
 Meet our 2023 Officers

President: Christiana Smith

Christiana Smith is an undergraduate student pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She hopes to enroll in the CU Denver Pathways Program in Criminal Justice where she will begin earning her M.A. alongside completing her B.A. Currently, she works in the Laboratory of Integrative Vision as a Research Fellow and in the CLAS Student Success Office. In her free time, Christiana enjoys writing poetry, watching tv/films, playing with her pets, and sewing. As Psi Chi President, she hopes to share her love of psychology, research, and mental health with the greater CU Denver community.  

Vice President: Camryn Clemons

Camryn Clemons is a senior undergraduate student pursuing a B.A. in psychology. Once acquiring her Bachelor's degree she plans to attend graduate school for Clinical Mental Health and Counseling. Her favorite facets of psychology include psychopharmacology, positive psychology, and social psychology. In her free time, she loves to practice yoga, read, create art, attend concerts, spend time with her cat, explore nature, and cook. With being Vice President of the Psi Chi organization, she is eager to engage and further her pursuits in psychology by connecting with others in the department and her outside community. 

Treasurer: Alicia Siahaan

Alicia Siahaan is an undergraduate student pursuing her BA in Psychology and a triple minor in Human Development & Family Relations, Studio Art, as well as Painting & Drawing. She aspires to pursue a career working with children. In her free time, she likes to paint, read, crotchet, and spend time with her loved ones. Through Psi Chi, along with the goal of being more involved in the psychology community, Alicia also hopes to break out of her shell.

Secretary: Kelly Karagais

Kelly is a senior undergraduate student pursuing the Gardner Psychology Research Scholar Bachelor of Arts. After completing her B.A., she plans on attending graduate school for Clinical Psychology and hopes to pursue a career in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. Currently, Kelly is a Research Assistant in Dr. Carly Leonard’s Laboratory for Integrative Vision. In her free time, she loves to go see live music with her friends, spend time with her dog, and watch horror movies. As an officer in Psi Chi, Kelly hopes to bring her passion for mental health, neuroscience, and psychology to the greater CU Denver community.

Marketing Manager: Gloria Maboussou

Gloria Maboussou is an undergraduate student who is currently seeking her Bachelor's of Art in Psychology and Ethnic Studies. She plans to go to graduate school in hope of becoming an elementary school psychologist. In her free time, Gloria enjoys going to concerts, crocheting, hiking, and being with friends and family. In Psi Chi, her goal is to become more involved within the psychology community as a whole and in return hopes to become more connected with her school and community.  

Our Faculty Co-Advisors

Dr. Carly Leonard

Assistant Professor

Dr. Leonard has been a faculty co-advisor for Psi Chi at CU Denver since 2017, and has enjoyed working with the Officers and watching the Chapter's many successes over the years. She has been a Psi Chi member since her days as an undergraduate in New Jersey, which was a long time ago. Dr. Leonard graduated Rutgers with a double major in Psychology and Economics, went on to Johns Hopkins for her PhD, and then conducted research as a postdoctoral fellow at University of California, Davis.  Currently, she is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at CU Denver and the director of the Laboratory for Integrative Vision. Her lab uses behavioral methods, eye-tracking, and EEG to investigate topics relating to visual perception, attention, and working memory. 


Faculty Page

Laboratory for Integrative Vision website

Dr. David Albeck

Associate Professor

Expertise: Brain and Behavior Interactions, Aging, Altruism


Faculty page 

 Our 2022 - 2023 Officers

President: Christiana Smith

Christiana Smith is an undergraduate student pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Criminal Justice. She hopes to enroll in the CU Denver Pathways Program in Criminal Justice where she will begin earning her M.A. alongside completing her B.A. Currently, she works in the Laboratory of Integrative Vision as a Research Fellow and in the CLAS Student Success Office. In her free time, Christiana enjoys writing poetry, watching tv/films, playing with her pets, and sewing. As Psi Chi President, she hopes to share her love of psychology, research, and mental health with the greater CU Denver community.  

Vice President: Camryn Clemons

Camryn Clemons is a senior undergraduate student pursuing a B.A. in Psychology. Once acquiring her Bachelor's degree she plans to attend graduate school for Clinical Psychology. In her free time, she loves to engage in yoga, reading, craft projects, going to concerts, spending time with her cat, exploring nature, and dancing. With being Vice President of the Psi Chi organization, she is eager to engage and further her pursuits in Psychology by connecting with others within the department and her outside community.

Treasurer: Kasey O'Rourke

Kasey O’Rourke is an undergraduate student pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She plans to pursue a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and then to have a career as a Clinical Mental Health Therapist. She hopes to work with survivors of intimate partner violence and people in addiction recovery, two things she is passionate about. Kasey enjoys photography, going out on weekends, spending time with her family, and loves her dog, Tiny, more than anything in the world. She is now the Treasurer for Psi Chi and hopes to leave a positive impact on the organization.   

Secretary: Alicia Siahaan

Alicia Siahaan is an undergraduate student pursuing her BA in Psychology and a triple minor in Human Development & Family Relations, Studio Art, as well as Painting & Drawing. She aspires to pursue a career working with children. In her free time, she likes to paint, read, crotchet, and spend time with her loved ones. Through Psi Chi, along with the goal of being more involved in the psychology community, Alicia also hopes to break out of her shell.

 Our 2022 Officers

President: Timothy White

Timothy White is an undergraduate pursuing his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. He spends his time either working in CU Denver's Neuroscience lab as an undergraduate research assistant or spending time reading, rock climbing, cycling, longboarding, watching anime, and playing video games. As a leukemia survivor he hopes to move onto graduate school to achieve his dream of being a Child Life Specialist in a Children's Hospital supporting kids in a difficult situation just like he was once supported in his experiences with cancer. 

Vice President: Gabrielle Dewolf

Gabrielle DeWolf is a senior undergraduate student pursuing her BA in Psychology and a minor in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience. After graduating, Gabrielle hopes to enter into a Master’s or PhD program for Clinical Psychology. She is currently a Senator in CU Denver’s Student Government, Editor of the Arts and Leisure Section of The Sentry (the student run school newspaper), a volunteer Hotline Advocate for the Phoenix Center at Auraria, and is joining Psi Chi as Vice President. 

Treasurer: Christian Olivencia

Christian Olivencia is an undergraduate pursuing his B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Biology. His goal is to get into grad school to pursue an advanced degree. He is a dedicated plant and cat dad as well as an avid festival goer. He hopes to spend his time with Psi Chi creating a larger feeling of community and connectedness, as well as to volunteer to help those in need within our community. 

Secretary: Alicia Siahaan

Alicia Siahaan is an undergraduate student pursuing her BA in Psychology and a double minor in Human Development & Family Relations, as well as Painting & Drawing. She aspires to pursue a career working with children. In her free time, she likes to paint, read, crotchet, and spend time with her loved ones. Through Psi Chi, along with the goal of being more involved in the psychology community, Alicia also hopes to break out of her shell.

 Our 2021-22 Officers

President: Rebecca Han

Rebecca is a senior psychology and biology double major, minoring in leadership studies. She is working towards going to medical school and becoming a pediatrician. She is a certified EMT and hopes to volunteer with vulnerable populations in Denver. Outside of academics, she enjoys arts and crafts, reading, and hiking around Colorado. PsiChi has been a great way to connect with other psychology students and professors and has provided an amazing community especially during the pandemic.

Vice President: Justin Kesler

I'm Justin, and I'm a 5th year Pre-Medicine/Biology senior with minors in Cognitive Behavioral Neuroscience and Chemistry. I have a deep interest in the physiological underpinnings of behavior and work as an undergraduate research assistant in a neuroscience laboratory on the downtown campus. I will be applying to medical school in the summer of 2022 and have plans to pursue a career in surgery. I am also deeply passionate about improving mental and physical healthcare for the LGBTQIA+ community. My hobbies include drawing, photography, reading, and volunteering at the hospital.

Treasurer: Celeste Hiatt 

Hello. My name is Celeste Hiatt, and I am serving as treasurer for Psi Chi for the 21-22 school year. I have been a Psi Chi member for over a year, and it has been a lot of fun. Currently, I am a senior majoring in psychology with a minor in Spanish. Some of my hobbies include hiking, reading, camping, and enjoying time with my family. 

Secretary: Olivia Langwell

Olivia is a senior working towards a BA in Psychology with a minor in Criminal Justice. She is planning on applying to Clinical Counseling masters programs across Colorado and hopes to be licensed to work with both individuals and couples/families in a private practice setting. She is particularly interested in the criminal justice community; such as working with victims, criminals, or the families of both groups. With a wide array of other interests, she hopes to figure out her specific path in graduate school. 

In her free time Olivia loves to spend time with her friends, crochet, read, and bake. She thinks Psi Chi is a great opportunity to get involved in the Psychology community and expand your knowledge of the diverse field through fun events, professor interactions, and friendship.

 Our 2020-21 Officers

President: Emerald Saldyt

Emerald is in her senior year of my psychology BS major with my minor in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience. She is currently applying to Clinical Psychology Ph.D. programs and hopes to go into a career where she can research and provide integrative care/medicine for mental health to underserved groups. She is particularly fascinated by the interactions of emotion and cognition and the therapeutic benefits of things like exercise, nutrition, meditation, nature, music, and many other things!

In her free time, she loves to watch good movies, sing along to her favorite music, and get away to the mountains as much as possible to discover new hiking, biking, and 4x4 trails!

Emerald thinks that Psi Chi has been a wonderful opportunity for her to bond with other psychology students, strengthen her leadership and professional skills, and build connections with psychology professors! Emerald welcomes you to reach out if you have any questions about Psi Chi, being a psychology major, doing research on campus, or anything else! 

Vice President: Kailyn Deavens

Kailyn is a senior and her major is Psychology and minor is Behavioral Neuroscience. She is a McNair scholar and an intern at the Neuroscience institute at Colorado Children’s Hospital. Kailyn is excited about being involved in her major and community, as well as meeting people within Psi Chi!

Fun fact: Kailyn is from St. Louis and is left handed! It’s funny because when people see her write with my left hand they always say, “wow you’re left handed?!”.

Treasurer: Celeste Hiatt

Celeste is a third year student working towards a BA in Psychology with a minor in Spanish. She has been fascinated with the field of psychology since she was a teenager and knew that she wanted to pursue a career that would help people. Her goal is to work as a counselor and help adolescents because she recognizes that in her life she would have benefited from guidance as an adolescent.

Celeste is typically a shy person and joined Psi Chi with the goals of meeting other like-minded people that are passionate about psychology and also to come out of her shell. 

Celeste and her husband enjoy living in Colorado because they really love long walks with their dog and camping. Celeste can't wait until the safety restrictions are lifted and it is safe to go out and live again!

Secretary:  Natalie Brehm

Natalie is a BA psych major in her senior year. She hopes to get a PhD in clinical psychology in the future and run a private practice. In her free time she enjoys doing martial arts, reading, hanging out with friends, and spending time with her animals. She enjoys getting involved in Psi Chi and meeting people who share her passion for psychology!