Abstract Submission

In these very difficult times for everyone, we believe it is of vital importance that the Category Theory community meet together in a conference, and we look forward to having many talks presented on site.

Submission for abstracts of talks through EasyChair is now open closed. The deadline for submitting an abstract is was 15 May 2021.

People willing to offer a contributed talk at the conference can could send their abstract via the CT20->21 submission page.

The difficult conditions in which we plan to have the conference may result in a more restricted programme than has often been the case in the past, and so the Scientific Committee may have to be more selective than usual. For this reason, we advise prospective speakers to include enough detail in their abstract that the Scientific Committee can make an informed judgement, up to the page limit of 2 pages including the references, with font size of at least 11pt.

Please compile your abstract using the LaTex template provided below.
