About Psi Chi

What is Psi Chi?

We aim to provide psychology students with the resources, knowledge, and network necessary to reach their goals!

Want to expand your network?

We host events where students can connect with their peers and professors to expand their chance at obtaining opportunities!

Are you a psychology student beginning your career and still finding your interests? 

We got you! Come to our events to find out about specific fields in psychology and hear directly from professionals working in the field!

Applying for graduate school? 

We prioritize helping our students be prepared for graduate school with insider tips from experts!

Interested in current psychological or neuroscience research?

We host events where you can hear directly from leading researchers about their work and ask them questions about their methods, results, career, or anything you want!

The Benefits of Joining Psi Chi

Psi Chi membership comes with a plethora of benefits, including access to over $400,000 in annual awards and grants, opportunities to explore careers and pathways in psychology, information on gradate schools and research labs, mentorships, and more! A full list of benefits can be found on the official Psi Chi website.

Check out this link to see the potential scholarships and awards you qualify for through Psi Chi!

Psi Chi is an excellent opportunity to expand your professional and academic networks as well as learn about the specific psychology sub-fields that interest you most!

How to Join Psi Chi

Qualified students are welcomed to apply for a lifetime membership to Psi Chi.

Psi Chi Membership requirements:

Additional information can be found on the UC Denver Psi Chi page.

Apply on the National Website: Find the Application here