
Check out some of our recent achievements below!

Did you know?

In 2022, the CUA Mock Trial Team made history!

 For the first time ever, Catholic University Team B earned a bid to the Opening Round Championship Series (ORCS) of the American Mock Trial Association.  This allowed us to be nationally ranked!

This would not have been possible without the students' collaboration and deep commitment to this wonderful team!

2023-2024 Regionals

Catholic Team A won the Spirit of AMTA award!

"Since 2000, the American Mock Trial Association (AMTA) has recognized the team that best exemplifies its ideals—civility, justice, and fair play." -AMTA 

2023-2024 Regionals

Sophomore Carmela Valdez for the prosecution got an outstanding attorney award!

2022-2023 Regionals

 Team captain Elizabeth Arbie for the defense got an outstanding attorney award and expert witness Chloe Masaitis got an outstanding witness award!