Upcoming events:
Monday, September 16th - Join Scouting night from 5:30pm-7:00pm at Lake Pointe Clubhouse
Sunday, September 29th - First Pack meeting from 2:30pm-4:00pm at Westlake Hills Presbyterian Church
Saturday, October 19th - Cub Galactic Event in the Pines at Camp Tom Wooten.
Friday November 8th-Sunday November 10th- Fall Campout at Lake Somerville State Park Birch Creek
Saturday, December 7th - Rocket Day at Lake Hills Church
FYI: Join Scouting Event "By Appointment"
- If you have questions, we have answers. These "by appointment" phone calls allow a leader to discuss the details of scouting and joining Pack 72.
- View this short Pack 72 slide show to get started and help spark some questions.
Please Email: boyscout.pack72@gmail.com with your contact information to schedule a time to chat.
We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Welcome to Pack 72
The Lake Pointe Elementary School area is the home for Pack 72.
We want to share the fun and adventures of cub scouting with all Lake Pointe Elementary School area youth. So we would like to invite you to join our Pack and start your child’s scouting experience. For more information about our program, simply explore the website then contact one of our leaders below to see how to join.
Click the links below for more cub scout information
We need your help to make Pack 72 great!
The Cub Scout program success, like any volunteer organization, thrives on parent involvement. You can help in many ways, most of which are fun and enriching. We are always looking for anyone that can help, lead, assist, organize or serve. We will provide you all the training and support you need to feel comfortable in any role you wish to participate in. You may wish to volunteer as teams, or start as an assistant, or take a leadership role. We would love to take advantage of any interests or skill you have such as camping, computers, woodworking, crafts, photography, record keeping, artistry, management, public speaking, teaching, etc.
To sign up with Pack 72, please follow this link or QR code: