Programme & Speakers

Book of Abstracts here

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Keynote Invited Speakers

Underlined titles link to slides / notes of the author

Confirmed Plenary Presentations

Underlined titles link to slides / notes of the author

Confirmed Short Video Presentations

  • Sergei Burkin - Twisted arrow categories, operads and Segal conditions

  • Pablo Bustillo Vazquez - Colimits in bicategories, fibrations, fractions and filteredness

  • El Mehdi Cherradi - Every model category induces a derivator valued in double categories

  • Tslil Clingman - Representation presentation: to present a representative, 2-representative theorem

  • Redi Haderi - A simplicial category for higher correspondences

  • Amar Hadzihasanovic - Diagrammatic sets and the smash product of monoidal theories

  • Nick Hu - Formal category theory with Profunctor string diagrams

  • Seerp R. Koudenburg - Yoneda embeddings in augmented virtual double categories

  • Michael Lambert - Discrete Double Fibrations

  • Daniel Luckhardt - Norms on categories

  • Adrian Miranda - Decalage Comonads and Their Restrictions

  • Sean Moss - Sequentiality and recursion in categories of sheaves

  • Ming Ng - Adelic geometry via Topos Theory

  • Orendain - Length of framed bicategories

  • Jason Parker - Presentations and Algebraic Colimits of Enriched Monads

  • Nima Rasekh - Fibrations of (oo,n)-Categories

  • Paolo Saracco - Globalization for Geometric Partial Comodules

  • Carlos Segovia - The classifying space of the 1+1 dimensional free G-cobordism category

  • José V. Paiva Miranda de Siqueira - Tripos models of internal set theory

  • Raffael Stenzel - -Categorical Comprehension Schemes

  • Jonathan Sterling - Normalization for Cubical Type Theory

  • Anna Laura Suarez - Frith frames as pointfree Pervin spaces

  • Andrew W. Swan - Some Remarks on Locally Representable Algebraic Weak Factorisation Systems

  • Martin Szyld - Lifting PIE limits with strict projections

  • Davide Trotta - Generalized existential completions, regular and exact completions

  • William J. Zuluaga Botero - Coextensive varieties via Central Elements