Virtual fields trips and learning technology

What is a virtual field trip? Field trips play an important role in learning as it provides learners a hands-on experience with the environment. Research has shown that virtual field trips allow learners to explore and see places, things, and people that isn't constrained by logistics or geographic location and allows for all learners to participate (Pierantozzi. 2008).

Virtual field trips and virtual reality tools are used on the intention on giving learners an opportunity to explore their world and beyond that feels more real than a 2-D image. This learning environment can provide an experiential learning element in your classrooms by helping learners better understand wildlife, variety of subjects, culture, and history immersively.

The purpose of this website is to showcase a collection of resources for virtual field trips in the classroom. Organized by school divisions, each page offers a selection of virtual field trips that aim to a bring a holistic approach into the classroom. By virtually exploring elements of the real world, students will have the opportunity to bring the classroom learning to life. Using these resources available, students have the opportunity to navigate these different online programs and immerse themselves into a new world of learning.

Please click below to explore the different learning activities and recommendations for K-12 and post-secondary learners:


Boss, Suzie. (2008, June 12) Google Lit Trips: Bringing Travel Tales to Life. Edutopia. Retrieved from

Pierantozzi, Mary Jo. Beyond the Classroom Walls: Virtual Field Trips. (2008) i-manager's Journal of School Educational Technology, 3 (3). 1-4.

Platoni, Kara. (2008, October 29) Internet Explorers: Virtual Field Trips Are More Than Just Money Savers. Edutopia. Retrieved from

Platonia, Kara. (2008, October 29) How to Make the Most of Virtual Field Trips. Edutopia. Retrieved from