pustulosa.--Pallor of skin, habitually cold extremities. Phthisis-diarrhśa and cough; acute pains in chest. Mesenteric tuberculosis. Bleeding from lungs; angina pectoris; asthma; affection of arteries. Veins stand out like whipcords. Attacks of pain occurring two hours after meals (relieved by a cup of milk or light food). Cheiranthus (effects of cutting wisdom teeth). Calcarea renalis-Lapis renalis--(arthritic nodosities. Rigg's disease; lessens tendency to accumulation of tartar on teeth; gravel and renal calculi). Conchilion.--Meter perlarum.--Mother of pearl (Osteitis.--Has a wide range of action in bone affections, especially when the growing ends are affected. Petechić). Silica; Psorin; Sulph.

Modalities.--Worse, exposure to damp, cold weather, melting snow. Better, in summer; warm, dry atmosphere.

Dose.--First to third trituration. Higher potencies often more effective.



Sulphate of Lime-Plaster of Paris

Eczema and torpid glandular swellings. Cystic tumors. Fibroids. Suppurative processes come within the range of this remedy, after pus has found a vent. Mucous discharges are yellow, thick and lumpy. Lupus vulgaris.

Head.--Scald-head of children, if there be purulent discharge, or yellow, purulent crusts.

Eyes.--Inflammation of the eyes, with discharge of thick, yellow matter. Sees only one-half an object. Cornea smoky. Ophthalmia neonatorum.

Ears.--Deafness, with discharge of matter from the middle ear, sometimes mixed with blood. Pimples around ear.

Nose.--Cold in the head, with thick, yellowish, purulent secretion, frequently tinged with blood. One-sided discharge from nose. Yellowish discharge from posterior nares. Edges of nostrils sore.

Face.--Pimples and pustules on the face. Herpes.

Mouth.--Inside of lips sore. Tongue flabby, resembling a layer of dried clay. Sour, soapy, acrid taste. Yellow coating at base.

Throat.--Last stage of ulcerated sore throat, with discharge of yellow matter. Suppurating stage of tonsillitis, when abscess is discharging.

Abdomen.--Pain in region of liver, in right side of pelvis, followed by weakness, nausea, and pain in stomach.

Stool.--Purulent diarrhśa mixed with blood. Diarrhśa after maple sugar and from change of weather. Pus-like, slimy discharge from the bowels. Painful abscesses about the anus in cases of fistula.

Female.--Menses late, long-lasting, with headache, twitching great weakness.

Respiratory.--Cough, with purulent and sanious sputa and hectic fever. Empyćma, pus forming in the lungs or pleural cavities. Purulent, sanious expectoration. Catarrh, with thick, lumpy, white-yellow or pus-like secretion.

Extremities.--Burning-itching of soles of feet.

Fever.--Hectic fever, caused by formation of pus. With cough and burning in soles.

Skin.--Cuts, wounds, bruises, etc, unhealthy, discharging pus; they do not heal readily. Yellow, purulent crusts or discharge. Purulent exudations in or upon the skin. Skin affections with yellowish scabs. Many little matterless pimples under the hair, bleeding when scratched. Dry eczema in children.

Relationship.--Compare: Hepar; Silica.

Dose.--Second and third trituration. The twelfth potency has been found effective in Lupus.



Silicate of Lime

A deep, long acting medicine for complaints which come on slowly and reach their final development after long periods. Hydrogenoid constitution (Nat sulph). Very sensitive to cold. Patient is weak, emaciated, cold and chilly, but worse from being overheated; sensitive generally. Atrophy of children.

Mind.--Absent-minded, irritable, irresolute, lacks self-confidence. Fearful.

Head.--Vertigo, head cold, especially at vertex; catarrh of nose and posterior nares, discharge thick, yellow, hard crusts. Corneal exudation.

Stomach.--Sensation of coldness, especially when empty. Sinking sensation at pit. Great thirst. Flatulence and distention after eating. Vomiting and eructations.

Female.--Uterus heavy, prolapsed. Leucorrhśa, painful and irregular menses. Flow between periods.

Respiratory.--Sensitive to cold air. Difficult respiration. Chronic irritation of air passages. Copious, yellow-green mucus. Coughs with coldness, weakness, emaciation, sensitiveness and peevishness, worse from cold air. Pain in chest walls.

Skin.--Itching, burning, cold and blue, very sensitive. Pimples, comedones, wens. Psoric eruptions.

Relationship.--Compare: Arsenic; Tubercul; Baryt carb; Iod.

Dose.--All potencies from lowest to high.




A most remarkable healing agent, applied locally. Useful for open wounds, parts that will not heal, ulcers, etc. Promotes healthy granulations and rapid healing by first intention. Hæmostatic after tooth extraction. Deafness. Catarrhal conditions. Neuroma. Constitutional tendency to erysipelas. Pain is excessive and out of all proportion to injury. Great disposition to take cold, especially in damp weather. Paralysis after apoplexy. Cancer, as an intercurrent remedy. Has remarkable power to produce local exudation and helps to make acrid discharge healthy and free. Cold hands.

Head.--Extremely nervous; easily frightened; tearing headache; weight on brain. Submaxillary glands swollen, painful to touch. Pain in right side of neck. Lacerated scalp wounds.

Eyes.--Injuries to eyes which tend to suppuration; after operations; blenorrhœa of lachrymal sac.

Ears.--Deafness; worse in damp surroundings and with eczematous conditions. Hears best on a train, and distant sounds.

Nose.--Coryza in one nostril; with much green discharge.

Stomach.--Hunger immediately after nursing. Bulimia. Heartburn with horripilations. Nausea in chest. Vomiting. Sinking sensation. Epigastric distention.

Respiratory.--Cough, with green expectoration, hoarseness; with distention of inguinal ring.

Female.--Warts at the os externum. Menses suppressed, with cough. Chronic endocervicitis. Uterine hypertrophy, sensation of weight and fullness in pelvis; stretching and dragging in groin; pain on sudden movements. Os lower than natural. Menorrhagia.

Skin.--Yellow; goose-flesh. Promotes favorable cicatrization, with least amount of suppuration. Slough, proud flesh, and raised edges. Superficial burns and scalds. Erysipelas (use topically).

Fever.--Coldness, great sensitiveness to open air; shuddering in back, skin feels warm to touch. Heat in evening.

Modalities.--Worse, in damp, heavy, cloudy weather.

Relationship.--Compare: Hamamel; Hyperic; Symph; Arn.

Compare in deafness: Ferr pic; Kal iod; Calc; Mag c; Graph.

Antidote: Chelidon; Rheum.

Complementary: Hepar.

Dose.--Locally. Aqueous Calendula (Marigoldin) for all wounds, the greatest healing agent. Also as an injection in leucorrhœa; internally, tincture, to third potency. For burns sores, fissures, and abrasions, etc, use Calendula Cerate.



Madar Bark


Has been used with marked success in the treatment of syphilis following Mercury; also, in elephantiasis, leprosy, and acute dysentery. Pneumonic phthisis. Tuberculosis.

Increases the circulation in the skin; has powerful effects as a sudorific. In the secondary symptoms of syphilis, where Mercury has been used but cannot be pushed safely any farther, it rapidly recruits the constitution, heals the ulcers and blotches from the skin, and perfects the cure. Primary anćmia of syphilis. Heat in stomach is a good guiding symptom. Obesity, while flesh decreases, muscles become harder and firmer.

Relationship.--Compare: Merc; Potass iod; Berb aqui; Sarsap; Ipecac.

Dose.--Tincture, one to five drops; three times a day.




Pain in abdomen, vomiting, headache, singing in ears, dysuria and diarrhśa. Anasarca.

Skin.--Pemphigus. Bullć are surrounded by a ring. Much itching. Face much swollen, especially around the eyes. Itching eruption on thighs. Pustules. Uterine cancer.





Hahnemann says: "The action of this substance is very puzzling and difficult of investigation, even in the healthy organism because its primary action, more frequently than with any other remedy, alternates and becomes intermixed with the vital reactions (after effects) of the organism. On this account it is often difficult to determine what belongs to the vital reactions of the body and what to the alternating effects due to the primary action of the camphor."

Pictures a state of collapse. Icy coldness of the whole body; sudden sinking of strength; pulse small and weak. After operations, if temperature is subnormal, low blood pressure, 3 doses camph. 1x, 15-minute intervals. This condition is met with in cholera, and here it is that Camphor has achieved classical fame. First stages of a cold, with chilliness and sneezing. Subsultus and extreme restlessness. Cracking of joints. Epileptiform convulsions. Camphor has a direct relationship to muscles and fascia. In local rheumatic affections in cold climates necessary. Distention of veins. As a heart stimulant for emergency use of Camphor is the most satisfactory remedy. Drop doses on sugar as often as every five minutes.

It is characteristic of Camphor that the patient will not be covered, notwithstanding the icy coldness of the body. One of the main remedies in shock. Pain better while thinking of it. Very sensitive to cold and to touch. Sequelæ of measles. Violent convulsion, with wandering and hysterical excitement. Tetanic spasms. Scrofulous children and irritable, weakly blondes especially affected.

Head.--Vertigo, tendency to unconsciousness, feeling as if he would die. Influenza; headache, with catarrhal symptoms, sneezing, etc. Beating pain in cerebellum. Cold sweat. Nose cold and pinched. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling. Fleeting stitches in temporal region and orbits. Head sore. Occipital throbbing, synchronous with the pulse.

Eyes.--Fixed, staring; pupils dilated. Sensation as if all objects were too bright and glittering.

Nose.--Stopped; sneezing. Fluent coryza on sudden change of weather. Cold and pinched. Persistent epistaxis, especially with goose-flesh state of skin.

Face.--Pale, haggard, anxious, distorted; bluish, cold. Cold sweat.

Stomach.--Pressive pain in pit of stomach. Coldness, followed by burning.

Stool.--Blackish; involuntary. Asiatic cholera, with cramps in calves, coldness of body, anguish, great weakness, collapse, tongue and mouth cold.

Urine.--Burning and strangury, with tenesmus of the neck of the bladder. Retention with full bladder.

Male--Besire increased. Chordee. Priapism. Nightly emissions.

Respiratory.--Præcordial distress. Suffocative dyspnœa. Asthma. Violent, dry, hacking cough. Palpitation. Breath cold. Suspended respiration.

Sleep.--Insomnia, with cold limbs. Subsultus and extreme restlessness.

Extremities.--Rheumatic pain between shoulders. Difficult motion. Numbness, tingling and coldness. Cracking in joints. Cramps in calves. Icy cold feet, ache as if sprained.

Fever.--Pulse small, weak, slow. Icy coldness of the whole body. Cold perspiration. Congestive chill. Tongue cold, flabby, trembling.

Skin.--Cold, pale, blue, livid. Cannot bear to be covered (Secale).

Modalities.--Worse, motion, night, contact, cold air. Better, warmth.

Relationship.--Camphor antidotes or modifies the action of nearly every vegetable medicine--tobacco, opium, worm medicines, etc. Laffa acutangula (whole body ice-cold, with a restlessness and anxiety; burning thirst). Camphoric acid--(a prophylactic against catheter fever; cystitis 15 grains three times a day; also for prevention of night sweats).

Incompatible: Kali nit.

Complementary: Canth.

Antidotes: Opium; Nitr sp dulc; Phos.

Compare: Carbo; Cuprum; Arsenic; Veratr.

Dose.--Tincture, in drop doses, repeated frequently, or smelling of Spirits of Camphor. Potencies are equally effective.



Mono-bromide of Camphor


Nervous excitability is the guiding condition. Suppression of milk. Nightly emissions. Painful erections. Paralysis agitans. Cholera infantum, and infantile convulsions. Intensifies the action of Quinine and renders it more permanent.

Mind.--Directions appear reversed, i.e, north seems south, and east seems west. Hysteria; weeping and laughing alternately. Trance-like state.

Dose.--Second trituration.



Erythraea venusta-Centaury

Used extensively as a fever remedy and bitter tonic (Gentiana), antimalarial and antiseptic. Of use in severe type of intermittent fever in hot countries; also, in influenza. Sore, as if bruised all over. Sensation of drops falling from and upon different spots.

Head.--Congested. Scalp feels tight; head feels as if bound; burning in eyes; buzzing in ears.

Fever.--Chill all over; worse in bed at night. Sensitive to cold trade-winds on Pacific Coast. General sore and bruised feeling; nausea and retching.

Skin.--Wrinkled like a washer-woman's. Scalp feels tight, as if drawn together by India-rubber.

Dose.--Tincture, in drop doses. Must be made from the fresh plant. Its medicinal properties are lost in the dry.




Inhibits the higher faculties and stimulates the imagination to a remarkable degree without any marked stimulation of the lower or animal instinct. A condition of intense exaltation, in which all perceptions and conceptions, all sensations and all emotions are exaggerated to the utmost degree.

Subconscious or dual nature state. Apparently under the control of the second self, but, the original self, prevents the performance of acts which are under the domination of the second self. Apparently the two natures cannot act independently, one acting as a check, upon the other (Effects of one Dram doses by Dr. Albert Schneider).

The experimenter feels ever and anon that he is distinct from the subject of the hashish dream and can think rationally.

Produces the most remarkable hallucinations and imaginations, exaggeration of the duration of time and extent of space, being most characteristic. Conception of time, space and place is gone. Extremely happy and contented, nothing troubles. Ideas crowd upon each other. Has great soothing influence in many nervous disorders, like epilepsy, mania, dementia, delirium tremens, and irritable reflexes. Exophthalmic goitre. Catalepsy.

Mind.--Excessive loquacity; exuberance of spirits. Time seems too long; seconds seem ages; a few rods an immense distance. Constantly theorizing. Anxious depression; constant fear of becoming insane. Mania, must constantly move. Very forgetful; cannot finish sentence. Is lost in delicious thought. Uncontrollable laughter. Delirium tremens. Clairvoyance. Emotional excitement; rapid change of mood. Cannot realize her identity, chronic vertigo as of floating off.

Head.--Feels as if top of head were opening and shutting and as if calvarium were being lifted. Shocks through brain (Aloe; Coca). Urćmic headache. Throbbing and weight at occiput. Headache with flatulence. Involuntary shaking of head. Migraine attack preceded by unusual excitement with loquacity.

Eyes.--Fixed. Letters run together when reading. Clairvoyance. Spectral illusions without terror.

Ears.--Throbbing, buzzing, and ringing. Noise like boiling water. Extreme sensitiveness to noise.

Face.--Expression drowsy and stupid. Lips glued together. Grinding of teeth in sleep. Mouth and lips dry. Saliva thick, frothy, and sticky.

Stomach.--Increased appetite. Pain at cardiac orifice; better, pressure. Distention. Pyloric spasm. Sensation of extreme tension in abdominal vessels-feel distended to bursting.

Rectum.--Sensation in anus as if sitting on a ball.

Urinary.--Urine loaded with slimy mucus. Must strain; dribbling; has to wait some time before the urine flows. Stitches and burning in urethra. Dull pain in region of right kidney.

Male.--After sexual intercourse, backache. Oozing of white, glairy mucus from glans. Satyriasis. Prolonged thrill. Chordee. Sensation of swelling in perineum or near anus, as if sitting on a ball.

Female.--Menses profuse, dark, painful, without clots. Backache during menses. Uterine colic, with great nervous agitation and sleeplessness. Sterility (Borax). Dysmenorrhśa with sexual desire.

Respiratory.--Humid asthma. Chest oppressed with deep, labored breathing.

Heart.--Palpitation awakes him. Piercing pain, with great oppression. Pulse very slow (Dig; Kalmia; Apocyn).

Extremities.--Pain across shoulders and spine; must stoop; cannot walk erect. Thrilling through arms and hands, and from knees down. Entire paralysis of the lower extremities. Pain in soles and calves; sharp pains in knees and ankles; very exhausted after a short walk.

Sleep.--Very sleepy, but unable to do so. Obstinate and intractable forms of insomnia. Catalepsy. Dreams of dead bodies; prophetic. Nightmare.

Modalities.--Worse, morning; from coffee, liquor and tobacco; lying on right side. Better from fresh air, cold water, rest.

Relationship.--Bellad; Hyoscy; Stram; Laches; Agaric; Anhalon (time sense disordered; time periods enormously overestimated, thus, minutes seem hours, etc).

Dose.--Tincture and low attenuations.




Seems to affect especially the urinary, sexual, and respiratory organs. It has characteristic sensations as of dropping water. Great fatigue, as from over-exertion; weary after meals. Choking in swallowing; things go down the wrong way. Stuttering. Confusion of thought and speech. Wavering speech. Wavering speech, hasty, incoherent.

Head.--Lectophobia. Vertigo; sensation of dropping water on head. Pressure on root of nose.

Eyes.--Opacity of cornea. Cataract from nervous disturbances, abuse of alcohol and tobacco; patient feels deeply approaching blindness. Misty sight. Pressure from back of eyes, forward. Gonorrhśal ophthalmia. Eyeballs ache. Scrofulous eye troubles (Sulph; Calc).

Urine.--Retained, with obstinate constipation. Painful urging. Micturition in split stream. Stitches in urethra. Inflamed sensation, with soreness to touch. Burning while urinating, extending to bladder. Urine scalding, with spasmodic closure of sphincter. Gonorrhśa, acute stage; urethra very sensitive. Walks with legs apart. Dragging in testicles. Zigzag pain along urethra. Sexual overexcitement. Urethral caruncle (Eucalypt), phimosis. Stoppage of urethra by mucus and pus.

Female.--Amenorrhśa when physical powers have been overtaxed, also with constipation.

Respiratory.--Oppression of breathing and palpitation; must stand up. Weight on chest; rattling wheezing breathing. Cough, with green viscid, also bloody, expectoration.

Heart.--Sensation as if drops were falling from the heart. Painful strokes and tension with palpitation. Pericarditis.

Sleep.--Frightful dreams. More tired in morning. Sleepy during day.

Extremities.--Contraction of fingers after a sprain. Dislocation of patella on going upstairs. Feet feel heavy on going upstairs. Paralytic tearing pains. Affections of the ball of the foot and under part of toes.

Modalities.--Worse, lying down; going upstairs.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Camph; Lemon juice.

Compare: Hedysarum-Brazilian Burdock--(Gonorrhśa and inflammation of penis); Canth; Apis; Copaiva; Thuj; Kal nit.

Dose.--Tincture to third attenuation. In stuttering the 30th.



Spanish Fly


This powerful drug produces a furious disturbance in the animal economy, attacking the urinary and sexual organs especially, perverting their function, and setting up violent inflammations, and causing a frenzied delirium, simulating hydrophobia symptoms (Anagallis). Puerperal convulsions. Produces most violent inflammation of the whole gastro-intestinal canal, especially lower bowel. Oversensitiveness of all parts. Irritation. Raw, burning pains. Hćmorrhages. Intolerable, constant urging to urinate is most characteristic. Gastric, hepatic and abdominal complaints that are aggravated by drinking coffee. Gastric derangements of pregnancy. Dysuria, with other complaints. Increases secretion of mucous membranes, tenacious mucus. The inflammations cantharis produces (bladder, kidneys, ovaries, meninges, pleuritic and pericardial membranes)are usually associated with bladder irritation.

Mind.--Furious delirium. Anxious restlessness, ending in rage. Crying, barking; worse touching larynx or drinking water. Constantly attempts to do something, but accomplishes nothing. Acute mania, generally of a sexual type; amorous frenzy; fiery sexual desire. Paroxysms of rage, crying, barking. Sudden loss of consciousness with red face.

Head.--Burning in brain. Sensation as if boiling water in brain. Vertigo; worse in open air.

Eyes.--Yellow vision (Santon). Fiery, sparkling, staring look. Burning in eyes.

Ears.--Sensation as if wind were coming from ear, or hot air. Bones about ear painful (Capsic).

Face.--Pale, wretched, death-like appearance. Itching vesicles on face, burning when touched. Erysipelas of face, with burning, biting heat with urinary symptoms. Hot and red.

Throat.--Tongue covered with vesicles; deeply furred; edges red. Burning in mouth, pharynx, and throat; vesicles in mouth. Great difficulty in swallowing liquids. Very tenacious mucus (Kali bich). Violent spasms reproduced by touching larynx. Inflammation of throat; feels on fire. Constriction; aphthous ulceration (Hydr mur; Nit ac). Scalding feeling. Burnt after taking too hot food.

Chest.--Pleurisy, as soon as effusion has taken place. Intense dyspnśa; palpitation; frequent, dry cough. Tendency to syncope. Short, hacking cough, blood-streaked tenacious mucus. Burning pains.

Stomach.--Burning sensation of śsophagus and stomach (Carb). Disgust for everything-drink, food, tobacco. Burning thirst, with aversion to all fluids. Very sensitive, violent burning. Vomiting of blood-streaked membrane and violent retching. Aggravation from drinking coffee; drinking the smallest quantity increases pain in bladder, and is vomited. Thirst unquenchable.

Stool.--Shivering with burning. Dysentery; mucous stools, like scrapings of intestines. Bloody, with burning and tenesmus and shuddering after stool.

Urine.--Intolerable urging and tenesmus. Nephritis with bloody urine. Violent paroxysms of cutting and burning in whole renal region, with painful urging to urinate; bloody urine, by drops. Intolerable tenesmus; cutting before, during, and after urine. Urine scalds him, and is passed drop by drop. Constant desire to urinate. Membranous scales looking like bran in water. Urine jelly-like, shreddy.

Male.--Strong desire; painful erections. Pain in glans (Prunus; Pareira). Priapism in gonorrhśa.

Female.--Retained placenta (Sep), with painful urination. Expels moles, dead fśtuses, membranes, etc. Nymphomania (Plat; Hyos; Lach; Stram). Puerperal metritis, with inflammation of bladder. Menses too early and too profuse; black swelling of vulva with irritation. Constant discharge from uterus; worse false step. Burning pain in ovaries; extremely sensitive. Pain in os coccyx, lancinating and tearing.

Respiratory.--Voice low; weak feeling. Stitches in chest (Bry; Kal c; Squilla). Pleurisy, with exudation.

Heart.--Palpitation; pulse feeble, irregular; tendency to syncope. Pericarditis, with effusion.

Back.--Pain in loins, with incessant desire to urinate.

Extremities.--Tearing in limbs. Ulcerative pain in soles; cannot step.

Skin.--Dermatitis venenata with bled formation. Secondary eczema about scrotum and genitals, following excessive perspiration. Tendency to gangrene. Eruption with mealy scales. Vesicular eruptions, with burning and itching. Sunburn. Burns, scalds, with rawness and smarting, relieved by cold applications, followed by undue inflammation. Erysipelas, vesicular type, with great restlessness. Burning in soles of feet at night.

Fever.--Cold hands and feet; cold sweat. Soles burn. Chill, as if water were poured over him.

Modalities.--Worse, from touch, or approach, urinating, drinking cold water or coffee. Better, rubbing.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Acon; Camph; Puls.

Compare: Cantharidin--(Glomerular nephritis). The immediate pharmacological action of Cantharidin is irritability of the capillaries, rendering the passage of nutritive fluids through them less difficult. This is most marked in the capillaries of the kidneys. The increase of blood sugar coincident with the glomerular nephritis appears to be a valuable observation. Vesicaria--(Urinary and kidney remedy. Smarting, burning sensation along urethra and in bladder with frequent desire to void urine often with strangury. Cystitis, irritable bladder. Tincture 5-10 drop doses). Fuschina coloring substance used in adulteration of wine (Cortical nephritis with albuminuria, 6th-30th potency. Redness of ears, mouth, swollen gums; deep, red urine; red, profuse diarrhśa, with severe abdominal pains). Androsace lactea (urinary troubles, diuretic; dropsy). Apis; Ars; Merc cor.

Complementary: Camph.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency. Bears repeated doses well. Locally, in burns and eczema, 1x and 2x, in water, or as cerate.



Cayenne Pepper


Seems to suit especially persons of lax fiber, weak; diminished vital heat. A relaxed plethoric sluggish, cold remedy. Not much reactive force. Such persons are fat, indolent, opposed to physical exertion, averse to go outside of their routine, get homesick easily. General uncleanliness of body. Abstainers from accustomed alcoholics. It affects the mucous membranes, producing a sensation of constriction. Inflammation of petrous bone. Burning pains and general chilliness. Older people who have exhausted their vitality, especially by mental work, and poor living; blear-eyed appearance; who do not react. Fear of slightest draught. Marked tendency to suppuration in every inflammatory process. Prostration and feeble digestion of alcoholics. Myalgia, aching and jerking of muscles.

Mind.--Excessive peevishness. Homesickness, with sleeplessness and disposition to suicide. Wants to be let alone. Peppery disposition. Delirium tremens.

Head.--Bursting headache; worse, coughing. Hot face. Red cheeks. Face red, though cold (Asafaet).

Ears.--Burning and stinging in ears. Swelling and pain behind ears. Inflammation of mastoid. Tenderness over the petrous bone; extremely sore and tender to touch (Onosmod). Otorrhœa and mastoid disease before suppuration.

Throat.--Hot feeling in fauces. Subacute inflammation of Eustachian tube with great pain. Pain and dryness in throat extending to the ears. Sore throat of smokers and drinkers. Smarting in; constriction. Burning constriction worse between acts of deglutition. Inflamed uvula and palate; swollen and relaxed.

Mouth.--Herpes labialis (Apply one drop of the mother tincture). Stomatitis. Disagreeable smell from mouth. Fetid odor from mouth.

Stomach.--Burning in tip of tongue. Atonic dyspepsia. Much flatulence, especially in debilitated subjects. Intense craving for stimulants. Vomiting, sinking at pit of stomach. Much thirst; but drinking causes shuddering.

Stool.--Bloody mucus, with burning and tenesmus; drawing pain in back after stool. Thirsty after stool, with shivering. Bleeding piles, with soreness of anus. Stinging pain during stool.

Urine.--Strangury, frequent, almost ineffectual urging. Burning in orifice. Comes first in drops, then in spurts; neck of bladder spasmodically contracted. Ectropion of meatus.

Male.--Coldness of scrotum, with impotency, atrophied testicles, loss of sensibility in testicles, with softening and dwindling. Gonorrhœa, with chordee, excessive burning, pain in prostate.

Female.--Climacteric disturbances with burning of tip of tongue (Lathyrus). Uterine hæmorrhage near the menopause, with nausea. Sticking sensation in left ovarian region.

Respiratory.--Constriction of chest; arrests breathing Hoarseness. Pain at apex of heart or in rib region, worse touch. Dry, hacking cough, expelling an offensive breath from lungs. Dyspnœa. Feels as if chest and head would fly to pieces. Explosive cough. Threatening gangrene of lung. Pain in distant parts on coughing-bladder, legs, ears, etc.

Extremities.--Pain from hips to feet. Sciatica, worse bending backward; worse, coughing. Tensive pain in the knee.

Fever.--Coldness, with ill-humor. Shivering after drinking. Chill begins in back; better, heat. Must have something hot to back. Thirst before chill.

Modalities.--Better, while eating, from heat. Worse, open air, uncovering, draughts.

Relationship.--Antidote: Cina; Calad.

Compare: Pulsat; Lycop; Bell; Centaurea (surging of blood; homesickness; intermittent fever).

Dose.--Third to sixth attenuation. In delirium tremens, dram doses of tincture in milk or tincture or orange peel.



Phenol-Carbolic Acid

Carbolic Acid is a powerful irritant and anæsthetic. A languid, foul, painless, destructive remedy. Stupor, paralysis of sensation and motion, feeble pulse and depressed breathing, death due to paralysis of respiratory centers. Acts primarily on the central nervous system. Increased olfactory sensibility.

Produces mental and bodily languor, disinclination to study, with headache like a band. Very marked acuteness of smell is a strong guiding symptom. Stomach symptoms are also important. Pains are terrible; come and go suddenly. Physical exertion brings on abscess somewhere. Putrid discharges (Bapt). Scarlet fever, with marked tendency to destruction of tissue internally, and fetid odor. Spasmodic coughs. Arthritis (See Dose).

Head.--Disinclined to mental work. Tight feeling, as if compressed by a rubber band (Gels; Mahonia). Orbital neuralgia over right eye. Headache, better, by green tea; while smoking.

Nose.--Smell very acute. Putrid discharge. Ozæna, with fetor and ulceration. Influenza and resulting debility.

Throat.--Ulcerated patches on inside of lips and cheeks. Burning in mouth to stomach. Fauces red, and covered with exudation. Uvula whitened and shriveled. Putrid discharge. Almost impossible to swallow. Diphtheria, fetid breath, regurgitation on swallowing liquids, but little pain (Bapt). Face dusky red; white about mouth and nose. Rapid sinking of vital forces.

Stomach.--Appetite lost. Desire for stimulants and tobacco. Constant belching, nausea, vomiting, dark olive green. Heat rises up œsophagus. Flatulent distention of stomach and abdomen. Painful flatulence often marked in one part of the bowel (Sulpho-Carbolate of Soda). Fermentative dyspepsia with bad taste and breath.

Stool.--Constipation, with very offensive breath. Bloody, like scrapings of intestines. Great tenesmus. Diarrhœa; stools thin, black, putrid.

Urine.--Almost black. Diabetes. Irritable bladder in old men with frequent urination at night, of probable prostatic nature. Use 1x.

Female.--Discharges always offensive (Nitr ac; Nux; Sep). Pustules about vulva containing bloody pus. Agonizing backache across loins, with dragging-down thighs. Pain in left ovary; worse walking in open air. Erosions of cervix; fetid, acrid discharge. Leucorrhœa in children (Cann s; Merc; Puls; Sep). Puerperal fever, with offensive discharge. Irritating leucorrhœa, causing itching and burning (Kreos).

Extremities.--Cramps in fore part of leg, close to tibia during walking. Gnawing pains in shin bones. Arthritis.

Skin.--Itching vesicles, with burning pain. Burns tend to ulcerate.

Relationship.--Compare: Chrysarobin (local in ringworm of the scalp 5-10 per cent in glycerine and alcohol. Equal parts). Ars; Kreosot; Carbo; Guano (Violent headache as from a band around head. Itching of nostrils, back, thighs, genitals. Symptoms like hay-fever).

Antidote: Alcohol; Vinegar; Chalk; Iod. Glauber's Salt in watery solution.

Incompatible: Glycerine and vegetable oils.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. Phenol in Arthritis, according to Goodno. Must be absolutely pure. Crystals Solution (25 %) in equal parts of water and glycerine, dose 20 minims well diluted 3 times daily (Bartlett).



Animal Charcoal

Seems to be especially adapted to scrofulous and venous constitutions, old people, and after debilitating disease, with feeble circulation and lowered vitality. Glands are indurated, veins distended, skin blue. Stitch remaining after pleurisy. Easily strained from lifting. Weakness of nursing women. Ulceration and decomposition. All its secretions are offensive. Causes local congestions without heat.

Mind.--Desire to be alone, sad and reflective, avoids conversation. Anxiety at night, with orgasm of blood.

Head.--Headache, as if head had been blown to pieces. Rush of blood with confusion. Sensation as if something lay above eyes so that she could not look up. Bluish cheeks and lips. Vertigo followed by nose-bleed. Nose swollen, tip bluish small tumor on it. Hearing confused; cannot tell direction of sound.

Stomach.--Eating tires patient. Weak, empty feeling in stomach. Burning and griping. Weak digestion. Flatulence. Ptomaine poisoning. Repugnance to fat food. Sour water from mouth. Pyrosis.

Female.--Nausea of pregnancy; worse at night. Lochia offensive (Kreos; Rhus; Secale). Menses too early, frequent long lasting, followed by great exhaustion, so weak, can hardly speak (Cocc), flow only in morning (Bor; Sep). Burning in vagina and labia. Darting in breast; painful indurations in breast, especially right. Cancer of uterus, burning pain down thighs.

Respiratory.--Pleurisy, typhoid character, and remaining stitch. Ulceration of lung, with feeling of coldness of chest. Cough, with discharge of greenish pus.

Skin.--Spongy ulcers, copper-colored eruption. Acne rosacea. Chilblains, worse in evening, in bed and from cold. Verruca on hands and face of old people, with bluish color of extremities. Glands indurated, swollen, painful, in neck, axillć, groin, mammć; pains lancinating, cutting, burning (Con; Merc iod flav). Burning, rawness and fissures; moisture. Bubo.

Extremities.--Pain in coccyx; burns when touched. Ankles turn easily. Straining and over-lifting produce great debility. Joints weak. Easy discoloration. Pain in hip joints at night. Night sweat fetid and profuse. Wrist pain.

Modalities.--Worse, after shaving, loss of animal fluids.

Relationship.--The Carbon group all have putrid discharges and exhalations. All act on the skin, causing interrigo and excoriations. Glandular enlargements and catarrhal states, flatulency and asphyxiation.

Carbon Tetrachlorid is said to cause fatty liver (Phosph; Ars; Chlorof). Paralysis of interosseus muscles of feet and hands. Wonderful clinical results in the treatment of Hook worm disease. See Thymol (Relationship).

Complementary: Calc phos.

Antidotes: Ars; Nux.

Compare: Badiaga; Sepia; Sulph; Plumb iod.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency. The third trituration for insufflation in aural polypi.



Vegetable Charcoal

Disintegration and imperfect oxidation is the keynote of this remedy. The typical Carbo patient is sluggish, fat and lazy and has a tendency to chronicity in his complaints. Blood seems to stagnate in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness, and ecchymosis. Body becomes blue, icy-cold. Bacteria find a rich soil in the nearly lifeless stream and sepsis and typhoidal state ensues.

A lowered vital power from loss of fluids, after drugging; after other diseases; in old people with venous congestions; states of collapse in cholera, typhoid; these are some of the conditions offering special inducements to the action of Carbo veg. The patient may be almost lifeless, but the head is hot; coldness, breath cool, pulse imperceptible, oppressed and quickened respiration, and must have air, must be fanned hard, must have all the windows open. This is a typical state for Carbo veg. The patient faints easily, is worn out, and must have fresh air. Hćmorrhage from any mucous surface. Very debilitated. Patient seems to be too weak to hold out. Persons who have never fully recovered from the effects of some previous illness. Sense of weight, as in the head (occiput), eyes and eyelids, before the ears, in the stomach, and elsewhere in the body; putrid (septic) condition of all its affections, coupled with a burning sensation. General venous stasis, bluish skin, limbs cold.

Mind.--Aversion to darkness. Fear of ghosts. Sudden loss of memory.

Head.--Aches from any over-indulgence. Hair feels sore, falls off easily; scalp itches when getting warm in bed. Hat pressed upon head like a heavy weight. Head feels heavy, constricted. Vertigo with nausea and tinnitus. Pimples on forehead and face.

Face.--Puffy, cyanotic. Pale, hippocratic, cold with cold sweat; blue (Cup; Opium). Mottled cheeks and red nose.

Eyes.--Vision of black floating spots. Asthenopia. Burning in eyes. Muscles pain.

Ears.--Otorrhśa following exanthematous diseases. Ears dry. Malformation of cerumen with exfoliation of dermoid layer of meatus.

Nose.--Epistaxis in daily attacks, with pale face. Bleeding after straining, with pale face; tip of nose red and scabby, itching around nostrils. Varicose veins on nose. Eruption in corner of alć nasi. Coryza with cough, especially in moist, warm weather. Ineffectual efforts to sneeze.

Mouth.--Tongue coated white or yellow brown, covered with aphthć. Teeth very sensitive where chewing; gums retracted and bleed easily. Blood oozing from gums when cleaning teeth. Pyorrhea.

Stomach.--Eructations, heaviness, fullness, and sleepiness; tense from flatulence, with pain; worse lying down. Eructations after eating and drinking. Temporary relief from belching. Rancid, sour, or putrid eructations. Waterbrash, asthmatic breathing from flatulence. Nausea in the morning. Burning in stomach, extending to back and along spine. Contractive pain extending to chest, with distention of abdomen. Faint gone feeling in stomach, not relieved by eating. Crampy pains forcing patient to bend double. Distress comes on a half-hour after eating. Sensitiveness of epigastric region. Digestion slow; food putrefies before it digests. Gastralgia of nursing women, with excessive flatulence, sour, rancid belching. Aversion to milk, meat, and fat things. The simplest food distresses. Epigastric region very sensitive.

Abdomen.--Pain as from lifting a weight; colic from riding in a carriage; excessive discharge of fetid flatus. Cannot bear tight clothing around waist and abdomen. Ailments accompanying intestinal fistulć. Abdomen greatly distended; better, passing wind. Flatulent colic. Pain in liver.

Rectum and Stool.--Flatus hot, moist, offensive. Itching, gnawing and burning in rectum. Acrid, corrosive moisture from rectum. A musty, glutinous moisture exudes. Soreness, itching moisture of perineum at night. Discharge of blood from rectum. Burning at anus, burning varices (Mur ac). Painful diarrhśa of old people. Frequent, involuntary cadaverous-smelling stools, followed by burning. White hćmorrhoids; excoriation of anus. Bluish, burning piles, pain after stool.

Male.--Discharge of prostatic fluid at stool. Itching and moisture at thigh near scrotum.

Female.--Premature and too copious menses; pale blood. Vulva swollen; aphthć; varices on pudenda. Leucorrhśa before menses, thick, greenish, milky, excoriating (Kreos). During menstruation, burning in hands and soles.

Respiratory.--Cough with itching in larynx; spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus. Whooping cough, especially in beginning. Deep, rough voice, failing on slight exertion. Hoarseness; worse, evenings, talking; evening oppression of breathing, sore and raw chest. Wheezing and rattling of mucus in chest. Occasional spells of long coughing attacks. Cough, with burning in chest; worse in evening, in open air, after eating and talking. Spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration, neglected pneumonia. Breath cold; must be fanned. Hćmorrhage from lungs. Asthma in aged with blue skin.

Extremities.--Heavy, stiff; feel paralyzed; limbs, go to sleep; want of muscular energy; joints weak. Pain in shins. Cramp in soles; feet numb and sweaty. Cold from knees down. Toes red, swollen. Burning pain in bones and limbs.

Fever.--Coldness, with thirst. Chill begins in forearm. Burning in various places. Perspiration on eating. Hectic fever, exhausting sweats.

Skin.--Blue, cold ecchymosed. Marbled with venous over distension. Itching; worse on evening, when warm in bed. Moist skin; hot perspiration; senile gangrene beginning in toes; bed sores; bleed easily. Falling out of hair, from a general weakened condition. Indolent ulcers, burning pain. Ichorous, offensive discharge; tendency to gangrene of the margins. Purpura. Varicose ulcers, carbuncles (Ars; Anthrac).

Modalities.--Worse, evening; night and open air; cold; from fat food, butter, coffee, milk, warm damp weather; wine. Better, from eructation, from fanning, cold.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Spirits Nitre; Camph; Ambra; Arsenic.

Compare: Carboneum-Lampblack (Spasms commencing in tongue, down trachea and extremities. Tingling sensation). Lycop; Ars; China.

Complementary: Kali carb; Dros.

Dose.--First to third trituration in stomach disorders. Thirtieth potency and higher in chronic conditions, and in collapse.



Carburetted Hydrogen

Symptoms resemble an apopletic attack. Spasm as in lockjaw. Trismus. Involuntary stools and urine.

Mind.--Stupefaction. Extraordinary sensation of contentment. All thoughts appear in a moment as if seen in an inner mirror.

Eyes.--Lids half closed. Oscillation of eyeballs. Pupils insensible to light.



Carbonous Oxide

Herpes zoster, pemphigus, and trismus are produced by this drug. Coldness, sleepiness, loss of consciousness are marked. Vertigo.

Head.--Cerebral congestion; hallucination of vision, hearing and touch. Inclination to turn in a circle. Jaws firmly clenched. Trismus. Heaviness of head. Sticking pain in temples. Roaring ears.

Eyes.--Ocular paralysis, hemianopsias, disturbed pupillary reaction, optic neuritis and atrophy, subconjunctival and retinal hæmorrhages.

Skin.--Anæsthesia; vesication along course of nerves; herpes zoster; pemphigus, with large and small vesicles. Hand icy cold.

Sleep.--Deep. Prolonged; sleepiness for several days.

Dose.--First attenuation.



Alcohol Sulphuris-Bisulphide of Carbon

This drug has a deep and disorganizing action and an immense range of action judging from the symptomatology. Very useful in patients broken down by abuse of alcohol. Sensitive patients worse cold, wasted muscles, and skin and mucous membranes anæsthetic. Special affinity for eyes. Chronic rheumatism, sensitive and cold. Lack of vital heat. Diarrhœa every four to six weeks. Paralysis with intense congestion of nerve centers. Tabes. Sensory difficulties in limbs.

Impotence, sciatica, come within the therapeutic sphere of this remedy. Chronic plumbism. Diminished sensibility of arms, hands and feet. Peripheral neuritis.

Mind.--Irritable, anxious, intolerant; stupor. Sluggishness of mind. Hallucinations of sight and hearing. Changeable mood. Dementia alternating with excitement.

Head.--Headache and dizziness. Aches as from a tight cap. Ears feel obstructed. Noises in head. Ulceration of the lips, anæsthesia of mouth and tongue.

Eyes.--Myopia, asthenopia, and dis-chromotopia, cloudiness and atrophy of optic disc and central scotoma for light and for red and green not for white. Optic neuritis advancing toward atrophy. Arteries and veins congested. Retinal congestion; optic disc pale. Everything seems in a fog. Vision greatly impaired. Color-blindness.

Ears.--Hearing impaired. Buzzing and singing noises like an æolian harp. Tinnitus aurium. Meniere's disease.

Abdomen.--Pain with wandering swellings as from flatus. Distention, with soreness and rumbling.

Male.--Desire lost, parts atrophied. Frequent profuse emissions.

Extremities.--Herpes on dorsal surface of hands. Sore, bruised limbs; anæsthesia of arms and hands. Cramps in limbs. Lightning-like pains, with cramps. Fingers swollen, insensible, rigid, stiff. Gait unsteady, tottering; worse in dark. Feet insensible. Sciatica. Flying pains, returning regularly for a long time. Pain in lower limbs, with cramps and formication. Neuritis.

Sleep.--Deep morning sleep with anxious, vexatious dreams.

Skin.--Anæsthesia; burning; itching; ulcers; small wounds fester. Useful to restrain the growth of cancer. Furunculosis. Chronic skin diseases with much itching.

Modalities.--Better, in open air. Worse, after breakfast; bathing. Sensitive to warm, damp, weather.

Relationship.--Compare: Potass. Xantate--(Similar in action. Acts on cortical substance; loss of memory, marked blood degeneration; impotence and senility). Tuberculin; Radium; Carbo; Sulph; Caust; Salicyl ac; Cinch. In eye symptoms compare: Benzin dinitric. Thyroidin (progressive diminution of sight with central Scotoma).

Dose.--First attenuation. Locally in facial neuralgia and sciatica.



A nosode from Carcinoma


It is claimed the Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elicited, or symptoms of the disease itself exist (J. H. Clarke, M. D).

Carcinoma of the mammary glands with great pain and induration of glands; of uterus, the offensive discharge, hćmorrhage and pain are greatly relieved.

Indigestion, accumulation of gas in stomach and bowels; rheumatism-Cancerous cachexia.

Relationship.--Compare: Bufo; Conium; Phytolacca, Asterias.

Dose.--Thirtieth and 200th potency, a dose at night or less frequently.



St. Mary's Thistle

The action of this drug is centered in the liver, and portal system, causing soreness, pain, jaundice. Has specific relation to the vascular system. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, especially beer. Varicose veins and ulcers. Diseases of miners, associated with asthma. Dropsical conditions depending on liver disease, and when due to pelvic congestion and hepatic disease. Disturbs sugar metabolism. Influenza when liver is affected. Debility. Hæmorrhages, especially connected with hepatic disease.

Mind.--Despondency; forgetful, apathetic.

Head.--Contractive feeling above eyebrows. Dull heavy, stupid, with foul tongue. Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward. Burning and pressure in eyes. Nose-bleed.

Stomach.--Taste bitter. Aversion to salt meat. Appetite small; tongue furred; nausea; retching; vomiting of green, acid fluid. Stitches in left side of stomach, near spleen (Ceanoth). Gallstone disease with enlarged liver.

Abdomen.--Pain in region of liver. Left lobe very sensitive. Fullness and soreness, with moist skin. Constipation; stools hard, difficult, knotty; alternates with diarrhœa. Stools bright yellow. Swelling of gall bladder with painful tenderness. Hyperæmia of liver, with jaundice. Cirrhosis, with dropsy.

Rectum.--Hæmorrhagic piles, prolapse or rectum, burning pain in anus and rectum, hard and knotting, clayey stools. Profuse diarrhœa due to rectal cancer. 10 drops doses (Wapler).

Urine.--Cloudy; golden-colored.

Chest.--Stitching pains in lower right ribs and front; worse, moving, walking, etc. Asthmatic respiration. Pain in chest, going to shoulders, back, loins and abdomen, with urging to urinate.

Skin.--Itching on lying down at night. Varicose ulcers (Clematis vitalba). Eruption on lower part of sternum.

Extremities.--Pain in hip-joint, spreading through buttocks and down thigh; worse from stooping. Difficult rising. Weakness felt in feet, especially after sitting.

Relationship.--Compare: Card benedictus (strong action on eyes, and sensation of contraction in many parts; stomach symptoms similar); Chelidon; Chionanthes; Merc; Podophyl; Bry; Aloe.

Dose.--Tincture and lower potencies.



The Waters of the Sprudel Springs


Famous for its action on the liver and in the treatment of obesity, diabetes, and gout. In homeopathic potencies useful in weakness of all organs, constipation, great liability to take cold. Periodicity, effects repeated after from two to four weeks (Oxal ac; Sulph). Flashes of heat all over. Itching on various parts.

Mind.--Discouraged and anxious about domestic duties.

Head.--Aches, with swollen temporal veins (Sang); better, motion, in open air.

Face.--Yellow; sallow; red and hot; pain in zygomatic process; feels as if cobwebs were on it.

Stomach.--Tongue coated white. Offensive smell from mouth. Furry sensation. Sour or salty taste. Hiccough and yawning. Heartburn (Carbo).

Urine.--Stream weak and slow; only passed by pressing abdominal muscles.

Rectum.--Feces held back. Stool slow, and only passed by much abdominal pressure. Burning in rectum and anus. Bleeding piles.

Relationship.--Compare: Nat sulph; Nux.

Dose.--Lower potencies.



Sacred Bark


Introduced as a palliative for constipation (non-homeopathic), fifteen drops of fluid extract here it restores normal function by its tonic effects, but it has a wider sphere of action, as careful provings will show. Chronic indigestion, cirrhosis and jaundice. Hæmorrhoids and constipation. Gastric headache. Broad, flabby tongue; foul breath.

Urine.--Must wait for minute before flow starts then first in drops.

Extremities.--Rheumatism of muscles and joints, with obstinate constipation.

Relationship.--Compare: Hyd; Nux; Rhamnus Californica (tincture for constipation; tympanites and appendicitis and especially rheumatism).

Dose.--Tincture to sixth potency.



Sweet Bark

Acts on the digestive tract; constipation. Aversion to smell of tobacco. Inclination to vomit very marked.

Stomach.--Hunger after meals. Desire for hot drinks. Nausea and vomiting. Pain in stomach as from a shock. Pressing colic.

Rectum.--Constipation; stools hard, covered with mucus (Graph). Bright blood with stool. Diarrhśa alternating with hard, lumpy stool, with backache and lassitude, preceded by griping. Gnawing pain high up in rectum.

Dose.--First to third potency.



The Beaver


A great remedy for hysteria. Prostration marked.

Hysterical symptoms. Day-blindness; cannot endure the light. Nervous women who do not recover fully, but are continually irritable, and suffer from debilitating sweats. Spasmodic affections after debilitating diseases. Constant yawning. Restless sleep with frightful dreams and starts.

Tongue.--Swollen. Rounded elevation size of a pea in center, with drawing sensation from center to hyoid bone.

Female.--Dysmenorrhśa; blood discharged in drops with tenesmus. Pain commences in middle of thighs. Amenorrhśa, with painful tympanites.

Fever.--Predominant chilliness. Attacks of chilliness with ice-coldness in back.

Relationship.--Compare: Ambra; Moschus; Mur acid; Valeriana.

Antidote: Colch.

Dose.--Tincture, and lower potencies.



Chestnut Leaves

A useful remedy in whooping-cough, especially in the early stage, with dry, ringing, violent, spasmodic cough. Desire for warm drinks. Very thirsty. Loss of appetite. Diarrhśa. Thick urine.

Lumbago, weak back, can hardly straighten up.

Relationship.--Compare: Pertussin-Whooping-cough (when symptoms return again after being allayed). Dros; Mephitis; Naphthal; Ammon brom.




Rudimentary Thumb-nail of the Horse

General action on thickening of the skin and epithelium. Psoriasis linguć. The clinical experience of Hering and his fellow-provers has shown this to be highly useful remedy in cracked and ulcerated nipples. Affects principally female organs. Acts on the nails and bones; pain in right tibia and coccyx. Warts on forehead. Warts on breast. Chapped hands.

Chest.--Cracked, sore nipples, excessively tender. Swelling of mammć. Violent itching in breasts; areola reddened.

Relationship.--Compare: Graphites; Hippomanes; Calc. Oxal.

Dose.--Sixth and twelfth potency.




Children's remedy for Colic, also for nervous headache and hysteria, abdominal complaints, pain, flexing of thighs, twisting of body, crying. Similar to chamomilla and magnes phosph.

Dose.--5 to 10 drops of the tincture.



Blue Cohosh


This is a woman's remedy. Want of tonicity of the womb. During labor, when the pains are deficient and the patient is exhausted and fretful. Besides, it has a special affinity for the smaller joints. Thrush, locally and internally.

Stomach.--Cardialgia, spasms of stomach. Dyspepsia with spasmodic symptoms.

Female.--Extraordinary rigidity of os (Bell; Gels; Ver v). Spasmodic and severe pains, which fly in all directions; shivering, without progress; false pains. Revives labor pains and furthers progress of labor. After pains. Leucorrhœa, with moth-spots on forehead. Habitual abortion from uterine debility (Helon; Puls; Sab). Needle-like pains in cervix. Dysmenorrhœa, with pains flying to other parts of body. Lochia protracted; great atony. Menses and leucorrhœa profuse.

Skin.--Discoloration of skin in women with menstrual and uterine disorder.

Extremities.--Severe drawing, erratic pain and stiffness in small joints, fingers, toes, ankles, etc. Aching in wrists. Cutting pains on closing hands. Erratic pains, changing place every few minutes.

Relationship.--Incompatible: Coffea.

Compare: Viol. Odor (rheumatic carpal and metacarpal joints); Cimicif; Sepia; Pulsat; Gels.

Dose.--Tincture to third attenuation.



Hahnemann's Tinctura acris sine Kali

Manifests its action mainly in chronic rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic affections, indicated by the tearing, drawing pains in the muscular and fibrous tissues, with deformities about the joints; progressive loss of muscular strength, tendinous contractures. Broken down seniles. In catarrhal affections of the air passages, and seems to choose preferably dark-complexioned and rigid-fibered persons. Restlessness at night, with tearing pains in joints and bones, and faint-like sinking of strength. This weakness progresses until we have gradually appearing paralysis. Local paralysis, vocal cords, muscles of deglutition, of tongue, eyelids, face, bladder and extremities. Children are slow to walk. The skin of a Causticum person is of a dirty white sallow, with warts, especially on the face. Emaciation due to disease, worry, etc, and of long standing. Burning, rawness, and soreness are characteristic.

Mind.--Child does not want to go to bed alone. Least thing makes it cry. Sad, hopeless. Intensely sympathetic. Ailments from long-lasting grief, sudden emotions. Thinking of complaints, aggravates, especially hćmorrhoids.

Head.--Sensation of empty space between forehead and brain. Pain in right frontal eminence.

Face.--Paralysis of right side. Warts. Pain in facial bones. Dental fistula. Pain in jaws, with difficulty in opening mouth.

Eyes.--Cataract with motor disturbances. Inflammation of eyelids; ulceration. Sparks and dark spots before eyes Ptosis (Gels). Vision impaired, as if film were before eyes. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold.

Ears.--Ringing, roaring, pulsating, with deafness; words and steps re-echo; chronic middle-ear catarrh; accumulation of ear-wax.

Nose.--Coryza, with hoarseness. Scaly nose. Nostrils ulcerated. Pimples and warts.

Mouth.--Bites inside of cheek from chewing. Paralysis of tongue, with indistinct speech. Rheumatism of articulation of lower jaw. Gums bleed easily.

Stomach.--Greasy taste. Aversion to sweets. Feels as if lime were burned in stomach. Worse after eating fresh meat; smoked meat agrees. Sensation of ball rising in throat. Acid dyspepsia.

Stool.--Soft and small, size of goose-quill (Phos). Hard, tough, covered with mucus; shines like grease; small-shaped; expelled with much straining, or only on standing up. Pruritus. Partial paralysis of rectum. Rectum sore and burns. Fistula and large piles.

Urine.--Involuntary when coughing, sneezing (Puls). Expelled very slowly, and sometimes retained. Involuntary during first sleep at night; also from slightest excitement. Retention after surgical operations. Loss of sensibility on passing urine.

Female.--Uterine inertia during labor. Menses cease at night; flow only during day (Cycl; Puls). Leucorrhśa at night, with great weakness (Nat mur). Menses delay, late (Con. Graph; Puls).

Respiratory.--Hoarseness with pain in chest; aphonia. Larynx sore. Cough, with raw soreness of chest. Expectoration scanty; must be swallowed. Cough with pain in hip, especially left worse in evening; better, drinking cold water; worse, warmth of bed. Sore streak down trachea. Mucus under sternum, which he cannot quite reach. Pain in chest, with palpitation. Cannot lie down at night. Voice re-echoes. Own voice roars in ears and distresses. Difficulty of voice of singers and public speakers (Royal).

Back.--Stiffness between shoulders. Dull pain in nape of neck.

Extremities.--Left-sided sciatica, with numbness. Paralysis of single parts. Dull, tearing pain in hands and arms. Heaviness and weakness. Tearing joints. Unsteadiness of muscles of forearm and hand. Numbness; loss of sensation in hands. Contracted tendons. Weak ankles. Cannot walk without suffering. Rheumatic tearing in limbs; better by warmth, especially heat of bed. Burning in joints. Slow in learning to walk. Unsteady walking and easily falling. Restless legs at night. Cracking and tension in knees; stiffness in hollow of knee. Itching on dorsum of feet.

Skin.--Soreness in folds of skin, back of ears, between thighs. Warts large, jagged, bleeding easily, on tips of fingers and nose. Old burns that do not get well, and ill effects from burns. Pains of burns. Cicatrices freshen up; old injuries reopen. Skin prone to intertrigo during dentition.

Sleep.--Very drowsy; can hardly keep awake. Nocturnal sleeplessness, with dry heat, inquietude.

Relationship.--According to the careful investigations of Dr. Wagner of Basel, Causticum corresponds to Ammon causticum 4x. Causticum does not agree with Phosphorus; the remedies should not be used after each other. Diphtherotoxin follows, causticum in chronic bronchitis.

Antidote: Paralysis from lead-poisoning.

Complementary: Carbo; Petrosel.

Compare: Rhus; Arsenic; Amm phos (facial paralysis).

Modalities.--Worse, dry, cold winds, in clear fine weather, cold air; from motion of carriage. Better, in damp, wet weather; warmth. Heat of bed.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth attenuation. In chronic ailments and especially in paralytic states, the higher potencies once or twice a week.



New Jersey Tea


This remedy seems to possess a specific relation to the spleen. Ague cake of malaria. A left-sided remedy generally. Anæmic patients where liver and spleen are at fault. Chronic bronchitis with profuse secretion. Marked blood pressure, reducing powers. Active hemastatic, materially reducing the clotting of blood.

Abdomen.--Enormous enlargement of the spleen. Splenitis; pain all up the left side. Deep-seated pain in left hypochondrium, hypertrophy of spleen. Leucæmia. Violent dyspnœa. Menses profuse, and yellow weakening leucorrhœa. Unable to lie on left side. Pain in liver and back.

Rectum.--Diarrhœa; bearing down in abdomen and rectum.

Urine.--Constant urging to urinate. Green; frothy; contains bile, sugar.

Relationship.--Compare: Tinospora cordifolia (a Hindoo medicine for chronic cases of fever with enlarged spleen). Polymnia uvedalia-Bearsfoot--(acute splenitis with tenderness over left hypochondriac region; spleen enlarged, ague cake. Vascular atony, tissues sodden, flabby and non-elastic. Enlarged glands; influences all ductless glands). Ceanothus thrysiflorus-California Lilac--(Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, nasal catarrh, diphtheria. Tincture internally and as a gargle).

Compare: Berberis; Myrica; Cedron; Agaricus (spleen).

Modalities.--Worse, motion, lying on left side.

Dose.--First attenuation. Locally as hair tonic.



Rattlesnake Bean


Periodicity is the most marked characteristic of this drug. Its particularly useful in tropical or in damp, warm, marshy countries. It has been found curative in malarial affections, especially neuralgia. Adapted to persons of a voluptuous disposition, excitable, nervous temperament. Has powers of antidoting snake-bites and stings of insects. Tincture of pure bean scraped on wound. Mania.

Head.--Pain from temple to temple across eyes. Pain over whole right side of face, coming on about 9 am.Crazy feeling from pain across forehead; worse, working on black. Roaring in ears produced by Cinchona. Whole body seems numb with headache.

Eyes.--Shooting over left eye. Severe pain in eyeball, with radiating pains around eye, shooting into nose. Scalding lachrymation. Supra-orbital neuralgia periodic. Iritis, choroiditis.

Extremities.--Lancinating pain in joints; worse, feet and hands. Sudden pain in ball of right thumb, extending up arm to shoulder. Pain in ball of right foot, extending to knee. Shingles, with radiating pain. Dropsy of knee-joint.

Fever.--Chilliness towards evening; then frontal headache extending into parietal region. Red eyes. Heat, with itching of eyes, tearing in limbs, numbness of limbs.

Relationship.--Antidote: Lach.

Compare: Ars; China.

Dose.--Tincture to third attenuation.



Copperhead Snake


Like the other snake poisons, it affects the system profoundly. Like arsenic, it has dyspnśa, mental and physical restlessness, thirst for small quantities of water, necessity for having clothing loose, like Laches. Marked alternation of moods; vivid dreams. Is a wonderful restorative and deep acting remedy. Increased sexual desire in both sexes. Ineffectual attempts to recline. Right ovarian region painful.

Head.--Forgetful, absent-minded, alternating moods. Aching pain in left frontal eminence and left side of teeth. Swelling around eyes, aching and itching in eyes.

Heart.--Feels distended, fills whole chest, as if it fell down in abdomen; sharp stitches, fluttering under left scapula.

Sleep.--Dreams horrible and vivid; lascivious.

Modalities.--Worse, pressure; lying down; afternoon and night.

Relationship.--Compare: Ars; Laches. Clotho Arictans--Puff Adder.--Should have a great sphere of usefulness in many conditions where excessive swelling is a leading feature (John H. Clarke, M. D).

Dose.--Sixth potency.



Oxalate of Cerium

Spasmodic reflex vomiting and spasmodic cough are within the sphere of this remedy. Vomiting of pregnancy, and of half-digested food. Whooping cough, with vomiting and hæmorrhage. Dysmenorrhœa in fleshy, robust women. Better when flow is established.

Relationship.--Compare: Ingluvin--(made from gizzard of a fowl). Vomiting of pregnancy; gastric neurasthenia. Infantile vomiting and diarrhœa. 3x Trit. Amygdal; Lactic ac; Ipecac.

Dose.--First trituration.



A Night-blooming Cereus

Mind.--Great desire to work and to be doing something useful.

Head.--Occipital headache and pain through the globe of the eyes and orbits (Cedron; Onos). Pain across the brain from left to right. Pain along right malar bone running to temple.

Chest.--Convulsive pains at the heart; feels as if transfixed. Pain in chest through heart, with pain running toward spleen. Pain in left pectoral muscle and cartilages of left lower ribs. Sensation of a great weight on heart, and pricking pain. Hypertrophy of heart. Difficult, sighing respiration, as from some compression of chest.

Skin.--Itching of skin (Dolich; Sulph).

Extremities.--Pain in neck, back, shoulders, down arms, hands and fingers. Pain in knees and joints of lower extremities.

Relationship.--Compare: Cactus; Spigel; Kalmia; Cereus serpentinus (Very irritable with tendency to swear; wild anger and low morals. Disturbance in speech; in writing leaves off the last syllable. Paralyzed feeling. Pains in heart, and dwindling of sexual organs. Emissions, followed by pain in testicles).

Dose.--Third to sixth attenuation.



German Chamomile

The chief guiding symptoms belong to the mental and emotion group, which lead to this remedy in many forms of disease. Especially of frequent employment in diseases of children, where peevishness, restlessness, and colic give the needful indications. A disposition that is mild, calm and gentle; sluggish and constipated bowels contra-indicate chamomilla.

Chamomilla is sensitive, irritable, thirsty, hot, and numb. Oversensitiveness from abuse of coffee and narcotics. Pains unendurable, associated with numbness. Night-sweats.

Mind.--Whining restlessness. Child wants many things which he refuses again. Piteous moaning because he cannot have what he wants. Child can only be quieted when carried about and petted constantly. Impatient, intolerant of being spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always complaining. Spiteful, snappish. Complaints from anger and vexation. Mental calmness contraindicates Chamom.

Head.--Throbbing headache in one-half of the brain. Inclined to bend head backward. Hot, clammy sweat on forehead and scalp.

Ears.--Ringing in ears. Earache, with soreness; swelling and heat driving patient frantic. Stitching pain. Ears feel stopped.

Eyes.--Lids smart. Yellow sclerotic. Spasmodic closing of lids.

Nose.--Sensitive to all smells. Coryza, with inability to sleep.

Face.--One cheek red and hot; the other pale and cold. Stitches in jaw extending to inner ear and teeth. Teeth ache worse after warm drink; worse, coffee, at night. Drives to distraction. Jerking of tongue and facial muscles. Distress of teething children (Calc phos; Terebinth).

Throat.--Parotid and submaxillary glands swollen. Constriction and pain as from a plug.

Mouth.--Toothache, if anything warm is taken, from coffee, during pregnancy. Nightly salivation.

Stomach.--Eructations, foul. Nausea after coffee. Sweats after eating or drinking. Aversion to warm drinks. Tongue yellow; taste bitter. Bilious vomiting. Acid rising; regurgitation of food. Bitter, bilious vomiting. Pressive gastralgia, as from a stone (Bry; Abies n).

Abdomen.--Distended. Griping in region of navel, and pain in small of back. Flatulent colic, after anger, with red cheeks and hot perspiration. Hepatic colic. Acute duodenitis (Kali bich (chronic)).

Stool.--Hot, green, watery, fetid, slimy, with colic. Chopped white and yellow mucus like chopped eggs and spinach. Soreness of anus. Diarrhœa during dentition. Hæmorrhoids, with painful fissures.

Female.--Uterine hæmorrhages. Profuse discharge of clotted, dark blood, with labor-like pains. Labor pains spasmodic; press upward (Gels). Patient intolerant of pain (Caul; Caust; Gels; Hyos; Puls). Nipples inflamed; tender to touch. Infant's breasts tender. Yellow, acrid leucorrhœa (Ars; Sep; Sulph).

Respiratory.--Hoarseness, hawking, rawness of larynx. Irritable, dry, tickling cough; suffocative tightness of chest, with bitter expectoration in daytime. Rattling of mucus in child's chest.

Back.--Insupportable pain in loins and hips. Lumbago. Stiffness of neck muscles.

Extremities.--Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night; compelled to walk about. Burning of soles at night (Sulph). Ankles give way in the afternoon. Nightly paralytic loss of power in the feet, unable to step on them.

Sleep.--Drowsiness with moaning, weeping and wailing during sleep; anxious, frightened dreams, with half-open eyes.

Modalities.--Worse, by heat, anger, open air, wind, night. Better, from being carried, warm wet weather.

Relationship.--Compare: Cypriped; Anthemis; Aconite; Puls; Coffea; Bellad; Staphis; Ignat. Follows Belladonna in diseases of children and abuse of opium. Rubus villosus-Blackberry--(diarrhœa of infancy; stools watery and clay colored).

Antidotes: Camph; Nux; Puls.

Complementary: Bell; Mag c.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth attenuation.




Chronic diarrhśa. Tenderness over liver. Stools little pain, but with much mucus. Dysentery. Acts as a tonic and antiperiodic.

Compare: Kali carb; Cup, ars; Caps.

Dose.--Third attenuation.




A prominent liver remedy, covering many of the direct reflex symptoms of diseased conditions of that organ. The jaundiced skin, and especially the constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula, are certain indications. Paralytic drawing and lameness in single parts. The great general lethargy and indisposition to make any effort is also marked. Ailments brought on or renewed by change of weather. Serous effusions. Hydrocele. Bilious complication during gestation.

Head.--Icy coldness of occiput from the nape of neck; feels heavy as lead. Heavy, lethargic; drowsiness very marked, with general numbness; vertigo, associated with hepatic disturbance. Inclination to fall forward. Right-sided headache down behind ears and shoulder-blade. Neuralgia over right eye, right cheek-bone and right ear, with excessive lachrymation, preceded by pain in liver.

Nose.--Flapping of alć nasi (Lyc).

Eyes.--Dirty yellow color of whites. Sore sensation on looking up. Tears fairly gush out. Orbital neuralgia of right eye, with profuse lachrymation; pupils contracted, relieved by pressure.

Face.--Yellow; worse nose and cheeks. Wilted skin.

Stomach.--Tongue yellow, with imprint of teeth; large and flabby (Merc; Hyd). Taste bitter, pasty. Bad odor from mouth. Prefers hot food and drink. Nausea, vomiting; better, very hot water. Pain through stomach to back and right shoulder-blade. Gastralgia. Eating relieves temporarily, especially when accompanied with hepatic symptoms.

Abdomen.--Jaundice due to hepatic and gall-bladder obstruction. Gall-colic. Distention. Fermentation and sluggish bowels. Constriction across, as by a string. Liver enlarged. Gallstones (Berberis).

Urine.--Profuse, foaming, yellow urine, like beer (Chenop) dark, turbid.

Stool.--Constipation; stools hard, round balls, like sheep's dung, bright yellow, pasty; clay-colored, stools float in water; alternation of diarrhśa and constipation. Burning and itching of anus (Ratanh; Sulph).

Female.--Menses too late and too profuse.

Respiratory.--Very quick and short inspirations; pain on deep inspiration. Dyspnśa. Short, exhausting cough; sensation of dust not relieved by cough. Whooping-cough; spasmodic cough; loose, rattling; expectoration difficult. Pain in right side of chest and shoulder, with embarrassed respiration. Small lumps of mucus fly from mouth when coughing. Hoarse in afternoon. Constriction of chest.

Back.--Pain in nape. Stiff neck, head drawn to left. Fixed pain under inner and lower angle of right scapula. Pain at lower angle of left scapula.

Extremities.--Pain in arms, shoulders, hands, tips of fingers. Icy coldness of tips of fingers; wrists sore, tearing in metacarpal bones. Whole flesh sore to touch. Rheumatic pain in hips and thighs; intolerable pains in heels, as if pinched by too narrow a shoe; worse, right. Feels paralyzed. Paresis of the lower limbs with rigidity of muscles.

Skin.--Dry heat of skin; itches, yellow. Painful red pimples and pustules. Old, spreading, offensive ulcers. Wilted skin. Sallow, cold, clammy.

Modalities.--Worse, right side, motion, touch, change of weather, very early in morning. Better, after dinner, from pressure.

Relationship.--Chelidonin.--(Spasm of smooth muscle everywhere, intestinal colic, uterine colic, bronchial spasm, tachycardia, etc). Boldo-Boldoa fragrans--(Bladder atony; cholecystitis and biliary calculus. Bitter taste, no appetite; constipation, hypochondriasis languor, congestion of liver; burning weight in liver and stomach. Painful hepatic diseases. Disturbed liver following malaria). Elemuy Gauteria--(Stones in kidneys and bladder; grain doses of powdered bark in water or 5 drops of tincture. Pellagra).

Sulph often completes its work.

Complementary: Lycop; Bryon.

Antidote: Chamom.

Compare: Nux; Sulph; Bry; Lyc; Opium; Podophyl; Sanguin; Ars.

Dose.--Tincture and lower attenuations.





A remedy in liver affections with pain or soreness of the left lobe of the liver and extending downwards. Dumb ague. Soreness of external parts, as if skin were off; debility. Malaise, following intermittents. Dyspepsia with hepatic torpor. Jaundice. Round and thread worms. It is an enemy to every kind of worm infesting the human body.

Dose.--Tincture, in one to five drop doses.



Jerusalem Oak

Characteristic pain in scapula very marked. Symptoms of apoplexy, right hemiplegia, and aphasia. Stertorous breathing (Opium). Sudden vertigo. Meniere's disease. Affections of auditory nerves (Nat salicyl). Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm and roundworm.

Ears.--Torpor of auditory nerve. Hearing better for high-pitched sounds. Comparative deafness to sound of voice, but great sensitiveness to sound, as of passing vehicles and also a shrinking from low tones. Buzzing in ears. Enlargement of tonsils. Aural vertigo.

Back.--Intense pain between angle of right shoulder-blade near spine, and through the chest.

Urine.--Copious, yellow, foaming urine, with acrid sensation in urethra. Yellowish sediment (Chel).

Relationship.--Compare: Opium; China; Chelid.

Dose.--Third potency. Oil of Chenopodium for hookworm, 10 minim doses every 2 hours for 3 doses; also Carbon tetrachloride.




Acts principally on kidneys, and genito-urinary tract; affects also lymphatic and mesenteric glands and female mammć. Plethoric young women with dysuria. Women with large breasts. Hepatic and renal dropsies; chronic alcoholics. Incipient and progressive cataracts.

One of the remedies whose symptoms point to its employment in bladder affections, notably catarrh, acute and chronic. Scanty urine, and loaded with ropy, muco-purulent sediment. Prostatic enlargement.

Head.--Pain in left frontal protuberance. Halo about the light. Itching of eyelids. Stabbing pain in left eye with lachrymation.

Mouth.--Toothache, worse after eating and exertion, better cool water. Pain as if tooth was being gently pulled.

Urinary.--Urging to urinate. Urine turbid, offensive, containing ropy or bloody mucus, and depositing a copious sediment. Burning and scalding during micturition, and straining afterwards. Must strain before flow comes. Scanty urine. Acute prostatitis, retention, and feeling of a ball in perineum (Cann ind). Fluttering in region of kidney. Sugar in urine. Unable to urinate without standing with feet wide apart and body inclined forward.

Female.--Labia inflamed, swollen. Pain in vagina. Hot flashes. Painful tumor of mammć, not ulcerated, with undue secretion of milk. Rapid atrophy of breasts. Women with very large breasts and tumor in the mammary gland with sharp pain through it.

Male.--Smarting in urethra from neck of bladder to meatus. Gleet. Loss of prostatic fluid. Prostatic enlargement and irritation.

Skin.--Scrofulous ulcers. Glandular enlargements.

Extremities.--Feeling of a band above left knee.

Modalities.--Worse, in damp weather; from sitting on cold stones or pavements; left side.

Relationship.--Compare: Chimaph maculata (intense gnawing hunger; burning fever; sensation of swelling in arm pits); Uva; Ledum; Epigoea.

Dose.--Tincture, to third attenuation.



Peruvian Bark-China


Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids, together with a nervous erethism, calls for this remedy. Periodicity is most marked. Sensitive to draughts. Seldom indicated in the earlier stages of acute disease. Chronic gout. Chronic suppurative pyelitis. Post operative gas pains, not relief from passing it.

Mind.--Apathetic, indifferent, disobedient, taciturn, despondent. Ideas crowd in mind; prevent sleep. Disposition to hurt other people's feelings. Sudden crying and tossing about.

Head.--As if skull would burst. Sensation as if brain were balancing to and fro, and striking against skull, receiving great pain (Sulph; Sulph ac). Intense throbbing of head and carotids. Spasmodic headache in vertex, with subsequent pain, as if bruised in sides of head. Face flushed after hæmorrhages, or sexual excesses, or loss of vital fluids. Relieved from pressure and warm room. Scalp sensitive; worse combing hair. Aches worse in open air, from temple to temple. Worse by contact, current of air, stepping. Dizzy when walking.

Eyes.--Blue color around eyes. Hollow eyes. Yellowish sclerotica. Black specks, bright dazzling illusions; night blindness in anæmic retina. Spots before eyes. Photophobia. Distortion of eyeballs. Intermittent ciliary neuralgia. Pressure in eyes. Amaurosis; scalding lachrymation.

Ears.--Ringing in ears. External ear sensitive to touch. Hearing sensitive to noise. Lobules red and swollen.

Nose.--Checked catarrh. Easily bleeding from nose, especially on rising. Coryza, sneezing, watery discharge. Violent dry sneezing. Cold sweat about nose.

Face.--Sallow complexion. Face bloated; red.

Mouth.--Toothache; better pressing teeth firmly together, and by warmth. Tongue coated thick, dirty; tip burns, succeeded by ptyalism. Bitter taste. Food tastes too salty.

Stomach.--Tender, cold. Vomiting of undigested food. Slow digestion. Weight after eating. Ill effects of tea. Hungry without appetite. Flat taste. Darting pain crosswise in hypogastric region. Milk disagrees. Hungry longing for food, which lies undigested. Flatulence; belching of bitter fluid or regurgitation of food gives no relief; worse eating fruit. Hiccough. Bloatedness better by movement.

Abdomen.--Much flatulent colic; better bending double. Tympanitic abdomen. Pain in right hypochondrium. Gall-stone colic (Triumfetta semitriloba). Liver and spleen swollen and enlarged. Jaundice. Internal coldness of stomach and abdomen. Gastro-duodenal catarrh.

Stool.--Undigested, frothy, yellow; painless; worse at night, after meals, during hot weather, from fruit, milk, beer. Very weakening, with much flatulence. Difficult even when soft (Alum; Plat).

Male.--Excited lascivious fancy. Frequent emissions, followed by great weakness. Orchitis.

Female.--Menses too early. Dark clots and abdominal distention. Profuse menses with pain. Desire too strong. Bloody leucorrhœa. Seems to take the place of the usual menstrual discharge. Painful heaviness in pelvis.

Respiratory.--Influenza, with debility. Cannot breathe with head low. Labored, slow respiration; constant choking. Suffocative catarrh; rattling in chest; violent, hacking cough after every meal. Hæmorrhage from lungs. Dyspnœa, sharp pain in left lung. Asthma; worse damp weather.

Heart.--Irregular with weak rapid beats followed by strong, hard beats. Suffocative attacks, syncope; anæmia and dropsy.

Back.--Sharp pains across kidneys, worse movement and at night. Knife-like pains around back (D. MacFarlan).

Extremities.--Pains in limbs and joints, as if sprained; worse, slight touch; hard pressure relieves. Sensation as of a string around limb. Joints swollen; very sensitive, with dread or open air. Great debility, trembling, with numb sensation. Averse to exercise; sensitive to touch. Weariness of joints; worse, mornings and when sitting.

Skin.--Extreme sensitiveness to touch, but hard pressure relieves. Coldness; much sweat. One hand ice cold, the other warm. Anasarca (Ars; Apis). Dermatitis; erysipelas. Indurated glands; scrofulous ulcers and caries.

Sleep.--Drowsiness. Unrefreshing or constant stupor. Wakens early. Protracted sleeplessness. Anxious, frightful dreams with confused consciousness on waking, so that the dream cannot be rid of and fear of dream remains. Snoring, especially with children.

Fever.--Intermittent, paroxysms anticipate; return every week. All stages well marked. Chill generally in forenoon, commencing in breast; thirst before chill, and little and often. Debilitating night-sweats. Free perspiration caused by every little exertion, especially on single parts. Hay fever, watery coryza, pain in temples.

Modalities.--Worse, slightest touch. Draught of air; every other day; loss of vital fluids; at night; after eating; bending over. Better, bending double; hard pressure; open air; warmth.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Arn; Ars; Nux; Ipec.

Compare:-Quinidin--(Paroxysmal tachycardia and auricular fibrillation. Heart is slowed, and the auriculo-ventricular conduction time is lengthened. Dose 1/2 grain t.i.d). Cephalanthus--(Button Bush-Intermittent fever, sore throat, rheumatic symptoms, vivid dreams). Ars; Cedron; Nat sulph. Cydonia vulgaris-Quince (supposed to be of use to strengthen the sexual organs and stomach).

Complementary: Ferrum; Calc phos.

Dose.--Tincture, to thirtieth potency.



Arsenite of Quinine

The symptoms of general weariness and prostration produced by the drug have been utilized in prescribing it homeopathically as a general tonic, often with very marked beneficial and prompt effect. In diphtheria with great prostration, cases that are prolonged, especially, and in malarial affections, neuralgia, etc, it has been found curative. Asthmatic attacks which recur periodically, with great prostration. Icy skin. Pressure in the solar plexus, with tender spine back of it.

Head.--Tired feeling. Head feels too full. Throbbing. Great anxiety. Great irritability. Vertigo; worse looking up. Dull, heavy headache, frontal and occipital. Darting pains running up into head.

Eyes.--Intense photophobia and orbicular spasm; gushing hot tears. Flickering with pain and lachrymation.

Mouth.--Tongue thickly furred; yellow, slimy coating. Bitter taste. No appetite.

Stomach.--Alternation of hyperacidity and decrease of acid. Hyperchlorhydria (Robinia; Arg nit; Orexine tannate). Thirst for water, yet it disturbs. Anorexia. Eggs produce diarrhśa.

Heart.--Palpitation. Sensation as if heart stopped. Suffocative attacks, occurring in periodical paroxysms. Must have open air. Short of breath on ascending; cardiac dyspnśa; circulatory weakness after acute infections; early myocardial degeneration.

Sleep.--Sleeplessness due to nervous causes (Single dose of 5th or 6th potency).

Extremities.--Weak limbs. Coldness of hands and feet, knees and limbs. Tearing pains.

Fever.--Continuous, with weakness. System depleted.

Relationship.--Compare: Chininum; also Ferrum Citricum (in nephritis with great anćmia; acid dyspepsia in chlorosis. Morbus maculosus Werlhoffii); Chinin mur (in severe neuralgic pains around eyes, with chills; exaggerated sensitiveness to alcohol and tobacco; prostration and restlessness). Śnothera (effortless diarrhśa with nervous exhaustion; incipient hydrocephaloid). Macrozamia spiralis (extreme debility after illness; collapse).

Dose.--Second and third trituration.



Sulphite of Quinine

A dose of Chinin sulph in high potency sometimes arouses suppressed malaria, and brings back the paroxysm. Aside from its undoubted influence over malaria, it is indicated homeopathically whenever there is marked periodicity and spinal sensitiveness. Acute articular rheumatism. Polyarticular gout. Pruritus and congested conditions of the rectum. Symptoms of chronic interstitial nephritis. Retro-bulbar neuritis with sudden loss of sight. Thready vessels. Hiccough.

Blood.--An immediate and rapid decrease in red blood cells and reduction in hemoglobin with increase in elimination of chlorides. Tendency to polynucleated leucocytosis.

Head.--Pain in forehead and temples, increasing gradually at noon, of malarial origin, with vertigo and pulsation. Worse left side. Falling in street. Inability to remain standing. Amaurosis.

Ears.--Violent ringing, buzzing, and roaring in ears, with deafness.

Face.--Neuralgia commences under eye; extends into and around it. Pains return with great regularity; relieved by pressure.

Spine.--Great sensitiveness of the dorsal vertebrć; pain on pressure. Last cervical sensitive. Pain extends to head and neck.

Urine.--Bloody. Turbid, slimy, clay-colored, greasy sediment. Small amount of urea and phosphoric acid with excess of uric acid and abundance of chlorides, accompanied by subnormal temperature. Excessive flow. Albuminuria

Skin.--Itching; erythema, urticaria, icterus, vesication, pustules, purpura. Great sensitiveness. Shriveled skin.

Fever.--Chill daily at 3 pm. Painful swelling of various veins during a chill. Shivering even in a warm room. Anguish. Subnormal temperature.

Relationship.--Compare: Chin salicyl (Deafness, tinnitus, and Meniere's disease). Ars; Eupat; Methyl blue. Camphor mono-bromide (is said to intensify the action of Quinine and render it more permanent). Baja, an East Indian drug, (said to be almost infallible in intermittent fever, quartan type; pulsating headache injected eyes, flushed face. Liver and spleen enlarged. Śdema). Also Pambotano, Mexican remedy for intermittent and tropical fevers.

Antidotes: Parthenum; Natr mur; Lach; Arn; Puls.

Dose.--First to third triturations; also thirtieth potency and higher.





This remedy is often of service in many types of headaches, neurasthenic, periodical sick, menstrual and bilious. Taken for several weeks, drop doses, will often break up the sick headache habit. The pain in the forehead, chiefly over eyes. Eyeballs very painful, with pressure over root of nose. Hepatic derangements. Jaundice. Enlarged spleen (Ceanoth). Jaundice with arrest of menses. A prominent liver remedy. Gallstones (Berberis; Cholest; Calc). Diabetes mellitus. Paroxysmal, abdominal pain.

Head.--Listless, apathetic. Dull frontal headache, over root of nose, over eyes, through temples, worse stooping, motion, jar. Yellow conjunctiva.

Tongue.--Broad with thick yellow fur.

Mouth.--Dry sensation not relieved by water, also profuse saliva.

Abdomen and Liver.--Aching in umbilical region, griping. Feels as if a string were tied in a "slip-knot" around intestines which was suddenly drawn tight and then gradually loosened. Sore; enlarged, with jaundice and constipation. Clay-colored stool, also soft, yellow and pasty. Tongue heavily coated. No appetite. Bilious colic. Hepatic region tender. Pancreatic disease and other glandular disorders.

Urine.--Large amount of high specific gravity; frequent urination; bile and sugar in urine. Urine very dark.

Skin.--Yellow; marked moisture of skin. Sallow, greenish, itching.

Relationship.--Compare: Cinchona; Ceanoth; Chelidon; Carduus; Podophyl; Lept.

Dose.--Tincture and first attenuation.



Swertia Chirata is an effective treatment for a number of issues such as fever, malaria, digestive disorders and liver issues. It is used as a laxative and as an appetizer to restore and maintain correct nutrition orders in the body. Extremely useful for people suffering from anorexia and related issues. It is also used to treat respiratory diseases such cough and bronchitis.

Key Benefits:

  • It is primarily used for the treatment of fever, malaria, liver disorders and nutritional disorders

  • It reduces high fever usually associated with malaria and helps in conditions related to hysteria and convulsions

  • Extremely helpful in treating stomach disorders and provides relief from dyspepsia and diarrhoea

  • Helpful in the treatment of respiratory diseases and in relieving hiccups and vomiting

  • It contains anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for the liver and treats any ailments associated with it

  • It acts as a laxative and helps in restoring appetite

Directions For Use:

Take 10 drops of Swertia Chirata Mother Tincture diluted in half cup water thrice a day or as directed by the physician.





General anæsthetic, antispasmodic. Complete muscular relaxation. Weak and quick pulse, shallow or stertorous breathing. Convulsions, nephritic or biliary colic, gastralgia.

Symptoms obtained by Dr. D. Macfarlan with the 6th potency.

Great weakness, especially on right side. Limbs very tired from knees down. Much perspiration all over face and chest; drowsy and dizzy; dry lips and throat; dry tickling cough at night. Flatulence; food regurgitates; sore and bruised feeling in stomach; catching pain around heart. Sharp pain in right chest when he takes long breath; shortness of breath on exertion.

Head.--Delirium where excitement and violence predominate. Head drawn down upon the shoulders, eyes opened and closed rapidly, pupils contracted; rapid convulsive movements of face, of muscles, of extremities.

Relationship.--Ether Post-operative Bronchitis (Prof. Bier). Spiritus Aetheris Compositus.--(Hoffman's Anodyne)--(Flatulence; angina pectoris. Dose 5m to 1 dram in water).

Dose.--Higher attenuations, or sixth. Phosphorus is the remedy to give in narcosis of chloroform.



Chloral Hydrate


This drug, used in physiological doses, is a powerful hypnotic and cardiac depressant. It has a marked effect on the skin, producing erythema, ecchymosis, etc, which symptoms have been utilized homeopathically with much success, especially in the treatment of hives. Emotional excitability, hallucinations. Night terrors in children. Muscular prostration.

Head.--Morning headache; worse in forehead, also in occiput, on motion; better in open air. Passive cerebral hyperćmia (use 30th). Feeling as if hot band were drawn from temple to temple. Hears voices.

Eyes.--Eyes blood-shot and watery. Circles of light, black spots. Illusions of sight where eyes are closed or at night. Dim vision. Conjunctivitis, burning in eye and lids; eyeball feels too large; everything looks white.

Skin.--Red blotches, like measles. Urticaria, worse, spirituous liquors, hot drinks. Erythema aggravated by alcoholic drinks, with palpitation; causes pain in tendons and extensors. Intense itching. Surface of body stone-cold. Wheals come on from a chill; better, warmth. Purpura (Phos; Crotal).

Respiratory.--Extreme dyspnśa, with sensation of weight and constriction of chest. Asthma, with sleeplessness.

Sleep.--Insomnia, hallucinations, horrid dreams. Somnolence.

Modalities.--Worse, after hot drinks, stimulants, eating, night.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Ammon; Atrop; Dig; Mosch.

Compare: Bell; Opium; Apis; Veronal--(a dangerous drug made by the action of alcohol upon urea and contains the same radical that alcohol does. Makes a man just as drunk as pure alcohol. Staggers, cannot stand up) (Dr. Varney). (Confluent reddish spots; dermatitis, itching of glans and prepuce; circumscribed dermatitis patch on first metacarpal phalangeal joint). Luminal--(Sleeplessness with skin symptoms in migraine; lethargy like epidemic encephalitis) (Dr. Royal).

Dose.--First trituration in hives, otherwise, higher potencies. Locally, in offensive foot-sweat, bathe with one per cent solution. For its physiological effects, five to twenty grains. Use cautiously.



Chlorine Gas in Water

The marked effect on the respiratory organs, producing spasm of the glottis, is the chief symptom of the drug. Asthma to relieve the spasm of glottis. Useful externally and internally in gangrene.

Mind.--Fear of becoming crazy. Marked loss of memory, especially for names.

Respiratory.--Sooty, smoky nostrils. Coryza with sudden gushes of sharp, corroding fluid, making nose sore inside and about the alć. Constriction, with suffocation. Spasm of the glottis. Irritation of epiglottis, larynx, and bronchi. Loss of voice from damp air. Sudden dyspnśa from spasm of the vocal cords, with staring protruding eyes, blue face, cold sweat, pulse small. Inspiration free, with obstructed expiration. (Mephit). Livid face. Prolonged, loud, whistling rales. Extreme dryness of tongue.

Dose.--Chlorine water, when required of full strength, must be freshly prepared. Fourth to sixth potency.



Cholesterine--The proximate principle--Furnished by the epithelium lining of gall bladder and the larger ducts

For cancer of the liver. Obstinate hepatic engorgements. Burning pain in side; on walking holds his hand on side, hurts him so. Opacities of the vitreous. Jaundice; gallstones. Cholesterine is the physiological opponent of Lecithin. Both seem to play some unknown part in the growth of tumors. Gallstones and insomnia.

Relationship.--Compare: Taurocholate of soda in Homeopathy.--Dr. I. P. Tessier, in an interesting study of the action of bile and its salts, in hepatic affections, analyzes a number of experiments by leading authorities, with the object of determining this action, and concludes that in the Taurocholate of Soda, homeopathy has a useful remedy against certain forms of hypoglobular anćmia. The claim that its pathogenesis and toxicology clearly indicate its value, and that it should also serve us as a remedy in cases of hypertrophy of the spleen and ganglia. He calls our attention to the fact, that it produces dyspnśa, the Cheyne-Stokes rhythm, acute pulmonary śdema, and intense exaggeration of the cardiac pulsations, offering a good field for clinical studies and experimentation of great interest, which may give fruitful and important results.

Dose.--Third trituration.



Chromic Acid

Diphtheria, post-nasal tumors, and epithelioma of the tongue have been benefited by this drug. Bloody, foul-smelling lochia. Symptoms come and go suddenly, and return periodically; offensive discharges.

Nose.--Ulcer and scabs in nose. Offensive smell. Corrosive pain. Ozćna (Aur).

Throat.--Diphtheria; sore throat. Tough mucus, with inclination to swallow it; worse, causing hawking. Post-nasal tumors.

Extremities.--Uneasiness in limbs. Pain in shoulder-blades and back of neck. Pain in knees and balls of feet. Drawing pain in soles while walking.

Stool.--Watery, frequent, copious, with nausea and vertigo. Hćmorrhoids, internal and bleeding. Weakness in small of back.

Relationship.--Compare: Kali bich; Rhus; Chromium Sulphate (in locomotor ataxia, goitre, prostatic hypertrophy. Herpes preputialis. Wry neck. Also exophthalmic, inhibits the vagus, relieving tachycardia. Acts like a nerve tonic where there is lack of nervous tone. Fibroid tumors. Infantile paralysis. Dose for adults, 3 to 5 grains after meals and at bedtime).

Dose.--Homeopathically, third to sixth trituration.



Goa Powder-Andira araroba

Acts as a powerful irritant of the skin and used successfully in skin diseases especially in ringworm, psoriasis, herpes tonsurans acne rosacea. Vesicular or squamous lesions, associated with foul smelling discharge and crust formation, tending to become confluent and to give the appearance of a single crust covering the entire area (Bernstein). Violent itching, thighs, legs and ears. Dry, scaly eruption, especially around eyes and ears, scabs with pus underneath (Mezer).

Eyes.--Blepharitis, conjunctivitis keratitis. Intense photophobia. Optical hyperæsthesia.

Ears.--Eczema behind ears. Filthy, scabby condition with tendency to form thick crust. Whole ear and surrounding tissue appears to be one scab.

Relationship.--Chrysarobinum contains chrysophan, which is rapidly oxidized into chrysophanic acid. This is also contained in Rhubarb and Senna.

Dose.--Locally, as a cerate, 4-8 grains to the ounce, of vaseline. Internally, third to sixth potency. Used externally; should be used with caution on account of its ability to produce inflammation.



Water Hemlock

The action on the nervous system, producing spasmodic affections, viz, hiccough, trismus, tetanus, and convulsions, give the pathological picture calling especially for this remedy, whenever this is further characterized, by the more individual symptoms of the drug. Among these, are the bending of the head, neck, and spine backwards, and the general action of the patient is violent, with frightful distortions. Violent, strange desires. Sensation of internal chill. Moaning and howling. Does absurd things. Marked action on the skin.

Mind.--Delirium, with singing, dancing and funny gestures. Everything appears strange and terrible. Confounds present with the past; feels like a child. Stupid feeling. Melancholy, with indifference. Mistrustful. Epilepsy; moaning and whining. Vivid dreams.

Head.--Head turned or twisted to one side. Cerebro-spinal meningitis. Cervical muscles contracted. Vertigo, with gastralgia, and muscular spasms. Sudden, violent shocks through head. Stares persistently at objects. Convulsions from concussion of brain. Thick, yellow scabs on head. Head symptoms relieved by emission of flatus.

Eyes.--When reading, letters disappear. Pupils dilated, insensible strabismus. Objects recede, approach, and seem double. Eyes stare. Pupils get behind upper lids as head inclines. Effects of exposure to snow. Spasmodic affections of eyes and its appendages. Strabismus; periodic, spasmodic after a fall or a blow.

Ears.--Difficult hearing. Sudden detonations especially on swallowing. Hćmorrhage from ears.

Face.--Pustules which run together forming thick, yellow scabs on face and head, corners of mouth and chin, with burning pain. Red face. Trismus; disposition to grind teeth.

Throat.--Dry. Feels as if grown together. Spasms of śsophagus; cannot swallow. Effects on śsophagus from swallowing sharp piece of bone.

Stomach.--Thirst; burning pressure; hiccough. Throbbing in pit of stomach, which has become raised to size of fist. Desire for unnatural things, like coal (Alum; Calc). Indigestion, with insensibility, frothing at mouth.

Abdomen.--Flatulence with anxiety and crossness. Rumbling in. Distended and painful. Colic with convulsions.

Rectum.--Diarrhśa in morning, with irresistible desire to urinate. Itching in rectum.

Respiratory.--Chest feels tight; can hardly breathe. Tonic spasm in pectoral muscles. Heat in chest.

Back and extremities.--Spasms and cramps in muscles of nape of neck, and spasmodic drawing backward of head. Curved limbs cannot be straightened nor straight ones bent. Back bent backward like an arch. Jerking, tearing in coccyx, especially during menses.

Skin.--Eczema; no itching, exudation forms into a hard, lemon-colored crust. Suppressed eruption causes brain disease. Elevated eruptions, as large as peas. Chronic impetigo.

Modalities.--Worse, from touch, draughts, concussion, tobacco smoke.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Opium; Arn.

Compare: Cicuta Maculata-Water Hemlock--(Effects very similar; the most prominent symptoms being; Falls unconscious, tetanic or clonic convulsions. Body covered with sweat. Consider in epilepsy and tetanus. Tincture and lower potencies). Hydrocy acid; Con; Oenanth; Strychnia; Bellad.

Dose.--Sixth to two hundredth attenuation.



Black Snake-root


Has a wide action upon the cerebrospinal and muscular system, as well as upon the uterus and ovaries. Especially useful in rheumatic, nervous subjects with ovarian irritation, uterine cramps and heavy limbs. Its muscular and crampy pains, primarily of neurotic origin, occurring in nearly every part of the body, are characteristic. Agitation and pain indicate it. Pains like electric shocks here and there. Migraine. Symptoms referable to the pelvic organs prominent. "It lessens the frequency and force of the pulse soothes pain and allays irritability".

Mental.--Sensation of a cloud enveloping her. Great depression, with dream of impending evil. Fears riding in a closed carriage, of being obliged to jump out. Incessant talking. Visions of rats, mice, etc. Delirium tremens; tries to injure himself. Mania following disappearance of neuralgia.

Head.--Wild feeling in brain. Shooting and throbbing pains in head after mental worry, over-study, or reflex of uterine disease. Waving sensation or opening and shutting sensation in brain. Brain feels too large. Pressing-outward pain. Tinnitus. Ears sensitive to least noise.

Eyes.--Asthenopia associated with pelvic trouble. Deepseated throbbing and shooting pains in eyes, with photophobia from artificial light. Intense aching of eyeball. Pain from eyes to top of head.

Stomach.--Nausea and vomiting caused by pressure on spine and cervical region. Sinking in epigastrium (Sep; Sulph). Gnawing pain. Tongue pointed and trembling.

Female.--Amenorrhśa (use Macrotin preferably). Pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of thighs. Pain immediately before menses. Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness; always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains worse, left side. Facial blemishes in young women.

Respiratory.--Tickling in throat. Dry, short cough, worse speaking and at night. Cough when secretion is scanty-spasmodic, dry with muscular soreness and nervous irritation.

Heart.--Irregular, slow, trembling pulse. Tremulous action. Angina pectoris. Numbness of left arm; feels as if bound to side. Heart's action ceases suddenly, impending suffocation. Left-sided infra-mammary pain.

Back.--Spine very sensitive, especially upper part. Stiffness and contraction in neck and back. Intercostal rheumatism. Rheumatic pains in muscles of back and neck. Pain in lumbar and sacral region, down thighs, and through hips. Crick in back.

Extremities.--Uneasy, restless feeling in limbs. Aching in limbs and muscular soreness. Rheumatism affecting the belly of muscles, especially large muscles. Choreic movements, accompanied by rheumatism. Jerking of limbs. Stiffness in tendo-Achilles. Heaviness in lower extremities. Heavy, aching, tensive pain.

Sleep.--Sleeplessness. Brain irritation of children during dentition.

Skin.--Locally and internally for ivy poisoning.

Modalities.--Worse, morning, cold (except headache), during menses; the more profuse the flow, the greater the suffering. Better, warmth, eating.

Relationship.--Compare: Rhamnus Californica (muscular pains, lumbago, pleurodynia, acute rheumatism). Derris pinnata (Neuralgic headaches of rheumatic origin). Aristolochia milhomens (pain in tendo-Achilles; diabetes). Caulophyl; Pulsat; Lilium; Agar; Macrotin (especially for lumbago).

Dose.--First to thirtieth attenuation, third most frequently used.





Of use in intermittent fever, with weariness and inclination to stretch. Hamstrings feel too short (Ammon mur). Flexors mostly affected. Sensation of retraction of arm tendons. Stretching.

Head.--Violent headache, caused by drinking. Great rage; vehement at beginning of chilly stage. Would like to tear everything to pieces. Pain under right frontal bone.

Female.--Shooting pain from vagina up towards left ovary.

Fever.--Chilliness of whole body. Sensation as of wind blowing on knees. Pains in all joints, as if tendons were too short, especially knee-joints. Chill; worse lying down. Thirst during apyrexia, but little during chilly stage; still less during hot stage, and none during sweating. Musty, offensive sweat.

Bowels.--Constipation, feces dry and in small balls (Op; Plumb; Thuj) and hard. Ulcer of rectum.

Dose.--Sixth to two hundredth attenuation.





This is a children's remedy,-big, fat, rosy, scrofulous, corresponding to many conditions that may be referred to intestinal irritation, such as worms and accompanying complaints. An irritability of temper, variable appetite, grinding of teeth, and even convulsions, with screams and violent jerkings of the hands and feet, are all within its range of action. The Cina patient is hungry, cross, ugly, and wants to be rocked. Pain in shocks. Skin sensitive to touch.

Mind.--Ill-humor. Child very cross; does not want to be touched, or crossed, or carried. Desires many things, but rejects everything offered. Abnormal consciousness, as if having committed some evil deed.

Head.--Headache, alternating with pain in abdomen. Relieved by stooping (Mezer). Pain in head when using eyes.

Eyes.--Dilated pupils; yellow vision. Weak sight from masturbation. Strabismus from abdominal irritation. Eyestrain, especially when presbyopia sets in. Pulsation of superciliary muscle.

Ears.--Digging and scratching in ears.

Nose.--Itching of nose all the time. Wants to rub it and pick at it. Bores at nose till it bleeds.

Face.--Intense, circumscribed redness of cheeks. Pale, hot, with dark rings around eyes. Cold perspiration. White and bluish about the mouth. Grits teeth during sleep. Choreic movements of face and hands.

Stomach.--Gets hungry soon after a meal. Hungry, digging, gnawing sensation. Epigastric pain; worse, first waking in morning and before meals. Vomiting and diarrhśa immediately after eating or drinking. Vomiting with a clean tongue. Desires many and different things. Craving for sweets.

Abdomen.--Twisting pain about navel (Spig). Bloated and hard abdomen.

Stool.--White mucus, like small pieces of popped corn, preceded by pinching colic. Itching of anus (Teuc). Worms (Sabad; Naphth; Nat phos).

Urine.--Turbid, white; turns milky on standing. Involuntary at night.

Female.--Uterine hćmorrhage before puberty.

Respiratory.--Gagging cough in the morning. Whooping-cough. Violent recurring paroxysms, as of down in throat. Cough ends in a spasm. Cough so violent as to bring tears and sternal pains; feels as if something had been torn off. Periodic; returning spring and fall. Swallows after coughing. Gurgling from throat to stomach after coughing. Child is afraid to speak or move for fear of bringing on paroxysm of coughing. After coughing, moaning, anxious, gasps for air and turns pale.

Extremities.--Twitching and jerking distortion of limbs, trembling. Paralyzed shocks; patient will jump suddenly, as though in pain. Child throws arms from side to side. Nocturnal convulsions. Sudden inward jerking of fingers of right hand. Child stretches out feet spasmodically. Left foot in constant spasmodic motion.

Sleep.--Child gets on hands and knees in sleep; on abdomen. Night terrors of children; cries out, screams, wakes frightened. Troubles while yawning. Screams and talks in sleep. Grits teeth.

Fever.--Light chill. Much fever, associated with clean tongue. Much hunger; colicky pains; chilliness, with thirst. Cold sweat on forehead, nose, and hands. In Cina fever, face is cold and hands warm.

Modalities.--Worse, looking fixedly at an object, from worms, at night, in sun, in summer.

Relationship.--Compare: Santonin--(often preferable in worm affections; same symptoms as Cina; corresponding to the "pain in shocks" produced by Cina. Visual illusions, yellow sight; violet light not recognized, colors not distinguishable. Urine deep saffron color. Spasms and twitchings, chronic gastric and intestinal troubles sometimes removed by a single dose (physiological) of Santonin. Dahlke). Helmintochortos-Worm-moss (acts very powerfully on intestinal worms, especially the lumbricoid). Teucrium; Ignat; Cham; Spig.

Antidote: Camph; Caps.

Dose.--Third attenuation. For nervous irritable children, thirtieth and two-hundredth preferable. Santonin in first (with care) and third trituration.



Dusty Miller


Has some reputation in the cure of cataract and corneal opacities. Is used externally, by instilling into the eye one drop four or five times a day. This must be kept up for several months. Most effective in traumatic cases. Compare in cataract Phosph; Platanus; Cannabis; Causticum; Naphthalin; Ledum; Nat mur; Silica.



Mercuric Sulphide


For certain forms of ciliary neuralgia and ulceration upon a syphilitic base, this remedy is most effective. Sleepless during night.

Head.--Congestion to head; face purple red.

Eyes.--Pains from lachrymal duct around eye to temple, from inner canthus across brows to ear. Severe shooting pain in bones of orbit, especially running from inner to outer canthus in the bone. Redness of whole eye. Lids granulated; canthi and lids red.

Nose.--Pressive sensation, as from heavy spectacles. Pain about root, extending into bones on each side (Aur; Kal hyd).

Throat.--Stringy mucus passed through posterior nares into throat. Dryness of mouth and throat; must rinse the mouth. Fiery-looking ulcers in mouth and throat.

Male.--Prepuce swollen; warts on it which bleed easily; testicles enlarged; buboes; angry-looking chancres. Syphilides, squamous and vesicular.

Female.--Leucorrhśa. Feeling of pressure in vagina.

Extremities.--Pain in forearm from elbow down, including hands. Pain in long bones when barometer lowers; coldness of joints.

Skin.--Very fiery-red looking ulcers. Nodes on shin-bones. Buboes. Condyloma, easily bleeding.

Modalities.--Worse, lying on right side (feels as if contents of body were being dragged over to that side).

Relationship.--Compare: Hepar; Nitr ac; Thuja; Sep.

Antidotes: Hepar; Sulph.

Dose.--First to third trituration.





Cancer where pain and fetor are present. Best when skin is intact. Its use in hæmorrhages has abundant clinical verification. Nosebleed. Hæmorrhages from bowels, hæmoptysis, etc. A strain in loins or false step brings on a profuse flow of bright blood. Post-partum hæmorrhage. Flatulency and diarrhœa. Feeble patients with languid circulation.

Female.--Bearing-down sensation. Menses early, profuse, prolonged, bright red. Sleepy. No desire for anything. Fingers seem swollen. Uterine hæmorrhages caused by overlifting, during puerperal state; menorrhagia.

Relationship.--Compare: Ipec; Sil; Trill.

Antidote: Acon.

Dose.--Tincture to third potency. For cancer, strong decoction, one-half pint in a day. Oil of cinnamon in aqueous solution best local disinfectant. 3-4 drops in two quarts of water as a douche, wherever a germicide and disinfectant is needed. Three drops on sugar for hiccough.



Rock Rose

A deep-acting anti-psoric remedy, with marked action in glandular affections, herpetic eruptions, chronic swellings, when patient is extremely sensitive to cold. Sensation of coldness in various parts. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Poisoned wounds, bites, phagedenic ulcers. Malignant disease of the glands of the neck. Cistus has affinity for naso-pharynx; aborts colds that center in posterior nose. Sniffling.

Face.--Itching, burning, and crusts on right zygoma. Lupus, caries; open, bleeding cancer. Tip of nose painful.

Mouth.--Scorbutic swollen gums. Mouth feels cold; putrid, impure breath. Pyorrhea (Merc cor; Caust; Staph; Kreos). Hurts to protrude the tongue.

Ears.--Watery discharge; also fetid pus. Tetter on and around ears, extending to external meatus.

Throat.--Spongy feeling; very dry and cold air passing over parts causes pain. Breath, tongue, and throat feel cold. Uvula and tonsils swollen. A small, dry spot in throat; must sip water frequently. Hawking of mucus. Swelling and suppuration of glands of throat. Head drawn to one side by swellings in neck. Sore throat from inhaling the least cold air. Heat and itching in throat.

Stomach.--Cool feeling in stomach before and after eating. Cool feeling in whole abdomen. Desire for cheese.

Stool.--Diarrhœa from coffee and fruit, thin, yellow, urgent; worse in morning.

Chest.--Coldness in chest. The neck is studded with tumors. Induration of mammæ. Hæmorrhage from lungs.

Extremities.--Sprained pain in wrist. Tips of fingers sensitive to cold. Tetter on hands. Cold feet. Syphilitic ulcers on lower limbs, with hard swelling around. White swelling.

Sleep.--Cannot sleep from coldness in throat.

Female.--Induration and inflammation of mammæ. Sensitive to cold air. Bad smelling leucorrhœa.

Respiratory.--Asthmatic after lying down (trachea feels narrow), preceded by formication.

Skin.--Itching all over. Small, painful pimples; lupus. Glands inflamed and indurated. Mercurio-syphilitic ulcers. Skin of hands hard, thick, dry, fissured; deep cracks. Itching of swollen hands and arms; general itching which presents sleep. Hemicrania.

Modalities.--Worse, slightest exposure to cold air; mental exertion, excitement. Better after eating.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Rhus; Sepia.

Compare: Conium; Carbo; Calc; Arg n.

Dose.--First to thirtieth attenuation. Locally as a wash to arrest fetid discharges.



Bitter Orange

Headache with nausea, vomiting and vertigo. Facial neuralgias mostly right-sided. Thoracic oppression. Frequent and irresistible yawning. Disturbed sleep.

Relationship.--Citrus decumana-Grape-fruit (Tinnitus, head noises and ringing in ears. Sensation of pressure in the temporal region). Aurantium-Orange (neuralgic and skin symptoms. Itching, redness and swelling of hands. Diseases of the aged with coldness and chilliness. Boiled dried orange peel excites the intestine in a manner similar to other forms of cellulose or agar. There is an increased flow of bile which continues for hours. It unites both a cholagogue action with a mechanical stimulus to peristalsis). Compare: Citrus Limonum (scorbutus, sore throat and cancer pains; checks excessive menstruation). (Citric Acid.--Useful in scurvy and chronic rheumatism and hćmorrhages. All forms of Dropsy are benefited with Citric acid and lemon juice, tablespoonful every 3-4 hours. Pain from cancer of tongue. Used as a local application and mouth wash, one dram to 8 ozs of water. For cancer pains generally, often effective).



Virgin's Bower

Scrofulous, rheumatic, gonorrhśal, and syphilitic patients. Acts especially on skin, glands and genito-urinary organs, especially testicles. A remedy of much importance in disturbances of sleep, and neuralgic pains in various parts. Many of these pains are relieved by perspiration. Muscles relaxed or twitching. Great emaciation. Great sleepiness. Distant pulsation in whole body.

Head.--Boring pain in temples. Confused feeling; better in open air. Eruption on occiput at base of hair, moist, pustular sensitive, itching.

Eyes.--Heat in eyes and sensitive to air; must close them. Chronic blepharitis, with sore and swollen meibomain glands. Iritis, great sensitiveness to cold. Flickering before eyes. Pustular conjunctivitis, with tinea capitis; eyes inflamed and protruding.

Face.--White blisters on face and nose, as if burned by sun. Swelling of submaxillary glands, with hard tubercles, throbbing, aggravated on being touched. Pain in right side of face to eye, ear and temple; better, holding cold water in mouth.

Teeth.--Ache; worse, at night and from tobacco. Teeth feel too long.

Stomach.--After eating, weakness in all limbs and pulsation in arteries.

Male.--Ilio-scrotal neuralgia. Testicles indurated with bruised feeling. Swelling of scrotum (Orchitis). Right half only. Troubles from suppressed gonorrhśa. Violent erections with stitches in urethra. Testicles hang heavy or retracted, with pain along spermatic cord; worse, right side.

Urinary.--Tingling in urethra lasting some time after urinating. Frequent, scanty urination; burning at orifice. Interrupted flow. Urethra feels constricted. Urine emitted drop by drop. Inability to pass all the urine; dribbling after urinating. Pain worse at night, pain along the spermatic cord. Commencing stricture.

Skin.--Red, burning, vesicular, scaly, scabby. Itches terribly; worse, washing in cold water; worse face and hands and scalp around occiput. Glands hot, painful, swollen; worse inguinal glands. Glandular indurations and tumors of breast. Varicose ulcers.

Modalities.--Better, in open air. Worse, at night, and warmth of bed (washing in cold water); new moon--(monthly aggravation).

Relationship.--Compare: Clematis vitalba (varicose and other ulcers); Sil; Staph; Petrol; Oleand; Sarsap; Canth; Phos ac; Pulsat.

Antidotes: Bryon; Camph.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency.



The Metal Cobalt


Adapted to neurasthenic spinal states. Sexual disturbances. Fatigue, agitation, and bone pains, worse in morning.

Mind.--All mental excitement increases suffering. Constant interchange of mental moods.

Head.--Aches; worse, bending head forward. Itching of hairy scalp and beard.

Teeth.--Feel too long. Pain in teeth. Cracks across tongue. Coated white (Ant cr).

Abdomen.--Shooting in liver. Pain in spleen.

Rectum.--Constant dropping of blood from the anus, no blood from the stools.

Male.--Pain in right testicle; better, urinating. Emissions without erection. Impotence. Backache in lumbar region and weak legs. Lewd dreams. Pain in end of urethra; greenish discharge; brown spots on genitals and abdomen.

Back.--Pain in back and sacrum; worse while sitting; better, walking or lying. Weakness in legs and backache after emissions.

Extremities.--Aching in wrist-joints. Shooting into thighs from liver. Weak knees. Trembling in limbs. Tingling in feet. Foot-sweat, mostly between toes.

Sleep.--Unrefreshing; disturbed by lewd dreams.

Skin.--Dry and pimply. Pimples about nates, chin, hairy scalp.

Relationship.--Compare: Cannab. Ind; Sepia; Zinc; Agnus; Selen.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.




The clinical application of the symptoms of this remedy, place it among the medicines for spasmodic and whooping coughs, and catarrhal conditions of the bladder; spasmodic pains in kidneys, with visceral tenesmus. Anuria, anasarca, ascites.

Mind.--Early morning or afternoon sadness.

Head.--Suboccipital soreness; worse after sleep and exertion. Headache, worse from lying on back, better with the head high. Dull pain over right eye in morning. Sensation of a foreign body between upper lid and eyeball. Distress from cinders lodged in eye.

Respiratory.--Constant hawking from enlarged uvula; coryza, with inflamed fauces; accumulation of thick viscid mucus, which is expectorated with great difficulty. Tickling in larynx. Sensation of a crumb behind larynx, must swallow continually; brushing teeth causes cough. Fauces very sensitive. Suffocative cough; worse, first waking, with tough, white mucus, which strangles. Spasmodic morning cough. Whooping cough attacks end with vomiting of this tough mucus. Chronic bronchitis complicated with gravel; large quantities of albuminous, tenacious mucus, are expectorated. Walking against wind takes breath away.

Heart.--Sensation as if everything were pressed toward the heart.

Urinary.--Urging to urinate; brick-red sediment. Urinary calculi, hæmaturia, urates, and uric acid; lancinating pains from kidney to bladder. Deep-colored, thick urine. Dysuria.

Female.--Menses too early, profuse, black and thick; dark clots, with dysuria. Intermittent menstruation; flow only in evening and at night. Large clots escape when passing water. Labia inflamed.

Modalities.--Worse, left side, after sleep, touch, pressure of clothing, brushing teeth, slightest exertion. Better, walking.

Relationship.--Compare: Canth; Cact; Sars.

Dose.--Lower triturations.



The Divine Plant of the Incas-but the Spanish priests denounced it as "un delusion del demonio"

The mountaineer's remedy. Useful in a variety of complaints incidental to mountain climbing, such as palpitation, dyspnśa, anxiety and insomnia. Exhausted nervous system from physical and mental strain. Caries of teeth. Loss of voice.--Give 5-6 drops, every half hour, two hours before expected demand on voice. Nocturnal enuresis. Emphysema (Quebracho).

Mind.--Melancholy; bashful, ill at ease in society, irritable, delights in solitude and obscurity. Sense of right and wrong abolished.

Head.--Fainting fit from climbing mountains. Shocks coming from occiput with vertigo. Noises in ear. Headache with vertigo, preceded by flashes of light. Like a band across forehead. Diplopia. Tongue furred. Headaches of high altitudes. Tinnitus.

Stomach.--Peppery sensation in mouth. Longing for alcoholic liquors and tobacco. Great satiety for a long time. Incarcerated flatus; rises with noise and violence, as if it would split the śsophagus. Tympanitic distention of abdomen. No appetite but for sweets.

Heart.--Palpitation, with weak heart and dyspnśa.

Male.--Diabetes, with impotency (Phos ac).

Respiratory.--Hawking of small, transparent pieces of mucus. Weak vocal cords. Hoarseness; worse after talking. Want of breath, short breath, especially in aged athletes, and alcoholic users. Hćmoptysis. Asthma, spasmodic variety.

Sleep.--Can find no rest anywhere, but sleepy. Nervousness and nightly restlessness during teething.

Modalities.--Better, from wine; riding, quick motion in open air. Worse, ascending, high altitudes.

Relationship.--Compare: Ars; Paulin; Cyp; Chamom.

Antidote: Gels.

Dose.--Tincture to third attenuation.



An Alkaloid from Erythroxylon Coca


Besides the great usefulness of Cocaine as a local anćsthetic, it has specific homeopathic uses, though the symptoms are mainly clinical only.

Sensation as if small foreign bodies or worms were under the skin.

Mind.--Talkative. Constant desire to do something great, to undertake vast feats of strength. Cerebral activity. Frightful persecutory hallucinations; sees and feels bugs and worms. Moral sense blunted. Personal appearance neglected. Thinks he hears unpleasant remarks about himself. Hallucinations of hearing. Irrational jealousy. Insomnia.

Head.--Throbbing and bursting sensation. Pupils dilated. Hearing greatly increased. Roaring and noises in head.

Eyes.--Glaucoma, increased tension, decreased corneal sensibility. Eyes staring, expressionless.

Throat.--Dry, burning, tickling, constricted, paralysis of muscles of deglutition. Speech difficult.

Stomach.--Loss of appetite for solid food. Likes sweets. Hćmorrhages from bowels, stomach.

Nervous System.--Chorea; paralysis agitans; alcoholic tremors and senile trembling. Local sensory paralysis. Formication and numbness in hands and forearms.

Sleep.--Restless, cannot sleep for hours after retiring.

Fever.--Coldness with intense pallor.

Relationship.--Compare: Stovain (an analgesic, a vasomotor dilator). Antidote to disagreeable effects occasionally resulting from injection of cocaine into skin or gums, drop doses of nitroglycer. 1 % sol.

Dose.--Lower potencies. As a local application to mucous membranes, 2-4 %.



Indian Cockle


Within the sphere of action of Cocculus are many spasmodic and paretic affections, notably those affecting one-half of the body. Affects the cerebrum, will not cure convulsive seizures proceeding from the spinal cord (A. E. Hinsdale) Painful contracture of limbs and trunk; tetanus. Many of the evil effects of night-watching are relieved by it. It shows a special, attraction for light-haired females, especially during pregnancy, causing much nausea and backache. Unmarried and childless women, sensitive and romantic girls, etc. All its symptoms are worse riding in a carriage or on shipboard; hence its use in seasickness. Sensation of hollowness, or emptiness, as if parts had gone to sleep. Feels too weak to talk loud.

Mind.--Capricious. Heavy and stupid. Time passes too quickly; absorbed in reveries. Inclination to sing irresistible. Slow of comprehension. Mind benumbed. Profound sadness. Cannot bear contradiction. Speaks hastily. Very anxious about the health of others.

Head.--Vertigo, nausea, especially when riding or sitting up. Sense of emptiness in head. Headache in occiput and nape; worse, lying on back of head. Sick headache from carriage riding, cannot lie on back part of head. Pupils contracted. Opening and shutting sensation, especially in occiput. Trembling of head. Pain in eyes as if torn out of head.

Face.--Paralysis of facial nerve. Cramp-like pain in masseter muscle; worse, opening mouth. Prosopalgia in afternoon, with wide radiations of pain.

Stomach.--Nausea from riding in cars, boat, etc, or looking at boat in motion; worse on becoming cold or taking cold. Nausea, with faintness and vomiting. Aversion to food, drink, tobacco. Metallic taste. Paralysis of muscles preventing deglutition. Dryness of œsophagus. Seasickness (Resorcin. 1x). Cramp, in stomach during and after meal. Hiccough and spasmodic yawning. Loss of appetite. Desire for cold drinks, especially beer. Sensation in stomach as if one had been a long time without food until hunger was gone. Smell of food disgusts (Colch).

Abdomen.--Distended, with wind, and feeling as if full of sharp stones when moving; better, lying on one side or the other. Pain in abdominal ring, as if something were forced through. Abdominal muscles weak; it seems as if a hernia would take place.

Female.--Dysmenorrhœa, with profuse dark menses. Too early menses, clotted, with spasmodic colic. Painful pressing in uterine region, followed by hæmorrhoids. Purulent, gushing leucorrhœa between menses; very weakening, can scarcely speak. So weak during menstruation, scarcely able to stand.

Respiratory.--Sensation of emptiness and cramp in chest. Dyspnœa as from constriction of trachea, as if irritated by smoke. Choking constriction in upper part of œsophagus, oppressing breathing and inducing cough.

Back.--Cracking of cervical vertebræ when moving head. Paralytic pain in small of the back. Pain in shoulder and arms as if bruised. Pressure in scapula and nape. Stiffness on moving shoulders.

Extremities.--Lameness; worse by bending. Trembling and pain in limbs. Arms go to sleep. One-sided paralysis; worse after sleep. Hands are alternately hot and cold; numbness and cold sweat now of one, now of the other hand. Numb and unsteady. Knees crack on motion. Lower limbs very weak. Inflammatory swelling of knee. Intensely painful, paralytic drawing. Limbs straightened out, painful when flexed.

Sleep.--Spasmodic yawning. Coma vigil. Constant drowsiness. After loss of sleep, night-watching, nursing.

Fever.--Chill, with flatulent colic, nausea, vertigo, coldness of lower extremities, and heat of head. Sweat general. Nervous form of low fever. Chilliness, with perspiration, and heat of skin.

Modalities.--Worse, eating, after loss of sleep, open air, smoking, riding, swimming, touch, noise, jar; afternoon. Menstrual period. After emotional disturbance.

Relationship.--Antidotes:; Coffee; Nux.

Compare: Picrotoxin-alkaloid of Cocculus--(epilepsy, attacks in the morning on leaving horizontal position, hernia, locomotor ataxia, night-sweats); Symphoricarpus (morning sickness); Petrol; Puls; Ignat.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth potency.



Lady Bug

This remedy ought to be remembered in neuralgias, teeth, gums, mouth, etc. Is awakened by profuse accumulation of saliva. Uvula feels too long. Symptoms of hydrophobia; worse, by any bright object.

Head.--Pain in forehead over right eye, sensitive to touch; from superior molars to forehead. Aching in temples and occiput. Rush of blood to face. Throbbing toothache. Cold sensation in teeth and mouth (Cistus). Periodical attacks of frontal neuralgia. Cannot open eyes during paroxysm. Pain worse from any bright object; better, sleep.

Stomach.-- Hiccough and burning in stomach.

Back.--Pain in region of kidneys and loins. Icy cold extremities.

Relationship.--Compare: Canth; Magn c.

Dose.--Third potency.





Frontal bone and sinus, antrum and salivary glands are specifically affected by this drug. Bloated sensation. Raises vital forces. Used as a gargle in scorbutic gums and sore throat. Hoarseness and in relaxed conditions of the fauces. Internally in gonorrhśa. Useful as a condiment in enfeebled states of the stomach. An infusion of the root in cider, for dropsy, causes copious diuresis. Locally cures dandruff.

Head.--Thinking is difficult. Anxiety, driven to despair by pain. Pressing, boring pain as if frontal bone would fall out. Violent headache with vomiting. Impaired hearing.

Eyes.--Sore and scrofulous; traumatic inflammation of eyes, blearedness and cataract. Copious running from eyes.

Stomach.--Pain towards back; worse, pressure on dorsal vertebrć. Belching and cramps. Colic with backache. Violent cramp from stomach through both sides around to back. Griping around navel.

Back.--Pain in back as from incarcerated flatulence from abdomen through to back and down into sacrum.

Respiratory.--Dry, hacking, laryngeal cough, also post-influenzal cough, dry or loose, worse lying down. Chest painful to touch. Coryza, with hoarseness. Mucous asthma. Śdema of lungs. Throat feels rough and hoarse.

Urinary.--Burning and cutting at glans penis before, during, and after urination. Frequent urination.

Modalities.--Worse evening and at night.

Relationship.--Compare: Cannab; Sinapis; Caps.

Dose.--First to third attenuation.



An Alkaloid from Opium

Trembling of whole body. Involuntary twitching of muscles of arms and lower limbs. Itching, with feeling of warmth, numbness and prickling. Diabetes.

Head.--Pain from occiput to back of neck. Skin of face and scalp sore after neuralgia.

Eyes.--Involuntary twitching of lids (Agar).

Stomach.--Spasmodic pain at pit of stomach. Eructations. Great thirst, with desire for bitter substances.

Respiratory.--Short and irritating cough; worse, at night. Copious, purulent expectoration. Night cough of phthisis.

Relationship.--Compare: Opium; Agaricus; Hyoscy; Ammon brom.

Dose.--One-quarter of a grain doses to third trituration.



Unroasted Coffee

Stimulates the functional activity of all organs, increasing the nervous and vascular activity. The drinking of coffee by the aged is likely to increase production of uric acid, causing irritation of kidneys; muscle and joint pains, and with the increased susceptibility of old people to the stimulating action of coffee and tea, their use should be curtailed or carefully watched. Great nervous agitation and restlessness. Extreme sensitiveness characterizes this remedy. Neuralgia in various parts; always with great nervous excitability and intolerance of pain, driving to despair. Unusual activity of mind and body. Bad effects of sudden emotions, surprises, joy, etc. Nervous palpitation. Coffea is specially suited to tall, lean, stooping persons with dark complexions, temperament choleric and sanguine. Skin hypersensitive.

Mind.--Gaiety, easy comprehension, irritability, excited; senses acute. Impressionable, especially to pleasurable impressions. Full of ideas, quick to act. Tossing about in anguish (Acon).

Head.--Tight pain, worse from noise, smell, narcotics. Seems as if brain were torn to pieces, as if nail were driven in head. Worse in open air. Sensitive hearing.

Face.--Dry heat, with red cheeks. Prosopalgia extending to molar teeth, ears, forehead, and scalp.

Mouth.--Toothache; temporarily relieved by holding ice-water in the mouth (Mangan opposite). Hasty eating and drinking. Delicate taste.

Stomach.--Excessive hunger. Intolerance of tight clothing. After wine and liquor.

Female.--Menses too early and long lasting. Dysmenorrhśa, large clots of black blood. Hypersensitive vulva and vagina. Voluptuous itching.

Sleep.--Wakeful; on a constant move. Sleeps till 3 am, after which only dozing. Wakes with a start, sleep disturbed by dreams. Sleepless, on account mental activity; flow of ideas, with nervous excitability. Disturbed by itching of anus.

Respiratory.--Short, dry cough of measles in nervous, delicate children.

Heart.--Violent irregular palpitation especially after excessive joy or surprise. Rapid high tension pulse and urinary suppression.

Extremities.--Crural neuralgia; worse, motion, afternoon and night; better, by pressure.

Modalities.--Worse, excessive emotions (joy), narcotics, strong odors, noise, open air, cold, night. Better, warmth, from lying down; holding ice in mouth.

Relationship.--Incompatible: Camph; Coccul. Complementary: Acon.

Compare: Coffea tosta (Roasting develops certain vitamin-like substances (P. T. Mattei). Pigeons which have developed "deficiency" neuritis and paralysis on diet of polished rice lost their disabilities on the addition of 8 cc to a 5 % infusion of coffee to their food. Unroasted coffee was useless). Caffeine.--(A crystalline alkaloid-is a direct heart stimulant and diuretic. Dropsy depending on cardiac insufficiency. Myocardial degeneration. Cardiac insufficiency in pneumonia and other infectious diseases. Raises the blood pressure, increases pulse rate and stimulates the heart muscle; hence, a support in extreme feebleness or threatened failure. Stimulates the respiratory center, nerve centers and increases diuresis. One of the best stimulants of the vaso-motor centers. Acute pulmonary śdema. Brachialgia and other neuralgias characterized by nocturnal exacerbations. Jousset uses equal parts of caffeine and sachar lac. 3 grains taken in divided doses every other day. Hypodermically, 1/4 grain. Excruciating facial neuralgia from decayed teeth); Acon; Cham; Nux; Cyp; Caffeine and plants containing it, as Kola, Thea, etc.

Strong black coffee, drunk as hot as possible, is indispensable as an antidote in a large number of poisons, especially narcotics. Hot coffee by rectum in cases of extreme collapse.

Antidotes: Nux; Tabac.

Dose.--Third to two hundredth potency.



Meadow Saffron


Affects markedly the muscular tissues, periosteum, and synovial membranes of joints. Has specific power of relieving the gouty paroxysms. It seems to be more beneficial in chronic affections of these parts. The parts are red, hot, swollen. Tearing pains; worse, in the evening and at night and from touch; stubbing the toes hurts exceedingly. There is always great prostration, internal coldness, and tendency to collapse. Effects of night watching and hard study. Shocks as from electricity through one half of body. Bad effects from suppressed sweat. Dreams of mice.

Head.--Headache chiefly frontal and temporal, but also occipital and in nape of neck, worse afternoon and evening.

Eyes.--Pupils unequal; left pupil contracted. Variations in visual acuity. Lachrymation worse in open air; violent tearing pain in eyes. Dim vision after reading. Spots before eyes.

Ears.--Itching in ears; sharp, shooting pains below right tragus.

Face.--Pain in facial muscles, moving about. Tingling and śdematous swelling; cheeks red, hot, sweaty. Very irritable with the pains (Cham). Pain behind angle of right lower jaw.

Stomach.--Dry mouth, tongue burns, gums and teeth pain. Thirst; pain in stomach and flatulence. The smell of food causes nausea even to fainting, especially fish. Profuse salivary secretion. Vomiting of mucus, bile and food; worse, any motion; great coldness in stomach. Craving for various things, but is averse to then when smelling them, seized them with nausea. Gouty gastralgia. Burning or icy coldness in stomach and abdomen. Thirst for effervescent, alcoholic beverages. Pain in transverse colon.

Abdomen.--Distention of abdomen, with gas, inability to stretch out legs. Borborygmi. Pain over liver. Cćcum and ascending colon much distended. Fullness and continuous rumbling. Ascites.

Stool.--Painful, scanty, transparent, jelly-like mucus; pain, as if anus were torn open, with prolapse. Autumnal dysentery; stools contain while shreddy particles in large quantities. Ineffectual pressing; feels feces in rectum, but cannot expel them.

Female.--Pruritus of genitals. Cold feeling in thigh after period. Sensation of swelling in vulva and clitoris.

Urine.--Dark, scanty or suppressed; bloody, brown, black, inky; contains clots of putrid decomposed blood, albumin, sugar.

Heart.--Anxiety in region of heart. Impulse not felt. Pericarditis, with severe pain, oppression and dyspnśa, pulse threadlike. Sound of heart become weaker, pulse of low tension.

Extremities.--Sharp pain down left arm. Tearing in limbs during warm weather, stinging during cold. Pins and needles in hands and wrists, fingertips numb. Pain in front of thigh. Right plantar reflex abolished. Limbs, lame, weak, tingling. Pain worse in evening and warm weather. Joints stiff and feverish; shifting rheumatism; pains worse at night. Inflammation of great toe, gout in heel, cannot bear to have it touched or moved. Tingling in the finger nails. Knees strike together, can hardly walk. Śdematous swelling and coldness of legs and feet.

Back.--Aching in lumbar and lumbo-sacral region. Dull pain across loins. Backache, better, rest and pressure.

Skin.--Blotchy papular rash on face. Pink spots on back, chest and abdomen. Urticaria.

Modalities.--Worse, sundown to sunrise; motion, loss of sleep, smell of food in evening, mental exertion. Better, stooping.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Thuja; Camph; Coccul; Nux; Puls.

Compare: Colchicine (intestinal catarrh with shreddy membranes; convulsive jerkings of right hand; rheumatic fever, gout, endo and pericarditis, pleurisy, arthritis, deformans in early stages; intense pain of rheumatism 3x trit). Also, Carbo; Arnica; Lilium; Arsen; Verat.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth attenuation.




Pelvic and portal congestion, resulting hćmorrhoids and constipation, especially in females. Depressed arterial tension, general atony of muscular fiber. Chronic nasal, gastric, and pharyngeal catarrh, due to portal obstruction. Dropsy from cardiac disease. Pruritus in pregnancy, with piles. Constipation of children from intestinal atony. Said to be of special value when given before operations, for rectal diseases. Sense of weight and constriction. Venous engorgement.

Head.--Dull frontal headache; from suppressed hćmorrhoids. Chronic catarrh. Yellow-coated tongue. Bitter taste (Colocy; Bry).

Rectum.--Sensation of sharp sticks in rectum. Sense of constriction. Vascular engorgement of rectum. Dry feces. Most obstinate constipation, with protruding hćmorrhoids. Aching in anus and hypogastrium. Constipation during pregnancy; with membranous dysmenorrhśa, following labor (Nux). Painful bleeding piles. Dysentery, with tenesmus. Alternate constipation and diarrhśa, and great flatulence. Itching of anus (Teucrium; Ratanh).

Female.--Dysmenorrhśa; pruritus of vulva; prolapse of womb; swelling and dark redness of genitals; pain on sitting down. Membranous dysmenorrhśa, with constipation. Pruritus. Cold feeling in thighs after menstruation. Sensation of swelling of labia and of clitoris.

Respiratory.--Cough from excessive use of voice; "minister's sore throat"; sharp pain in larynx. Hoarseness. Harassing, dry cough.

Heart.--Palpitation; rapid but weak. Dropsy. After heart symptoms relieved, piles or menses return. Chest-pains alternate with hćmorrhoids. Oppression, faintness, and dyspnśa (Acon ferox).

Modalities.--Worse, from the slightest mental emotion or excitement; cold. Better, heat.

Relationship.--Antidote: Nux.

Compare: Aescul; Aloes; Hamam; Lycopus; Negundo; Sulph; Nux.

Dose.--Tincture, to third attenuation. Higher potencies where there is organic heart affection.



Bitter Cucumber

Often indicated in the transition season when the air is cold, but the sun is still powerful enough to heat the blood.

Develops most of its symptoms in the abdomen and head, causing intense neuralgias. It is especially suitable for irritable persons easily angered, and ill effects therefrom. Women with copious menstruation, and of sedentary habits. Persons with a tendency to corpulency. The neuralgic pains are nearly always relieved by pressure. Cramps and twitching and shortening of muscles. Constrictions and contractions. Cystospasm following operations on orifices (Hyper). Urinous odor of perspiration (Berb; Nitr ac). Agonizing pain in abdomen, causing patient to bend double, is most characteristic. Sensations; cutting, twisting, grinding, contracting and bruised; as if clamped with iron bands.

Mind.--Extremely irritable. Becomes angry when questioned. Mortification caused by offense. Anger, with indignation (Cham; Bry; Nux).

Head.--Vertigo when turning head to the left. Lateral cutting headache, with nausea, vomiting. Pains (better pressure and heat), with soreness of scalp. Burning pains, digging, rending, and tearing. Frontal headache; worse, stooping, lying on back, and moving eyelids.

Eyes.--Pains sharp, boring, better pressure. Sensation on stooping, as if eye would fall out. Gouty affections of eyes. Violent pain in eyeballs which precede the development of glaucoma.

Face.--Tearing, shooting, and swelling of face; left side great soreness. Get relief from pressure (China). Neuralgia, with chilliness; teeth seem too long. Sounds re-echo in ears. Pain in stomach, always with pain of teeth or head.

Stomach.--Very bitter taste. Tongue rough, as from sand, and feels scalded. Canine hunger. Feeling in stomach as if something would not yield; drawing pain.

Abdomen.--Agonizing cutting pain in abdomen causing patient to end over double, and pressing on the abdomen. Sensation as if stones were being ground together in the abdomen, and would burst. Intestines feel as if bruised. Colic with cramps in calves. Cutting in abdomen, especially after anger. Each paroxysm is attended with general agitation and a chill over the cheeks, ascending from the hypogastrium. Pain in small spot below navel. Dysenteric stool renewed each time by the least food or drink. Jelly-like stools. Musty odor. Distention.

Female.--Boring pain in ovary. Must draw up double, with great restlessness. Round, small cystic tumors in ovaries or broad ligaments. Wants abdomen supported by pressure. Bearing-down cramps, causing her to bend double (Opium).

Urine.--Intense burning along urethra during stool. Vesical catarrh, discharge like fresh white of egg. Viscid (Phos acid) fetid; small quantities, with frequent urging. Itching at orifice. Red, hard crystals, adhering firmly to vessel. Tenesmus of bladder. Pains on urinating over whole abdomen.

Extremities.--Contraction of muscles. All the limbs are drawn together. Pain in right deltoid (Guaco). Cramp-like pain in hip; lies on affected side; pain from hip to knee. Spontaneous luxation of the hip-joints. Stiffness of joints and shortening of tendons. Sciatic pain, left side, drawing, tearing; better, pressure and heat; worse, gentle touch. Contraction of the muscles. Pain down right thigh; muscles and tendons feel too short; numbness with pains (Gnaphal). Pain in left knee joint.

Modalities.--Worse, from anger and indignation. Better, doubling up, hard pressure, warmth, lying with head bent forward.

Relationship.--Antidote: Coffea; Staphis; Cham. Colocynth is the best antidote to lead poisoning (Royal).

Compare: Lobelia erinus (violent cork-screw-like pains in abdomen). Dipodium punctatum (Writhing. Twisting like a dying snake. Intractable insomnia). Dioscor; Chamom; Coccul; Merc; Plum; Magn phos.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.



Poison Hemlock


An old remedy, rendered classical by Plato's graphic description of its employment in the death of Socrates. The ascending paralysis it produces, ending in death by failure of respiration, shows the ultimate tendency of many symptoms produced in the provings, for which Conium is an excellent remedy, such as difficult gait, trembling, sudden loss of strength while walking, painful stiffness of legs. etc. Such a condition is often found in old age, a time of weakness, languor, local congestions, and sluggishness. This is the special environment that Conium choose to manifest its action. It corresponds to the debility, hypochondriasis, urinary troubles, weakened memory, sexual debility found here. Trouble at the change of life, old and bachelors. Growth of tumors invite it also. General feeling as if bruised by blows. Great debility in the morning in bed. Weakness of body and mind, trembling, and palpitation. Cancerous diathesis. Arterio-sclerosis. Caries of sternum. Enlarged glands. Acts on the glandular system, engorging and indurating it, altering its structure like scrofulous and cancerous conditions. Tonic after grippe. Insomnia of multiple neuritis.

Mind.--Excitement causes mental depression. Depressed, timid, averse to society, and afraid of being alone. No inclination for business or study; takes no interest in anything. Memory weak; unable to sustain 'any mental effort.

Head.--Vertigo, when lying down, and when turning over in bed, when turning head sidewise, or turning eyes; worse, shaking head, slight noise or conversation of others, especially towards the left. Headache, stupefying, with nausea and vomiting of mucus, with a feeling as of foreign body under the skull. Scorched feeling on top. Tightness as if both temples were compressed; worse after a meal. (Gels.; Atropine.) Bruised, semilateral pains. Dull occipital pain on rising in morning.

Eyes.--Photophobia and excessive lachrymation. Corneal pustules. Dim-sighted; worse, artificial light. On closing eyes, he sweats. Paralysis of ocular muscles. (Caust.) In superficial inflammations, as in phlyctenular conjunctivitis and keratitis. The slightest ulceration or abrasion will cause the intensest photophobia.

Ears.--Defective hearing; discharge from ear blood colored.

Nose.--Bleeds easily-becomes sore. Polypus.

Stomach.--Soreness about the root of tongue. Terrible nausea, acrid heartburn and acid eructations; worse on going to bed. Painful spasms of the stomach. Amelioration from eating and aggravation a few hours after meals; acidity and burning; painful spot the level of the sternum.

Abdomen.--Severe aching in and around the liver. Chronic jaundice, and pains in right hypochondrium. Sensitive, bruised, swollen, knife-like pains. Painful tightness.

Stool.--Frequent urging; hard, with tenesmus. Tremulous weakness after every stool. (Verat.; Ars.; Arg. n.) Heat and burning in rectum during stool.

Urine.--Much difficulty in voiding. It flows and stops again. (Ledum.) Interrupted discharge. (Clematis.) Dribbling in old men. (Copaiva.)

Male.--Desire increased; power decreased. Sexual nervousness, with feeble erection. Effects of suppressed sexual appetite. Testicles hard and enlarged.

Female.--Dysmenorrhśa, with drawing-down thighs. Mammć lax and shrunken, hard, painful to touch. Stitches in nipples. Wants to press breast hard with hand. Menses delayed and scanty; parts sensitive. Breasts enlarge and become painful before and during menses. (Calc. c.; Lac can.) Rash before menses. Itching around pudenda. Unready conception. Induration of os and cervix. Ovaritis; ovary enlarged, indurated; lancinating pain. Ill effects of repressed sexual desire or suppressed menses, or from excessive indulgence. Leucorrhśa after micturition.

Respiratory.--Dry cough, almost continuous, hacking; worse, evening and at night; caused by dry spot in larynx with itching in chest and throat, when lying down, talking or laughing, and during pregnancy. Expectoration only after long coughing. Want of breath on taking the least exercise; oppressed breathing, constriction of chest; pains in chest.

Back.--Dorsal pain between shoulders. Ill effects of bruises and shocks to spine. Coccyodynia. Dull aching in lumbar and sacral region.

Extremities.--Heavy, weary, paralyzed; trembling; bands unsteady; fingers and toes numb. Muscular weakness, especially of lower extremities. Perspiration of hands. Putting feet on chair relieves pain.

Skin.--Axillary glands pain, with numb feeling down arm. Induration after contusions. Yellow skin, with papular eruption; yellow finger-nails. Glands enlarged and indurated, also mesenteric. Flying stitches through the glands. Tumors, piercing pains; worse, at night. Chronic ulcers with fetid discharge. Sweat as soon as one sleeps, or even when closing eyes. Night and morning sweat, with offensive odor, and smarting in skin.

Modalities.--Worse, lying down, turning or rising in bed; celibacy; before and during menses, from taking cold, bodily or mental exertion. Better, while fasting, in the dark, from letting limbs hang down, motion and pressure.

Relationship.--Compare: Scirrhinum-Cancer nosode- (cancerous diathesis; enlarged glands; cancer of breast; worms); Baryt.; Hydrast.; Iod.; Kali phos.; Hyos.; Curare.

Dose.--Best in higher potencies given infrequently, especially for growths, paretic states, etc. Otherwise sixth to thirtieth.




Important eye and skin symptoms. Affections of antrum. Sacro-iliac and abdominal pain. Throbbing pains worse by heat. Pain in joints and ankles.

Eyes.--Ciliary neuralgia with eyes feeling large and protruded, especially right. Worse, near warm stove; feels as if pressed outward. Sees only glimmer of light with left eye. Glaucoma, sense of fullness; eyeball feels too large. Motion of eyes aggravates.

Face.--Swollen, with eyes projecting.

Skin.--Itches, red and pimples. Redness all over, like scarlatina. Erysipelas. Deep ulcers, with hard edges. Leprosy. Red stripes on skin (Euphorb). Eczema (papular) of the trunk and extremities; also pustular type.

Chest.--Acute pain in left mammary gland. Pain from right side of chest down arm to fingers. Cough with pain under left breast, going through to left scapula.

Modalities.--Better, open air, scratching; by motion. Worse, touch, warmth, rest; night.

Relationship.--Compare: Rhus; Anacard; Euphorb.

Dose.--First to thirtieth potency.



Lily of the Valley

A heart remedy. Increases energy of hearts' action, renders it more regular. Of use when the ventricles are overdistended and dilatation begins, and when there is an absence of compensatory hypertrophy, and when venous stasis is marked. Dyspnœa, dropsy, aneuric tendency. Anasarca.

Mind and Head.--Dull intellect. Grieves easily. Dull headache; worse, ascending, hawking. Scalp sensitive. Irritability. Hysterical manifestations.

Face.--Hydroa in nose and lips; raw and sore. Epistaxis. Sees imaginary gray spot about three inches square.

Mouth.--Grating of teeth in the morning. Coppery taste. Tongue feels sore and scalded; broad and thick with heavy, dirty coating.

Throat.--Raw feeling in back of throat when inspiring.

Abdomen.--Sensitive. Clothes feel too tight. Gurgling and pain on taking deep breath. Movement in abdomen like fist of a child. Colicky pains.

Urinary Organs.--Aching in bladder; feels distended. Frequent urination; offensive; scanty urine.

Female.--Great soreness in uterine region, with sympathetic palpitation of heart. Pain in sacro-iliac joints, running down leg. Itching at urinary meatus and vaginal orifice.

Respiratory.--Pulmonary congestion. Orthopnea. Dyspnœa while walking. Hot feeling in throat.

Heart.--Feeling as if heart beat throughout the chest. Endocarditis, with extreme orthopnea. Sensation as if heart ceased beating, then starting very suddenly. Palpitation from the least exertion. Tobacco heart, especially when due to cigarettes. Angina pectoris. Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.

Back and Extremities.--Pain and aching in lumbar region; aching of legs; in big toe. Trembling of hands. Aching in wrists and ankles.

Fever.--Chilly in back and down spine, followed by fever, little sweat. Thirst and headache during chill. Dyspnœa during fever.

Relationship.--Compare: Digit; Crataeg; Lilium; Adonis (feeble heart action due only to functional disturbance).

Modalities.--Better, in open air. Worse, in warm room.

Dose.--Third attenuation, and for symptoms of heart failure, tincture, one to fifteen drops.



Balsam of Copaiva


Acts powerfully on mucous membranes, especially that of the urinary tract, the respiratory organs, and the skin, here producing a well-marked nettle-rash. Cold and catarrhs.

Head.--Excessive sensitiveness; pain in occiput. Dull, frontal headache, passes to occiput and back again, with throbbing, worse right side and motion. Scalp sensitive. Sensitive to sharp sounds.

Nose.--Rawness and soreness of nostrils with stopped-up feeling; dryness of posterior nares. Profuse, thick, fetid discharge from nasal passages, running down throat at night. Burning and dryness, crusts on turbinated bones. Marked catarrhal condition in upper respiratory tract.

Stomach.--Food seems too salty. Gastric troubles during menstruation or following urticaria. Gas and intestinal flatulence, urging to stool and difficult passage with pain.

Urinary.--Burning pressure; painful micturition by drops. Retention, with pain in bladder, anus, and rectum. Catarrh of bladder; dysuria. Swelling of orifice. Constant desire to urinate. Urine smells of violets. Greenish, turbid color; peculiar pungent odor.

Rectum.--Mucous Colitis. Stools covered with mucus, with colic and chilliness. Burning and itching of anus, caused by piles.

Male.--Testicles sensitive and swollen.

Female.--Itching of vulva and anus, with bloody purulent discharge. Profuse, strong-smelling menstrual discharge, with pains radiating to hip bones, with nausea.

Respiratory.--Cough, with profuse, gray, purulent expectoration. Tickling in larynx, trachea, and bronchi. Bronchial catarrh, with profuse greenish, offensive discharge.

Skin.--Hives, with fever and constipation. Roseola. Erysipelatous inflammation, especially around abdomen. Circumscribed lenticular patches, with itching; mottled appearance. Chronic urticaria in children. Bullous eruptions.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Bell; Merc.

Compare: Santalum--(aching in kidneys); Cannab; Canth; Barosma; Cubeb; Apis; Vespa; Erig; Senecio; Sepia.

Dose.--First to third attenuation.



Red Coral


The provings of coral develop much coryza and epistaxis, and even ulceration within the nostrils. It is to be thought of for whooping and spasmodic coughs, especially when the attack comes on with a very rapid cough, and the attacks follow so closely as to almost run into each other. Often preceded by sensation of smothering, followed by exhaustion. Congestion of face after dinner. Patient becomes purple in face. Violence of paroxysm, even with expectoration of blood. Feeling as if cold air were streaming through skull and air-passages. One is too cold when uncovered and too hot when covered; relieved by artificial heat.

Head.--Feels very large; violent pain as if parietal bones were forced apart; worse stooping. Eyes hot and painful. Deep-seated frontal headache with severe pain back of eyeballs. Pain aggravated by breathing cold air through nose.

Nose.--Odors of smoke, onions, etc. Painful ulcer in nostrils. Post-nasal catarrh. Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares; air feels cold. Dry coryza; nose stopped up and ulcerated. Epistaxis.

Mouth.--Food tastes like sawdust. Bread tastes like straw. Beer tastes sweet. Pain in articulation of left lower jaw. Craves salt.

Respiratory.--Hawking of profuse mucus. Throat very sensitive, especially to air. Profuse, nasal catarrh. Inspired air feels cold (Cistus). Profuse secretion of mucus dropping through posterior nares. Dry, spasmodic, suffocative cough; very rapid cough, short, barking. Cough with great sensitiveness of air-passages; feel cold on deep inspiration. Continuous hysterical cough. Feels suffocated and greatly exhausted after whooping-cough.

Male.--Ulcers on glans and inner prepuce, with yellow ichor. Emissions and weakened sexual power. Profuse perspiration of genitals.

Skin.--Red, flat ulcers. Coral-colored, then dark red spots, changing to copper-colored spots. Psoriasis of palms and soles.

Modalities.--Worse in open air, changing from a warm too cold room.

Relationship.--Complementary: Sulph.

Compare: Bellad; Droser; Mephit; Caust.

Dose.--Third to thirtieth attenuation.



Crawley Root


Hectic fever, coming on 9 to 10 am, and lasting till midnight. Intensely nervous and restless, burning of palms and soles; no thirst, chill or perspiration. Can bear only slightest covering.



Round-leaved Dogwood

Chronic malaria, hepatitis, jaundice. Weakness in morning. Pain in pit of stomach, with distended abdomen. Vesicular eruption associated with chronic liver disease or aphthous stomatitis.

Mouth.--Ulceration of tongue, gums and mouth; aphthć. Burning in mouth, throat and stomach.

Stool.--Loose, windy, dark stool, immediately after dinner. Burning in anus. Dark, bilious, offensive diarrhśa, with sallow complexion.

Skin.--Vesicular eczema of face in infants, with nursing sore mouth.

Relationship.--Compare: Cornus alternifolia-Swamp Walnut--(Weak and tired; disturbed sleep, fever, restlessness, eczema; skin cracked; chest feels cold, as if full of ice); Cornus florida (chronic malaria; indigestion and distressing acid heartburn; general debility from loss of fluids and night sweats; neuralgic pains in arms, chest, and trunk, and sensation as if broken in two; intermittent fever, with drowsiness; feels cold, but is warm to touch; great exhaustion in intervals; general clammy sweat. Chill is preceded by drowsiness, heat is associated with drowsiness. Headache after quinine).

Dose.--Tincture to sixth attenuation.





Syphilitic affections. Ulcers of mouth and fauces. Cancer cachexia pronounced. Gummata and night-pains. Chronic diseases, with atony. Tongue clean, broad, and full. Tissues flabby, doughy, cold. Gastric catarrh (Hydrast).

Skin.--Dry, scaly scabs on face of old people. Lymphatic glands swollen.

Relationship.--Nit ac; Kali iod; Fluor ac.

Dose.--Tincture, twenty drops three times a day.





Marked action on heart; oppression of chest; fullness in throat. Epilepsy. Numb aching in muscular and fibrous tissue. Sciatica. Well-marked pains through the breast to scapula. Catarrh of larynx and trachea. Hysterical joint.

Mind.--Lost, confused feeling. Could not articulate for some time on awaking. Pressing vertex headache. Ailments from suppressed emotion. Feeling as if a part of the body were absent.

Breast.--Pain under left nipple, and aching in right breast. Pain through to scapula from region of left breast. Pain at angles of scapulć. Full, bursting feeling, as if from obstruction at heart. Choking fullness in throat. Breathing oppressed.

Extremities.--Aching in back and thighs. Aching in all joints. Skin sensitive, rubbing of trousers causes an acute sting. Legs and arms feel heavy and sore.

Relationship.--Compare: Ambra; Asafoet; Hepatica; Ignatia; Laches.

Dose.--Tincture to third potency.



Hawthorn Berries


Produces giddiness, lowered pulse, and air hunger and reduction in blood-pressure. Acts on muscle of heart, and is a heart tonic. No influence on the endocardium.

Myocarditis. Failing compensation. Irregularity of heart. Insomnia of aortic sufferers; anćmia; śdema; cutaneous chilliness. High arterial tension. Is a sedative in cross, irritable patients with cardiac symptoms.

Chronic heart disease, with extreme weakness. Very feeble and irregular heart action. General anasarca. Very nervous, with pain in back of head and neck. Collapse of typhoid. Hćmorrhage from bowels. Cold extremities, pallor; irregular pulse and breathing. Painful sensation of pressure in left side of chest below the clavicle. Dyspepsia and nervous prostration, with heart failure. In the beginning of heart mischief after rheumatism. Arteriosclerosis. Said to have a solvent power upon crustaceous and calcareous deposits in arteries.

Head.--Apprehensive, despondent. Very nervous and irritable, with pain in back of head and neck. Mental dullness conjunctival irritation nasal discharges.

Urinary.--Diabetes, especially in children.

Heart.--Cardiac dropsy. Fatty degeneration. Aortic disease. Extreme dyspnśa on least exertion, without much increase of pulse. Pain in region of heart and under left clavicle. Heart muscles seem flabby, worn out. Cough. Heart dilated; first sound weak. Pulse accelerated, irregular, feeble, intermittent. Valvular murmurs, angina pectoris. Cutaneous chilliness, blueness of fingers and toes; all aggravated by exertion or excitement. Sustains heart in infectious diseases.

Skin.--Excessive perspiration. Skin eruptions.

Sleep.--Insomnia of aortic patients.

Modalities.--Worse, in warm room. Better, fresh air, quiet and rest.

Relationship.--Strophantus; Digit; Iberis; Naja; Cactus.

Dose.--Fluid extract or tincture, one to fifteen drops. Must be used for some time in order to obtain good results.





Is a remedy often useful in hćmorrhages that are black and stringy. Tingling in various parts. Chorea and hysterical affections. Frequent and extreme changes in sensations and mental conditions. Anger with violence followed by repentance, Laughing mania. Drowsiness and lassitude; better by literary labor.

Mind.--Vacillating; pleasant mania; sings and laughs. Happy and affectionate; then angry. Sudden changes from hilarity to melancholy. Vivid recollection from music heard (Lyc).

Head.--Throbs, pulsates, during climacteric; worse during menses.

Eyes.--Appearance as of electric sparks. Must wipe eyes as if mucus or water were in them. Feeling in eyes as after violent weeping. Sensation as if she had been looking through too sharp spectacles. Eyes feel as if in smoke. Pupils enlarged and react slowly. Lids heavy. Ciliary neuralgia, pain from eyes to top of head. Sensation as if cold air was rushing through eye (Fluor ac; Syph). Asthenopia with extreme photophobia. Threatened glaucoma; embolism of arteria centralis retinal.

Nose.--Epistaxis. Dark, stringy, clotted. Strings of dark blood hanging down the nose.

Abdomen.--Obstinate constipation due to portal stagnation. Constipation in infants. Crawling and stitches in anus. Sensation of something alive in abdomen, stomach, etc., especially on left side (Calend). Abdomen swollen, feeling of something heavy.

Female.--Threatened abortion, especially when hćmorrhage is dark and stringy. Urging of blood to genitals. Menses dark, viscid, too frequent and copious, black and slimy. Uterine hćmorrhage; clots with long strings; worse from least movement. Jerking pain in interior of left breast, as if drawn toward back by means of thread (Crot tig). A bounding feeling, as if something alive in right breast.

Respiratory.--Wheezy cough, with frothy expectoration, containing threads like fine twine; worse, lying down. Breath has offensive, sickly smell. Feeling as if the uvula is elongated in hysterical patients.

Back.--Sudden feeling of coldness in back as if cold water were thrown over him; icy-cold extremities.

Extremities.--Spasmodic contractions and twitchings of single set of muscles. Chorea and hysteria, with great alterations of feeling. Whole upper extremity fall asleep. Cracking in hip-joint and knees. Weakness in knees and legs. Pain in ankles and soles.

Modalities.--Worse, lying down, hot weather, warm room, in morning, fasting, before breakfast, looking fixedly at an object. Better, in open air.

Relationship.--Antidote: Opium; Bell.

Compare: Ipec; Trillium; Plat; China; Sabina.

Dose.--Tincture, to thirtieth attenuation.




Snake poisons are supposed to be chemically Cyan hydrates of Soda and other salts. Alcohol is the natural solvent of these salts and is an antidote. Has a profound trophic action. Old age nutritional troubles.

Low septic states. General disorganization of the blood, hćmorrhages and jaundice. A crotalin injection decreases the rate of coagulation of the blood. In epilepsy the average rate is far greater than in normal conditions. Blood decomposition, hćmorrhages (dark fluid that forms no clots), tendency to carbuncles, malignant scarlatina, yellow fever, the plague, cholera, give opportunity to use this remedy. Hćmorrhagic diathesis. Acts as a sedative. Sleeps into his symptoms. More right-sided in its action.

Mind.--Weeping mood; clouded perception and memory; impatient. Loquacious, with desire to escape. Sadness. Delusions of cerebral decay.

Head.--Vertigo, with weakness and trembling. Dull heavy occipital pain, on right side and right eye. Headache with pain in heart on lying on left side. Headache; must walk on tip-toe to avoid jarring.

Eyes.--Very sensitive to light, especially lamp light. Yellow color of eyes. Illusions; blue colors. Ciliary neuralgia; tearing, boring pain, as if a cut had been made around eye. For absorption of intra-ocular hćmorrhages, into the vitreous, but particularly for non-inflammatory retinal hćmorrhages. Diplobia.

Ears.--Auditory vertigo. Blood oozes from ears. Feeling of stoppage in right ear.

Nose.--Epistaxis, blood black and stringy, ozćna, after exanthemata or syphilis.

Face.--Acne. Lips swollen and numb. Leaden-colored and yellow face. Lockjaw.

Mouth.--Tongue red and small, but feels swollen. Tongue fiery red, dry in center, smooth and polished. Moldy smell of breath. Fills up with saliva. Tongue when protruding, goes to right. Spasmodic grinding of teeth at night. Cancer of tongue with hćmorrhage.

Throat.--Dry, swollen, dark red. Spasm of śsophagus; cannot swallow any solid substance. Tight constriction. Gangrenous, with much swelling.

Stomach.--Intolerance of clothing around stomach. Unable to retain anything; violent vomiting of food; bilious vomiting, vomiting of blood. Constant nausea and vomiting every month, after menstruation. Cannot lie on right side, without vomiting dark-green matter. Black or coffee-grounds vomiting. Cancer of stomach with vomiting of bloody, slimy mucus. Trembling, fluttering feeling below the epigastrium. Intolerance of clothing about epigastrium. Faintness and sinking at stomach. Ulceration of the stomach. Atonic dyspepsia. Gastritis in chronic alcoholism. Hungry, craves stimulants, sugar; averse to meat.

Abdomen.--Distended, hot, and tender. Pain in region of liver.

Stool.--Black, thin, offensive, like coffee-grounds. Intestinal hćmorrhage; blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable. Blood oozes from rectum when standing or walking.

Female.--Prolonged menses. Dysmenorrhśa; pain extends down thighs, with aching in region of heart. Uterine hćmorrhage with faintness at stomach. Puerperal fever; offensive lochia. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Sensation as though uterus would drop out. Painful drawing in uterine ligaments. Cannot keep legs still.

Urinary.--Dark, bloody urine. Casts. Inflamed kidney. Albuminous, dark, scanty (Merc cor).

Heart.--Action feeble, pulse tremulous. Palpitation, especially at menstrual period. Trembling feeling of heart.

Respiratory.--Cough, with bloody expectoration. Tickling from a dry spot in larynx.

Extremities.--Hands tremble, swollen. Lower extremities go to sleep easily. Right-sided paralysis.

Fever.--Malignant fevers of a hćmorrhagic or putrescent character. Low bilious remittents. Yellow fever. Bloody sweat. Cerebro-spinal meningitis (Cicuta; Cup acet). Cold sweats.

Skin.--Swelling and discoloration, skin tense and shows every tint of color, with excruciating pain. Vesication. Sallow. Yellow color of the whole body. Great sensitiveness of skin of right half of body. Purpura hćmorrhagica. Hćmorrhage from every part of body. Bloody sweat. Chilblains, felons. Dissecting wounds. Pustular eruptions. Insect stings. Post-vaccination eruptions. Bad effects of vaccination. Lymphangitis and septicćmia. Boils, carbuncles, and eruptions are surrounded by purplish, mottled skin and śdema. Anthrax. Sore sensation relieved by pressure.

Sleep.--Dreams of the dead. Starting in sleep. Yawning. Smothering sensation when awaking.

Modalities.--Worse, right side; open air; evening and morning; in spring, coming on of warm weather; yearly; on awaking; damp and wet; jar.

Relationship.--Compare: Bothrops; Naja (more nervous phenomena); Lachesis (more markedly worse on left side); Elaps (preferable in otorrhśa and affections of right lung); Crotalus cascavella (thoughts and dreams of death. Paralysis of articulation, embarrassed stertorous breathing and semi-consciousness. A magnetic state is produced; cutting sensation all around eyeball). Bungarus-Krait--(poliomyelitis).

Antidote: Lach; Alcohol. Radiant heat; camphor.

Dose.--Third to sixth potency.



Croton-oil Seed

Is a valuable remedy in diarrhśa, summer complaint, and skin affections. These may alternate with each other. Feels tight all over. It is one of the antidotes to Rhus poisoning, as is evident from its wide and intense action upon skin and mucous surface, causing both irritation and inflammation, with formation of vesicles and mucous discharges. Has elective affinity for skin of face and external genitals. Burning in the śsophagus.

Head.--Pressing pain in forehead, especially orbits.

Eyes.--Granular lids; pustules of cornea. Red and raw appearance. Feel drawn backward. Eruptions around eyes. Tensive pain above right orbit.

Stool.--Copious watery stools, with much urging; always forcibly shot out, with gurgling in intestines; worse, drinking the least quantity, or even while eating. Constant urging to stool, followed by sudden evacuation. Swashing sensation in intestines.

Urine.--Night urine foaming; dark orange color; turbid on standing; greasy particles floating on top. Day urine is pale, with white sediment.

Chest.--Drawing-pain through the left chest into the back. Asthma, with cough; cannot expand the chest. Nursing women; every suck the child gives produces pain from nipple back. Inflamed breasts. Cough; as soon as he touches the pillow must get up. Sensitive to deep breathing.

Skin.--Feels hide-bound. Intense itching; but scratching is painful. Pustular eruption, especially on face and genitals, with fearful itching, followed by painful burning. Vesicles; confluent oozing. Vesicular erysipelas, itching exceedingly. Herpes zoster; stinging, smarting pains of the eruption.

Modalities.--Worse, least food or drink; during summer; touch, night and morning, washing.

Relationship.--Compare: Momordica charantia-Hairy Mordica--(has marked drastic properties, producing colic, nausea, vomiting, cholera-like symptoms, abdomen seems full of fluid discharged explosively, thin, watery, yellow. Great thirst). Rhus; Anagallis; Anacard; Sepia.

Antidote: Ant tart.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.





Mucous membranes generally, but especially that of the urinary tract, are chiefly affected by this remedy. Frequent urination of a nervous origin. Leucorrhśa in little girls.

Urine.--Urethritis, with much mucus, especially in women. Cutting after urination, with constriction. Hćmaturia. Prostatitis, with thick yellow discharge. Cystitis.

Respiratory.--Catarrh of nose and throat, with fetid odor and expectoration. Mucus trickles from posterior nares. Rawness of throat and hoarseness.

Relationship.--Compare: Cucurbita; Copaiva; Piper meth; Sandal.

Dose.--Second and third attenuation.



Seeds of Watermelon

Infusion for painful urination with sense of constriction and backache.



Pumpkin Seed

Intense nausea immediately after eating. Vomiting of pregnancy. Seasickness. One of the most efficient and least harmful of teniafuges.

Relationship.--Compare: Filix; Cuprum oxid nig.

Dose.--Tincture. The seeds are a valuable remedy for tapeworm. Scald the seeds and peel off the outer skins when softened, the green inner pulp being the part used. Dose: two ounces of seed, yielding one of pulp. May be mixed with cream and taken like porridge. Take-in morning after twelve hours' fasting, and follow in two hours by castor oil.



Condor Plant


Stimulates the digestive functions and thus improves the general health. Allays the pain in gastralgia accompanying cancer of stomach. Modifies secretions of digestive glands. Varicose ulcers. Lupus.

Painful cracks in corner of mouth is a guiding symptom of this drug. Chronic gastric catarrh, syphilis, and cancer. Tumors; stricture of śsophagus. The active principle (Condurangin) produces locomotor ataxia.

Stomach.--Painful affections of the stomach; ulceration. Vomiting of food and indurations, constant burning pain. Stricture of śsophagus, with burning pains behind sternum, where food seems to stick. Vomiting of food, and indurations in left hypochondrium with constant burning pain.

Skin.--Fissures form about the muco-cutaneous outlets. Epithelioma of lips or anus. Ulcerative stage of carcinoma cutis when fissures form.

Relationship.--Compare: Asterias; Conium; Hydrast; Arsenic.

Dose.--Tincture, or bark, 5-grain doses before meals in water. Also the thirtieth potency, in tumors.





Vomiting of undigested food. Cholera infantum, much acidity; frequent green, watery, acid stools. Tenesmus and great pain. High fever; restlessness, and sleeplessness. Obstinate constipation.

Relationship.--Compare: Aethusa; Coto-Para-coto Bark--(intestinal catarrh, chronic, copious, exhausting diarrhœa and dysentery; colliquitine sweats of phthisis and chronic diarrhœa).

Typha latifolia-Cat-tail flag (diarrhœa, dysentery, summer complaint of children. Tincture and first attenuation).





Spasmodic affections, cramps, convulsions, beginning in fingers and toes, violent, contractive, and intermittent pain, are some of the more marked expressions of the action of Cuprum; and its curative range therefore includes tonic and clonic spasms, convulsions, and epileptic attacks. Chorea brought on by fright. Nausea greater than in any other remedy. In epilepsy, aura begins at knees, ascends to hypogastrium; then unconsciousness, foaming, and falling. Symptoms disposed to appear periodically and in groups. Complaints begin in left side (Laches). Tape worm (colloidal Cuprum 3x).

Where eruptions trike in, as in scarlet fever, complaints may result, such as excessive vomiting, stupor, convulsions, which come within the sphere of this remedy. The pains are increased by movement and touch.

Head.--Fixed ideas, malicious and morose. Uses words not intended. Fearful. Empty feeling. Purple, red swelling of head, with convulsions. Bruised pain in brain and eyes on turning them. Meningitis. Sensation as if water were poured over head. Giddiness accompanies many ailments, head falls forward on chest.

Eyes.--Aching over eyes. Fixed, stary, sunken, glistening, turned upward. Crossed. Quick rolling of eyeballs, with closed eyes.

Face.--Distorted, pale bluish, with blue lips. Contraction of jaws, with foam at mouth.

Nose.--Sensation of violent congestion of blood to nose (Melilot).

Mouth.--Strong metallic, slimy taste, with flow of saliva. Constant protrusion and retraction of the tongue, like a snake (Lach). Paralysis of tongue. Stammering speech.

Stomach.--Hiccough preceding the spasms. Nausea. Vomiting, relieved by drinking cold water; with colic, diarrhœa, spasms. Strong metallic taste (Rhus). When drinking, the fluid descends with gurgling sound (Laur). Craves cool drink.

Abdomen.--Tense, hot and tender to touch; contracted. Neuralgia of abdominal viscera. Colic, violent and intermittent. Intussusception.

Stool.--Black, painful, bloody, with tenesmus and weakness. Cholera; with cramps in abdomen and calves.

Female.--Menses too late, protracted. Cramps, extending into chest, before, during, or after suppression of menses. Also, from suppressed foot sweats (Sil). Ebullition of blood; palpitation. Chlorosis. After-pains.

Heart.--Angina pectoris. Slow pulse; or hard, full and quick. Palpitation, præcordial anxiety and pain. Fatty degeneration (Phytol).

Respiratory.--Cough as a gurgling sound, better by drinking cold water. Suffocative attacks, worse 3 am (Am c). Spasm and constriction of chest; spasmodic asthma, alternating with spasmodic vomiting. Whooping-cough, better, swallow water, with vomiting and spasms and purple face. Spasm of the glottis. Dyspnœa with epigastric uneasiness. Spasmodic dyspnœa before menstruation. Angina with asthmatic symptoms and cramps (Clarke).

Extremities.--Jerking, twitching of muscles. Coldness of hands. Cramps in palms. Great weariness of limbs. Cramps in calves and soles. Epilepsy; auro begins in knees. Clenched thumbs. Clonic spasms, beginning in fingers and toes.

Skin.--Bluish, marbled. Ulcers, itching spots, and pimples at the folds of joints. Chronic psoriasis and lepra (Hughes).

Sleep.--Profound, with shocks in body. During sleep constant rumbling in abdomen.

Modalities.--Worse, before menses; from vomiting, contact. Better, during perspiration, drinking cold water.

Relationship.--Antidotes: Bell; Hepar; Camph. Copper is found in Dulcam, Staphisag, Conium and some other plants. Also in King-crab (Limulus).

Complementary: Calc.

Compare: Cupr sulph (burning at vertex; incessant, spasmodic cough; worse at night; tongue and lips bluish; locally, Cupr sulph in 1-3 per cent sol in inoperable sarcoma). Cupr cyan (meningitis basilaris); Cholas terrapina (cramps in calves and feet; rheumatism, with cramp-like pains); Plumb; Nux; Veratr. Cuprum oxydatum nigrum 1x (all kinds of worms, including tapeworms and trichinosis according to Zopfy's 60 years' experience).

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.



Acetate of Copper

Hay-fever, with burning excoriation, paroxysmal cough; tough, tenacious mucus, and fear of suffocation. Protracted labor. Chronic psoriasis and lepra.

Head.--Violent throbbing and lancinating pains in forehead. Left-sided brow ague. Brain seems void. Inclined to gape and cry. Loses consciousness; head reels when in high-ceiled room. Constant protrusion and retraction of tongue (Laches). Neuralgia with heaviness of head, burning, stinging and stitching in temples and forehead.

Face.--Collapsed, hippocratic. Facial neuralgia in cheek-bone, upper jaw, and behind right ear. Better by chewing, pressure, and external warmth.

Stomach.--Violent spasmodic pains in stomach and abdomen. Vomiting. Slimy brown diarrhśa. Violent tenesmus. Cholera.

Respiratory.--Attacks of angina pectoris coming on when excited. Violent spasmodic cough. Short, difficult respiration. Spasmodic constriction of chest. Dyspnśa.

Skin.--Leprous-like eruption, without itching, over whole body, in spots of various sizes.

Modalities.--Worse, mental emotions, touch. Better, chewing, pressure, night, lying on affected side, and warmth.

Relationship.--Acts similarly to Cuprum met but is more violent in action.

Dose.--Third to sixth trituration.



Arsenite of Copper-Scheele's Green

A remedy for symptoms depending on deficient kidney action, various intestinal affections, cholera morbus and infantum; entero-colitis, diarrhśa, and dysentery. Gastro-intestinal disturbances of influenza and typhoid. Urćmic convulsions, headache, vertigo and unconscious conditions resulting from brain śdema. Nephritis of pregnancy. Convulsions preceded by gastro-intestinal symptoms. Chlorosis. Bronchial asthma and with emphysema. Purulent endocarditis (Royal). Painful neuroses, enteroptosis. Delirium and tremor cordis.

Mouth.--Tongue thickly coated, dirty brown, white, metallic taste; thirst. Dry mouth.

Heart.--Cardiac rhythm and force altered due to defective elimination.

Abdomen.--Gastro-enteritis. Violent abdominal pain. Diarrhśa in phthisis. Cholera (Ars; Verat; Camph). Rumbling and sharp cutting pain. Dark liquid stools.

Back.--Persistent lameness. Pain in lumbar region and in lower left shoulder-blade; chest feels tight.

Urinary.--Renal inefficiency and urćmia. Garlicky odor. Diabetes. Urine of high specific gravity; increased, acetones and diacetic acid.

Male.--Perspiration of scrotum; is constantly damp and moist. Boils on scrotum. Purulent discharge of a white color from urethra; tingling and burning in urethra; pain in prostate; pains in penis.

Extremities.--Cramps in calves of legs, worse after midnight, only relieved by getting out of bed and standing. Ulcers; gangrene.

Skin.--Icy cold. Sweat, and skin even when dry. Cold, clammy perspiration of an intermittent nature. Acne, pustules on face and in the cruro-genital region; ulcers look like chancre. Gangrene; carbuncles.

Dose.--Third trituration.





Muscular paralysis without impairing sensation and consciousness. Paralysis of respiratory muscles. Reflex action diminished. Debility of the aged (Baryta) and from loss of fluids. Catalepsy. Nervous debility. Trismus. Glycosuria with motor paralysis. Curare decreases the output of adrenaline. Vomiting of bile in cirrhosis of liver. Diabetes mellitus, 4th dilution (Dr. Barkhard).

Mind.--Indecision; no longer wishes to think, or act for herself.

Head.--Lancinating pains all over head. Head drawn backward. Falling out of hair. Brain feels full of fluid.

Eyes.--Sharp, stitching pains over right eye. Black spots before vision. Ptosis of right side.

Ears.--Noises; unbearable earache. Lancinating pains start from ears; extending down to legs. Swelling of lobes of ear.

Nose.--Ozćna. Tubercles on nose; fetid lumps of pus.

Face.--Facial and buccal paralysis. Tongue and mouth drawn. Red face. Tongue and mouth drawn to right.

Female.--Dysmenorrhśa. Menses too early, during menses, colic, headache, kidney pain. Leucorrhśa, thick, purulent, offensive.

Respiratory.--Threatened paralysis of respiration on falling asleep. Short breath. Short dry cough; provokes vomiting, followed by fainting. Chest sore to pressure. Very distressing dyspnśa.

Extremities.--Tired pain up and down spine. Arms weak, heavy. Cannot lift the fingers. Weakness of hands and fingers in pianists. Legs tremble; give way in walking. Debility; paralysis. Catalepsy. Favors development of corns. Reflexes lessened or abolished.

Skin.--Leprosy. Dirty-looking skin. Boils. Tubercles on nose. Liver spots. Blood oozes through. Itching.

Modalities.--Worse, dampness, cold weather, cold wind; 2 am; right side.

Relationship.--Compare: Cystisin (motor paralysis); Conium; Causticum; Crotalus; Nux. Curare antidotes Strychnin.

Dose.--Sixth to thirtieth potency.





Large doses produce violent purging and vomiting; disturbed digestion with very salty saliva. Anæmic and chlorotic conditions. Affections of uterus. Gastro-intestinal and genito-urinary tracts affected, inducing secondary anæmia and various reflexes. Sleepiness, moroseness, and lassitude. Cough at night while asleep without waking, especially in children (Cham; Nitr ac).

Head.--Terrors of conscience. Grieves over duty neglected. Depression, with weeping desire to be alone. Aching in morning, with flickering before eyes; sneezing with itching in ear. Vertigo; things turn in a circle; better in the room; worse, open air. One-sided headache. Frequent sneezing with itching in ears.

Eyes.--Dim vision, worse on waking, with spots before eyes. Flickering of various colors. Convergent strabismus. Sees countless stars. Diplopia. Disturbance of vision, associated with gastric disturbances.

Stomach.--Salty taste; hiccough-like eructation worse, fat food. Diarrhœa after every cup of coffee; hiccough. Satiety after a few mouthfuls. Disgust for meat, especially pork. Desire for lemonade. No thirst all day.

Rectum.--Pain about anus and perineum, as if a spot were suppurating, when walking or sitting.

Female.--Menses profuse, black, membranous, clotted, too early, with labor-like pains from back to pubes. Flow less when moving about. Menstrual irregularities with megrim and blindness, or fiery spots before eyes. Hiccough during pregnancy. Post-partum hæmorrhage, with colicky bearing-down pains, with relief after gush of blood. After menses, swelling of breasts, with milky secretion.

Extremities.--Pains in parts where bones lie near surface. Burning, sore pain in heels. Cramp-like contraction of right thumb and index finger. Pains in periosteum. Chilblains.

Skin.--Acne in young women, pruritus better scratching and appearance of menses.

Modalities.--Worse, open air, evenings, sitting, standing, and cold water. Better, during menstrual flow, by moving about, rubbing parts; in warm room, lemonade.

Relationship.--Compare: Ambra; Pulsat; Cinchona; Fer cit et Chin.

Dose.--Third attenuation.



Yellow Lady's Slipper


The skin symptoms correspond to those of poisoning by Rhus, for which it has been found an efficient antidote. Nervousness in children; from teething and intestinal troubles. Debility after gout. Hydrocephaloid symptoms, result of long, exhausting diarrhśa. Sleeplessness. Cerebral hyperasthesia in young children often the result of overstimulation of brain.

Head.--Child cries out at night; is wakeful and begins to laugh and play. Headaches of elderly people and during climacteric.

Relationship.--Compare: Ambra; Kali brom; Scutellar; Valerian; Ignat. Skin relatives: Grindelia; Anacard.

Dose.--Tincture, to sixth attenuation. For Poison Oak, 5 drops of tincture per dose, also locally.





All parts of this shrub are poisonous, producing inflammation of stomach and intestines, with vomiting, diarrhœa, headache, paleness of face and cold skin. Widespread anæsthesia, and convulsions are some of the chief effects of this drug. Cerebrospinal meningitis. Great prostration, sense of constriction in throat, stiffness of nape, tearing from nape into occiput, lusterless eyes.

Head.--Stupefaction; indifference (Phos ac). Unequally dilated pupils; giddiness; twitching of facial muscles (Agaric). Hydrocephalus. Constant vertigo, intense sleepiness.

Stomach.--Excessive thirst. Constant nausea, vomiting; burning pain in epigastrium.

Tenesmus and erections. Grass-green urine.

Extremities.--Numbness and pain in hands. Difficulty in moving them.

Compare: Nux; Gels. Cystine (produces motor paralysis resembling that of curare and death through respiratory paralysis).

Dose.--Third potency.