100 Years

Stories, sermons, music, and memories from the past 100 years
The life and times of Community United Church of Christ, Raleigh NC

Pastor Gay Noyce and Family - about 1952

Keith Petersen reads to children

Doug Barrick, Linda Baker, Ruth Pardue

Clayton Whitaker - Long time CUCC sexton

Appalachian Service Project 1996

ASP (1996) - Jim Smith et. al.

Jessie Brown, Megan Beidler, Peter Bowen, Pam Troutman, Jim Smith, Kim and Jeff Cheney-Bay (ASP 1996)

Jim Smith and Peter Bowen

Aurora and Ted Gregory

Sarah Hoffman and Mac Hulslander

Peg and Mac Hulslander

Jane Smith, Margot Von-Harten, Geri Bowen, Lina Milandu

Rev. Jo Watson and Carolyn King

Margaret Osborne, Paul Kiel, Pat Spearman, Gary Smith, Marge Eckels

Peg Hulslander, Carol Ripley-Moffitt, Linda Waterman, Peggy Korte, Jo Perry (in Peg's home)

Sally Cook and Jo Perry

Loren McGrail and Luis Alvarenga

Vandy Bradow, Marge Eckels, Peg Hulslander

Fidel Binganisi-Matouzola's sons

Rev. Dave Barber and Rev. Cally Rogers-Witte

Anne Pope - Office Manager during late 1980s and 1990s.

Mayor Isabella Cannon - CUCC Member

Nancy Keppel and Nancy Keppler

Frank Rogers-Witte and Geraldine Bryan

Front: Scottie and Norm Bell, Macon Rowland - Back: Judy Smallwood, Peggy Hoffmann, Shannon Core

Paul Marsh and Bill Lamb

Bernie and Ken Brown with Jessie and Zack

Geraldine Bryan, Bill Bryan, Cally Rogers-Witte

Steve and Diana Koenning

Susie Sapp

Dave Barber, Lynn Barber, Lavon Page, Jo Perry, John Little, Adrienne Talbot, Joan Little, Art Eckels

Edith Sylla, Geraldine Bryan, Jeanne Ledbetter

Bill Lamb and Carolyn King

Isabella Cannon, Scottie and Norman Bell, Skip Stoddad (Paul Marsch, Al Griffin, and Magaret Marsh behind)

Anne Moorman-Smith and Mark Denlinger

Marty Lamb

Joan McAllister

Bob and Geraldine Bryan

Norman Bell and Chuck Smallwood in the Vaughan Wing when it was serving as an adult day-care facility (early 1980s)

?, Chuck Smallwood, Judy Smallwood, Betty Watson, Glenn Core, Lloyd Zumwalt, Helen Brown, Shannon Core, Murial Ford, ?
Helen Brown taught English to Native Americans in Mexico in 1927, and Murial Ford is Betty Anne Ford's mother

Jackson Kiel

Linda Baker with Cailen and Garrett

Mary Matthews working with Amanda Bowen and Andrea Osborne

Abby Smith and Anna Roach-Howells

Mary Ann Rogers-Witte, Megan Beidler, and Jessie Brown

Al Griffin between Paul and Margaret March
Al Griffin continued to support CUCC financially for more than two decades after he left NC

Pam Troutman, Dorothy Minor, Norman Bell, Jim Smith, Roger Manus, ?, Julie Kemper, ?

Arnold Hoffmann charges Cally's VW battery in church parking lot

Marge Eckels with Arnold and Peggy Hoffmann

Judy Smallwood, Vandy Bradow, Cally RW, Marge Eckels, Standing: Mary Pruneau, Carol Kepler, Geraldine Bryan (location unknown)